ハロー! ハロー! ゴージャスでグラマラスな新しいスターダスト、ストレートでパワフルな新しいロックスター。遥か彼方のトキオを夢想してヨーロッパを制した超新星が、いよいよ本格的に日本上陸を果たしたぞ!!


Hello! Hello! New Stardust glamorous gorgeous, straight and powerful new rock star. Europe took the supernovae with a Tokio far away dream, I played a Japanese landing in earnest at last!!
Our beautiful foreigner

2008 LA That was the year it was held at the VMA. Nominations for the prestigious Best Newcomer Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus, heroine and includes three major limelight, it was expected to be awarded one of them. However, the. Read aloud the name of the presenter - At that moment, seemed to spread quickly in the air sort of puzzle site. 4 members appeared on stage when it comes to talking to an English accent a little frontman is standing opposite in like a lion's hair black, edged with deep black with eyeliner eyes Woman Front chance? Or rather, Who these people?
Tokio Hotel If you want months ago was their first album had just been released from the US, but there was no such reaction is also impossible, situation was different in other countries. The country from Germany in 2005 to debut number one single to shine three songs in a row, even though you were singing in German, became popular across Europe in an instant and enthusiastic. Vandalism and roll music charts around the awards, was beginning to build a fan base in Latin America and Asia, also gradually. Later albums to date / Single / DVD sales they knocked out in the aggregate more than 700 million copies, as the former German Vaniri mm (!) Will be played to break the world since 20 years. In addition, four people are neither home in Berlin Dusseldorf, a small rural town in the former East Germany Magdeburg.麗Shiki front man Bill Kaulitz decided to pursue a career in music at the age of 10, he says, "except when he sleeps is always acting together," identical twin brother Tom (guitar) together, young seems to have been aware of since I was an outsider.
"Old I'm scheme was called. My friends and less, both of us always hanging out, I felt as if their floating. Out of the city as soon as possible to say, I thought you'd want to play music. We went to the rehearsal space as soon as classes end, the night was playing in small clubs in the eyes of other people will be reflected in the strange It. "
Soon the two listings of the same age as George had learned in school music (bass) and Gustav Schafer (drums) met and formed a Tokio Hotel. Immediately when it was still mid-10, the first album Schrei] which is a big hit. "What the success of us why in my opinion, there are many audition shows TV era produced bands in, emerged from nowhere a band formed in nature, like us, reflected in the fresh It might be tan "to analyze the building that Tom will continue as follows.
"For success in overseas, however, I think the gift of tireless hard work. We repeatedly visited the various countries spared no efforts in doing a lot live.'m Also blessed with luck of course But I will. "

Just in case ... 4 people I'm aligned Tokio Hotel!
Rockstar vocation
In addition to this, that contributed to their popularity would say the looks. In particular, if the first stage in building a growing presence in the bewitching every year, the birth of a star as much as possible to clear him. Began to experiment with clothes and hair and makeup is so that when I was a child, in recent years has been remarkable hot as the icon for the new generation from the fashion world, himself, "the school had a bitter experience in the present like an alien From these I'm really happy to work 就Ke "and recognize that their vocation is a rock star.
"But now I'll be free. And can express themselves through fashion and music, like, for me I'm all tied together. To think someday to have the own brand."
The obvious, PV attention, but they have also expressed grave People who like visuals and stage productions, more than anything else interesting, was devoted to the big rock ending necessarily match the golden pop age 00 that it is. Tom is also deeply literate hip-hop, metal child of Gustav, Georg-free hero of Allegiance and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, David Bowie and Bill love the crazy '80s New Wave as well ... and four while they rose only tastes wonderful, everyone "no complaints" to match the high road like a rock band Aerosmith. I still honestly absorbs the trend since the late 1990s, such as pop punk and nu-metal, melodic anthems and sang the theme of universal alienation and oppositional consciousness that is shared by young people, splendid performances have turned out in force to play one after another. Thus, looking only beat a dead horse but the influence of krautrock in there, for example. In the sound is no nationality in a good way, "the German part of our music is not" Bill and pronounce.
"I think as a person I really like a decent person in Germany. Tom and I, especially because the German people in Virgo, a perfectionist I were both on the synergy (laughs)."
Was produced in two versions in English and German, and his third album to date in [overseas] Humanoid (2009), the line shift incorporates elements of electronic danceable. As all human beings, but rather the change came naturally grows as a musician also reflects a change in the sound preferences miscellaneous members of the Japanese debut and the best selection content [Darkside Of The Sun can be traced to clear].
"This is a special album packed with our favorite songs, I finished in something like that trace the history of the band. When the song was made early so young, modern music changes compared with I think the size of the laugh, I want to listen first slowly over time "(Bill).
