

ROCK THE VOTE!!!! We can do it!!

Voting Phase:

From 17 September 2013 until 8 November 2013, each point earned by users on Fan Teams is equivalent to one vote for that artist for the Biggest Fans award.

Earning Points:

In both the nomination and voting phases, users earn points by logging into the Website, the Mobile Site or the Mobile app and doing any or all of the following actions: reading an article, watching a video, viewing a photo gallery, liking/following MTV EMA on Facebook/Twitter, sharing a link on Facebook/Twitter, and (as of 30 August) referring a user to a Fan Team page. In the voting phase, users can also earn points by casting votes in all other MTV EMA categories, sentiment tagging, taking polls, and liking/following an EMA-nominated artist.

If a user's team is eliminated from competition during the nomination phase, no further points will accrue to that team from that moment onward, but a user may select a new Fan Team and start earning points for that artist. Users may change Fan Teams at any time, regardless of whether their original artist's Fan Team is still in contention, but previously earned points will not carry over to their new Fan Team.

In the voting phase, after a user reaches 425 points, he/she becomes a Level 2 user and each point-earning action counts for 2 points (= 2 votes). After a user reaches 775 points, he/she becomes a Level 3 user and each point-earning action counts for 3 points (= 3 votes). If a user changes Fan Teams, he/she will remain at the same level.


Tokio Hotel's Facebook Cover Update

♡ Happy Birthday Gustav! ♡

  Happy Birthday Gustav!
Happy Birthday to our favourite drummer! We wish you all the best ! We hope you keep following your dreams ♡ Thank you for existing.
We hope you have a blast today *!  We love you so much! Happy Birthday Gustav~~!


MTV JAPAN Facebook Update

9/1 今日は何の日|トキオ・ホテルのカウリッツ兄弟の誕生日

1989年の今日、東ドイツ(当時)のライプツィヒで一卵性双生児のカウリッツ兄弟が誕生した(トムが兄、ビルが弟)。2人は幼い頃から音楽活動を始め、2001年、12歳でG・リスティングやG・シェイファーとバンドを結成。05年に“トキオ・ホテル”と改名し、シングル「Durch Den Monsun」でメジャーデビュー。本国ドイツのチャートでNo.1を獲得した。バンド名の“トキオ”は彼らの日本への興味を表しており、震災後にはチャリティバッジを販売するなど
Today 9/1, It's the Birthday of the Kaulitz Twins from Tokio Hotel
I n 1989, a day like today, twins Bill and Tom were born in Leipzig, East Germany. They began there musical career so soon. In 2001 they created a band along with Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing, when they were 12. In 2005 they changed their name to "Tokio Hotel", realising their first single called "Durch Den monsun". They got the top on the charts in their homeland, Germany.

They also supported actively and showed their interest on Japan because of their band name "Tokio" and they sell charity pins after the earthquake disaster. 
Translation by Tokio Hotel Aliens Spain

Tokio Hotel Facebook Update

Designers Against Aids - Tom & Bill Kaulitz Of Tokio Hotel Turn 24

Tom & Bill Kaulitz Of Tokio Hotel Turn 24
Today is an important day for Aliens (the name for Tokio Hotel fans) all around the world, as twin brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz of popular band Tokio Hotel turn 24 years old. After taking some time out and moving to Los Angeles, the twins have been hard at work in the studio working on their new album -that will come out later this year- with the other band members Georg Listing and Gustav Schâfer. As many DAA supporters know, Tokio Hotel has played an important role in raising awareness about HIV/AIDs and safe sex among their fans during and after they participated to the second edition of Fashion against AIDS with H&M (the photo you see here is from that campaign) and we hope to work with them again very soon. Happy birthday boys -and thanks to all Aliens for their continuing support of our work!