Tom「基本的にドラムとベースギターというリズムセクションに、ギターが加わって、Billがすべてを歌うというのは最初から変わっていない。Billの声自体は昔からはずいぶんと変わったけど、面影はあるし、Devilishの頃から『Humanoid』 まで全体を見ても筋が通ってると思うよ」
*DevilishはTOKIO HOTEL になる前のバンド名
――リズム隊の2人にもTOKIO HOTELらしいサウンドについて聞きたいのですが。
Gus「TOKIO HOTELっぽいのは、リズムセクション(笑)」
Geo「その質問に答えるのはむずかしいな。僕自身がTOKIO HOTELだから」
Tom「(割り込んできて)僕らの場合、運がいいんだよ。スタジオに 入って音楽を作っている時というのは、心で感じることを形にしようとしているわけで、考えてやってるわけじゃないんだ。それができているのはラッキーなん だと思う。だって良い音楽ができてるんだから!もし運がなかったら、クズみたいな曲しかできないだろ(笑)」
Bill「(真剣な表情で)場合によっては、リスナーが気に入ら ない作品になるかもしれない。でも一番重要なのは、”僕らが好きな曲だ”ってことなんだ。だってこれは僕らの曲であり、僕らの音楽だから。ファンのために レコードを作るんじゃなくて、まずは自分達のために作る。もしそれをファンも好きになってくれたら、それはラッキーなことなんだ。みんなも好きになってく れて、一緒にシェアしてくれることを心では願いつつも、時にはそうならないことだってある。そうだとしてもファンに気に入られるため、成功のために身を売 るようなことはせず、まずは自分が好きなことをするというのが大切なのさ」
――スゴイ!!!、精神的にも揺るがない軸がありますよね。TOKIO HOTELは世界的にビッグになっているんですけど、今後誰かと共演したいとかこの人にプロデュースしてほしいといった希望はありますか?
Bill「いつも夢に描いてるのはAerosmithだよ。なかでも(ヴォーカルの)Steven Tyler。先のことはわからないけど、いろんな人と会って、ぜひ一緒にやってみたいよ。 今はまだ言えないけど、近々実現するプロジェクトもあるんだよ」
――ファンから質問をもらっているのですが、日本のファンにはシングル曲にもなった「Don’t Jump」が好きなファンが多いんですけど、今後日本で演奏することはありますか?
Bill「そうなの?(嬉しそうに)もちろんだよ!! だって・・・」
Google Trans:
- Getting four people to the band since the age of 14, some portion of the electro 取入Reru and evolving, but I think some parts of the axis has not changed at all, in their own I think that most bands exist as the axis of what?
Tom "the rhythm section of drums and bass guitar basically, joined by guitar, Bill's singing in everything from the beginning has not changed. Bill's voice itself has changed quite a bit old but, face is and, Devilish since I was [I think] I Humanoid makes sense to look to the whole "
* Devilish is the band name before TOKIO HOTEL
Gustav is always somewhat fuzzy (left), ☆ cool Georg
- Even if two people want to hear rhythm TOKIO HOTEL I guess about the sound.
Gus "TOKIO HOTEL's like the rhythm section (laughs)"
Geo "Hana Sono difficult question to answer. TOKIO HOTEL so that my own"
Tom "(Have interrupting) If we, I'm lucky. That when you are making music into the studio, not trying to shape a life in mind, why are you doing thinking Well I do not.'s made up I think it is lucky. from because I'm made good music! If it were not for luck, is not only capable of tracks like crap (laughs) "
Bill "(serious face) In some cases, listeners might not like the work. But most importantly," It's our favorite song "I'm you. Because this is our song , because our music. You do not make a record for the fans, make for themselves first. me to love the fans that if it'm really lucky. me to love everyone to, in my heart they will have to share together well wishing, at times there may even be right. To win favor with fans even so, things like selling themselves for success do not like yourself first The important thing is that the "
- Awesome!, I think you are too psychologically shaken axis. HOTEL TOKIO, though I have become a big world, and I want to produce like this guy want to play with someone like you do now?
Bill "always dreamed of I'm Aerosmith. In particular (the vocals) Steven Tyler. You never know though, met with various people, I want to do with experience. Now I still say, I've got to realize projects in the near future "
- The producers who want to do with someone there?
Bill "just as well that it actually met, and I do not know what do you want to make sure you have the same vision. No matter how" cool guy. Want to do something together, "even though I think, that I'll have met a different image. What is important is that with wavelengths"
- I have got a question from the fans, Japanese fans were also the singles "Don't Jump" has many fans I'd like to be playing in Japan now available?
Bill "Really? (Happily) Of course!! Because"
Tom "(come on suddenly interrupting) I'm actually really like that song!"
Bill "(interrupt return) to us from the many good songs, but I'm hard to decide the set list every time !!!!"
Tom "(interrupts again) to have too many good songs, the concert never enough I'll laugh for two hours !!!!!"( two super Everyone Talk)
Bill "(be sure the big voice) I'll re-arrange the tour the old songs, called Some say I'm !!!!!!"
Get along really well and polite, TOKIO HOTEL ♬ 4 people
I think I spoke with calm and good will suddenly naughty Bill, too Okashi:
And identical twins and there, Tom actually was naughty!?
While also heard around the next time finally be the last ~ 8-)
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