さて、大変お待たせしました☆ TOKIO HOTELのインタビューの続きです!!!
その時のtourの様子から、「Dogs Unleashed」♬
こちらはそのtourのLIVE DVDの一部から「Love & Death」♬
――では、ある意味Billは、David Bowieが一時期”Ziggy Stardust“を演じていたみたいに(*1972年に発表された5作目のアルバムで、David Bowie自らが異星からやってきた架空のスーパースター”ジギー・スターダスト”となり、スターとしての成功から没落までを描いた、ロック史上に残る傑作)、違う人格となってステージ上で歌っているの?
Tom「みんなBillにショックを受けるけど、昔のDavid Bowieの写真とか見るとたいしたことない!って思うよ」
――確かにそうですよね。David Bowieはとにかくロック界にもファッション界にもアート界にもセンセーショナルを巻き起こしたわけだけど、かといってBillは”Ziggy Stardust“を意識したわけじゃなかったというわけで。
Tom「(割り込んできて)過去の、たとえば80年代には個性のある バンドやアーティストが多かったけど、今の音楽業界は一発屋的な感じで曲や話題を作っていて、きちんとコンセプトを作ったり、ステージングやコスチューム といったいろんなことを多角的に考えながらやってるグループってなかなかいないと思う。(売るために)作られたグループが多いと思うんだ」
――では、LADY GAGAについてはどう思う?
Bill「彼女のことは好きだよ!彼女はすごくすべてのことにお いてストレートで、彼女にとっていつも何かクレイジーなことをやる続けるのは自然なことに見えるよ。彼女は自分が欲しいものがよく分かっているし、何がし たいのか、ヴィジョンもはっきりしていてとても尊敬しているよ。彼女はリスクを恐れないし、人がどう思うかなんて考えてないんだ。ステージに立ってやりた いことをやるだけなんだ。彼女のそんなところが好きだな」
――じゃぁ、Adam Lambertのことは知ってる?
Bill「ああ、彼のことは知ってるよ。だって、彼はいろんなところで僕のことを喋っているからね(*AdamがTOKIO HOTELのファンだと公言している)。でも彼には1度も会ったことは無いから、彼については僕からは何も言えないよ。でも彼の曲はラジオで聴いたことならあるよ。あとは写真で彼を見たことはあるし、いろんな人が僕に話したからね。でも会ったことはないんだ」
Google Translation:
Well, ☆ Here comes with a continuation of the interview TOKIO HOTEL!
- Bill on the costumes, I ask if there is a concept or idea?
Bill "I did the last tour, SF I'm very influenced by. Dsquared2 (DSQUARED) designer, Dean and I talked well with Dan, because identical twins among us as one they also I very much share the same wavelength. like a different space to make their own, like the image to the stage of planet Earth and not elsewhere, as I made it fit it and all of the LED or used clothing "
The state of the tour at the time, "Dogs Unleashed" ♬
This is part of the tour from the LIVE DVD "Love & Death" ♬
- In a sense, the Bill, David Bowie period is "Ziggy Stardust" was acting like a (* In his fifth album was released in 1972, David Bowie came from a fictional super aliens themselves Star "Ziggy Stardust", and drew from the success of a star until the fall, the masterpieces in rock history), and singing on stage with a different personality?
Bill "(coyly) something more to him than his (halfway) I see gray. Besides, something seen in the photos, people are crazy makeup and costumes in the 1980s, like elsewhere Warped Derujan flying around I think came from a star called "
Tom "shocked everyone but Bill, the old David Bowie not looking at the pictures of a big deal! I thought of"
Bill "That kind of started doing that, it means I'm not the first. You can make a man but of wearing high heels and they say it? That I'm doing something long before I was born"
During the first visit Shoukesuraivu costumes made memorable in Tokyo in December last year!
- That's right indeed. Bowie David has not caused a sensation but also the art world fashions as well just lock field, what Bill is saying "Ziggy Stardust" So not always conscious.
Bill "I did not. I learned that it is because after a long time. I have started to make the Halloween party was a chance" (Gus will give a little chuckle and Geo)
Tom "(Have interrupts) in the past, the 1980s, for example, but many bands and artists have personalities, the music industry right now they make the subject songs and feel of one-hit wonder, made a concept well and I think I have never known of a group thinking about doing various things from various perspectives, such as staging and costumes. (to sell) I made so many groups "
- So, LADY GAGA What do you think about?
Bill "that I love her! She was very straight in all things, keep doing crazy things for her, always something I look normal. She understood what they want To that, I want to do, I'm really respect they is clear vision. She afraid of risk, I do not imagine what he thought of life. really just do what you want on stage it. A place like that I like her "
- JAA, Adam Lambert you know that?
Bill "Oh, that he'll know. I mean, he Because we are talking that I'm in many places (* Adam is TOKIO HOTEL has declared that fan.) He can not meet even once From octopus and no, I'll say about him from anything. But I have his songs heard on the radio then. Then he saw a picture that has some people in various me I'll talk. But I have not met "
Excuse me, but by this time will be the last round of interviews, it was a little long, split into two.
Even when I heard the story before the producers, who have never met on their own says nothing really felt like a wise Bill :-)
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