Incidentally, the Japanese are anxious about the band name (the German spelling Tokyo) is a distant foreign cities "beyond the reach of their own and do not know the goal can be reached "I considered it a symbol of the named. "Frankly, it was named when I did not think deeply," a wry smile, but Bill, the first visit to Tokyo last December, four had been honestly excited to announce the album in Japan and Iyo Iyo people. Tokio Hotel, so to speak, the long-awaited homecoming.
あれは2008年にLAで開催されたVMAでのこと。栄えある最優秀新人賞のノミネートにはテイラー・ス ウィフト、ケイティ・ペリー、マイリー・サイラスと、いまをときめく3大女傑が含まれており、そのいずれかが受賞するものと思われていた。ところが、であ る。プレゼンターが読み上げた名前は〈トキオ・ホテル〉——その瞬間、困惑めいた空気が会場にさっと広がったように見えた。ステージに現れた4人のメン バーはといえば、少々訛りのある英語を話し、フロントマンは漆黒の髪をライオンのごとく逆立てて、目をアイライナーで黒々と縁取り、もしやフロントウーマ ン? っていうか、この人たち誰??
思えばトキオ・ホテルはその4か月前に初めてアルバムをUSリリースしたばかりだったから、そんな反応も 無理なかったのだが、他の国々では事情が違った。2005年にデビューしてから本国ドイツでは3曲連続でシングルが1位に輝き、ドイツ語で歌っていたにも かかわらず、瞬く間にヨーロッパ全域で熱狂的人気を獲得。各国のチャートと音楽賞を荒らしまくり、中南米やアジアにもじわじわファン層を築きつつあった。 その後現在までにアルバム/シングル/DVD総計で700万枚以上のセールスを叩き出した彼らは、ドイツ出身としてはミリ・ヴァニリ(!)以来20年ぶり に世界的ブレイクを果たしたことになる。しかも、4人の故郷はベルリンでもデュッセルドルフでもなく、旧東ドイツの小さな田舎町マグデブルク。10歳にし て音楽の道に進むことを決心した麗しきフロントマンのビル・カウリッツは、彼いわく「寝る時以外は常にいっしょに行動している」一卵性双生児の弟トム(ギ ター)共々、幼い頃からアウトサイダー意識を抱いていたそうだ。
「昔から〈僕とトム対ほかのみんな〉っていう図式があったんだよね。友達は少なかったし、いつもふたりで つるんで、自分たちが浮いているように感じていた。できるだけ早く都会に出ていって、音楽をプレイしたいと思ってたよ。僕らは授業が終わるとすぐにリハー サル・スペースに行って、夜は小さなクラブで演奏していたから、他の人たちの目には奇妙に映っただろうね」。
間もなくふたりは、音楽学校で学んでいた同世代のゲオルグ・リスティング(ベース)とグスタフ・シェイ ファー(ドラムス)に出会い、トキオ・ホテルを結成。まだ10代半ばだった時に早速、ファースト・アルバム『Schrei』を大ヒットさせるのである。 「なぜ僕らが成功したかって? 僕が思うに、オーディション番組がたくさんあってTVの中でバンドが作り出される時代に、僕らみたいに自然に形成されたバ ンドがどこからともなく出現して、新鮮に映ったんじゃないかな」というビルの分析に、トムは次のように続ける。
これに加えて、彼らのルックスが人気に寄与していることは言うまでもないだろう。特に、年々妖艶さを増し ているビルの存在感をステージで目にすれば、彼がスターになるべくして生まれたことは明白。ヘアメイクや服装で実験しはじめたのは小学生の頃だそうで、最 近ではファッション界からも新世代のアイコンとして熱い注目を浴びており、本人も「学校では宇宙人みたいな存在で辛い思いをしたから、こういう仕事に就け て本当に嬉しいよ」と、ロックスターが自分の天職であることを認める。
となれば当然、PVやステージ・プロダクションといったヴィジュアル表現にもひと方ならぬこだわりを持っ ている彼らだが、何よりも興味深いのは、ポップ全盛の00年代にあくまでもロックに徹してここまでビッグになったという点だ。トムはヒップホップにも造詣 が深く、グスタフは大のメタルっ子、ゲオルグはレッチリのフリーをヒーローと仰ぎ、デヴィッド・ボウイを愛するビルは80年代ニューウェイヴ系にも夢 中……と、4人の嗜好は見事にバラけていながら、全員が「文句なし」と一致するのは、エアロスミスのような王道のロック・バンド。それでもって、ポップ・ パンクやニューメタルなど90年代末以降のトレンドを素直に吸収し、若者が共有する疎外感や反抗意識などの普遍的な題材を歌ったメロディックなアンセム を、天晴れな演奏力でプレイして次々に送り出してきた。従って、例えばそこにクラウト・ロックの影響を探しても無駄骨を折るだけ。サウンド的にはいい意味 で無国籍で、「僕らの音楽にドイツ的な部分はない」とビルは言い切る。
そして英語とドイツ語の2ヴァージョンで制作された、海外でのサード・アルバムにして最新作 『Humanoid』(2009年)では、エレクトロニックな要素を採り入れてダンサブルな路線にシフト。すべては人間として、またミュージシャンとして の成長に伴って自然に訪れた変化だというが、メンバーの雑多な嗜好を映した音の変遷は、ベスト・セレクション的な内容の日本デビュー作『Darkside Of The Sun』でクリアになぞることができる。
ちなみに、日本人には気になるバンド名(ドイツ語では東京を〈Tokio〉と綴る)は、遠く離れた異国の 大都市を「自分たちの手の届かない場所、かつ、到達できるかわからないゴール」の象徴とみなして命名したそうだ。「正直言って命名した時は深く考えてな かったけどね」とビルは苦笑するものの、昨年12月に初めてその東京を訪れ、いよいよ日本でアルバムを発表できるとあって素直に興奮していた4人。トキ オ・ホテル、言わば、満を持してのホームカミングである。
Google Trans:
Hello! Hello! New Stardust glamorous gorgeous, straight and powerful new rock star. Europe took the supernovae with a Tokio far away dream, I played a Japanese landing in earnest at last!!
