
Gustav's Birthday Card Action

Since it is not only the twins birthday in September, We are planning to create a birthday book for Gustav’s birthday.
The idea is to create one page per country.

All fans who want to be named in the book, send us an email with your first, last name and country .

That is all the info we need. Also we need 1 volunteer per country to send us a birthdaycard in their native language. so swedisch from sweden, french from France and so on..

To participate send your email to Gustav22bday@gmail.com

Remember, we only need your first name, last name and country. In the subject line please write: Gustav’s Birthday.

To volunteer to send us the birthdaycard from your country, email us with Volunteer in the subject line.

Closing date for this action will be august 10. (we will need time to create the book and add all your names to your countries page! )

We hope lots of fans from around the world will join us in making this a great gift for Gustav.




Yay this is nice ;p I'm participating too...

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