Our beautiful foreigner
2008 LA That was the year it was held at the VMA. Nominations for the prestigious Best Newcomer Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus, heroine and includes three major limelight, it was expected to be awarded one of them. However, the. Read aloud the name of the presenter
Tokio Hotel If you want months ago was their first album had just been released from the US, but there was no such reaction is also impossible, situation was different in other countries. The country from Germany in 2005 to debut number one single to shine three songs in a row, even though you were singing in German, became popular across Europe in an instant and enthusiastic. Vandalism and roll music charts around the awards, was beginning to build a fan base in Latin America and Asia, also gradually. Later albums to date / Single / DVD sales they knocked out in the aggregate more than 700 million copies, as the former German Vaniri mm (!) Will be played to break the world since 20 years. In addition, four people are neither home in Berlin Dusseldorf, a small rural town in the former East Germany Magdeburg.麗Shiki front man Bill Kaulitz decided to pursue a career in music at the age of 10, he says, "except when he sleeps is always acting together," identical twin brother Tom (guitar) together, young seems to have been aware of since I was an outsider.
Soon the two listings of the same age as George had learned in school music (bass) and Gustav Schafer (drums) met and formed a Tokio Hotel. Immediately when it was still mid-10, the first album Schrei] which is a big hit. "What the success of us why in my opinion, there are many audition shows TV era produced bands in, emerged from nowhere a band formed in nature, like us, reflected in the fresh It might be tan "to analyze the building that Tom will continue as follows.
"For success in overseas, however, I think the gift of tireless hard work. We repeatedly visited the various countries spared no efforts in doing a lot live.'m Also blessed with luck of course But I will. "
Just in case ... 4 people I'm aligned Tokio Hotel!
Rockstar vocation
In addition to this, that contributed to their popularity would say the looks. In particular, if the first stage in building a growing presence in the bewitching every year, the birth of a star as much as possible to clear him. Began to experiment with clothes and hair and makeup is so that when I was a child, in recent years has been remarkable hot as the icon for the new generation from the fashion world, himself, "the school had a bitter experience in the present like an alien From these I'm really happy to work 就Ke "and recognize that their vocation is a rock star.
"But now I'll be free. And can express themselves through fashion and music, like, for me I'm all tied together. To think someday to have the own brand."
The obvious, PV attention, but they have also expressed grave People who like visuals and stage productions, more than anything else interesting, was devoted to the big rock ending necessarily match the golden pop age 00 that it is. Tom is also deeply literate hip-hop, metal child of Gustav, Georg-free hero of Allegiance and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, David Bowie and Bill love the crazy '80s New Wave as well ... and four while they rose only tastes wonderful, everyone "no complaints" to match the high road like a rock band Aerosmith. I still honestly absorbs the trend since the late 1990s, such as pop punk and nu-metal, melodic anthems and sang the theme of universal alienation and oppositional consciousness that is shared by young people, splendid performances have turned out in force to play one after another. Thus, looking only beat a dead horse but the influence of krautrock in there, for example. In the sound is no nationality in a good way, "the German part of our music is not" Bill and pronounce.
"I think as a person I really like a decent person in Germany. Tom and I, especially because the German people in Virgo, a perfectionist I were both on the synergy (laughs)."
Was produced in two versions in English and German, and his third album to date in [overseas] Humanoid (2009), the line shift incorporates elements of electronic danceable. As all human beings, but rather the change came naturally grows as a musician also reflects a change in the sound preferences miscellaneous members of the Japanese debut and the best selection content [Darkside Of The Sun can be traced to clear].
"This is a special album packed with our favorite songs, I finished in something like that trace the history of the band. When the song was made early so young, modern music changes compared with I think the size of the laugh, I want to listen first slowly over time "(Bill).
Incidentally, the Japanese are anxious about the band name (the German spelling
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