
All Stars Magazine #16/368 [Russia 2013]

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Translation by Marixyana Kaulitz

Tokio Hotel fans are not worried for a long time of the failure at "MMM" Because They won on "MTV O Music Awards" - an award in the field of music and technology.
Aliens won for the fourth time in the category "Fan Army FTW."
Ceremony held in June (before That on the official website of the OMA During the month passed the voting).

Show Lasted 24 hours there were over 50 artists!
OMA has been held for the fourth time since 2011 (in 2011 there were two ceremonies) - and four times the leaders in the category "Best Fan Army" were Aliens.
This time They went around Such powerful rivals as "Glamberts" Adam Lambert, "Beliebers" Justin Bieber, "Echelon" 30 Seconds to Mars and "Sheerios" Ed Sheeran, who not so long time ago to be hindered Tokio Hotel the first on "MMM ".

Bill and Tom recorded a video message to fans, In Which They expresaron Their gratitude for the support and promised "necessarily release anything This Year," meaning of course, new music!
Add That in the "Best Interactive Music Video" was won by Linkin Park with music video "Lost in the Echo" and "Best Instagram Artist" was Joe Jonas


BTK Update [Bill: Dreamy Sundays]

Bill: Dreamy Sundays

Tokio Hotel Facebook Update

Los 40 - Do you remember the Kaulitz twins & Co? We do!"

Sin título-8
 It was in 2007 when a very young band was making a lot of noise in its native Germany and became the overnight in an international pop phenomenon. They were called Tokio Hotel, and their master combination of guitar and catchy hymns with their attractive look of Japanese comic characters turned crazy to millions of children and teens throughout the world including our country, which had a huge legion of fans who queued for hours to access their concerts and sang the choruses of Monsoon or Scream.

However, their last album so far, Humanoid, did not reach the stratospheric heights of success that were expected, and after their presentation tour, which brought them to Spain, there are no signs of activity and ended up falling into oblivion. Many wondered if the band has broken up, but Bill Kaulitz recently cleared these doubts by announcing that they plan to release a new album this year, of which details are not known yet. But ... what do they have dedicated all this time?

Well they have not exactly been quiet. After spending a season performing in Japan, where they had a large acceptance, each band member was dedicated to his own projects. Bill Kaulitz, the lead singer, left temporarily the music and used his physical attractiveness to start a new career as a model, but also in the studio of Far East Movement to collaborate on their single If I die tomorrow. His brother Tom, meanwhile, introduced himself into the world of sportswear, advertising and designing shoes for Reebok, and earlier this year he joined his brother in the talent show Deutschland sucht den Superstar, where both were judges. In late 2011, the twins launched a smartphone app under the name BTK Twins, through which they share pictures and videos with their fans as they tell their activities. And the rhythmic base of the band, Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer, has transpired just a little bit over the years, but as you can see in this recent video, they are still part of the band. What do you think? Will 2013 a successful year for Tokio Hotel, or the best time of the band has already passed?
Translation by Tokio Hotel Aliens Spain 


Zeitjunge.de - Deutsche Bands im Ausland

Deutsche Bands im Ausland
Das musikalische Tor zur Welt?  30 Jahre „99 Luftballons“ und kein Gramm cooler? Wie Ausländer die deutsche Musikszene sehen. 

FazitDoch wie vermeidet man Massentourismus und fällt einfach so international auf? Mit dem gewissen Etwas? Das hatte für lange Zeit Tokio Hotel, allen voran Bandleader Bill. So mutierte er zur Modemuse, inklusive Lagerfeld-Fotoshoot und ein 2010er Catwalkjob für Dsquared². 2005 kämpften sich Bill, Tom, Gustav und Georg durch den Monsun und wenig später waren Teenies weltweit von der jugendlichen Sehnsucht fasziniert, die die Jungs in ihren Texten präzisierten, sodass sie die Deutschkurse ihrer Umgebung stürmten.

Als das Album „Schrei“ als „Scream“ erneut auf den Markt geworfen wurde, landete es auf Platz 39 in den amerikanischen Billboard Charts, in Kanada gar Platz 6. Das Original „Schrei“ erreichte gar in Frankreich Gold. Schließlich erschien 2009 das dritte Album „Humanoid“ in zwei Sprachen gleichzeitig – eine Hürde für Sänger Bill, wie er MTV verriet: „Für mich ist es hart, auf Englisch zu singen, da es nicht meine Muttersprache ist. Ich möchte wirklich, dass es sich natürlich anhört.“ Doch da es Preise des Musiksenders aus Italien, Lateinamerika und Frankreich regnete und sie auch einen MTV Video Award ihr eigen nennen können, hat sich die Arbeit gelohnt.

„Humanoid“ fiel dennoch nach der zweiten Woche auf Platz 25 der deutschen Charts. Der Erfolg der Jungs im eigenen Land ließ nach. Als sich Bill und Tom nach Los Angeles zurückzogen, lag das allerdings nicht an ihren Plänen, den amerikanischen Musikmarkt stärker in Griff zu haben. In der Morgenpost äußerte Bill sich über massives Stalking, es sei damals „ein 24-Stunden-Psychoterror“ gewesen.
 Translation by  Tokio Hotel World Fans

                                                           German bands abroad
The musical gateway to the world? 30 years "99 Red Balloons" and not an ounce of cool? How foreigners see the German music scene."

But, How to avoid mass tourism and falls just like internationally? With a twist? Which had for a long time Tokio Hotel, especially bandleader, Bill. He mutated into a fashion muse, including photoshoot by Lagerfeld and a Catwalk job for Dsquared ² in 2010. In 2005, Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg fought by the monsoon and a little later the teens from all over the world were fascinated by the adolescent yearning, which clarified the boys in their texts, so they stormed the German courses around them.

When the album "Schrei" was translated, becoming "Scream", and was launched on the market, arrived at the 39th position in the American Billboard and sixth place in Canada. The original "Schrei" even reached gold in France. Finally, in 2009 they released their third album, "Humanoid" in two languages at the same time - an obstacle for the singer Bill, as he told MTV: "For me it's hard to sing in English, because it is not my native language. I really want to sound natural." Then it rained awards from music broadcasts from Italy, France and Latin America and can also boast an MTV Video Music Award; their work has paid off.

"Humanoid", however, after the second week it fell to number 25 in the German charts. The success of the boys in their own country decreased. When Bill and Tom moved to Los Angeles, it was certainly not because of their plans to have more grip on the American music market. Bill spoke to the newspaper Morgenpost, about a daily stalking, who at that time was a "a 24-hour psychological terror".


MTV EMA[Comment & Like]
FLASHBACK FRIDAY: At the 2007 EMAs, Tokio Hotel made it rain with their awesomeness. Literally.

Watch their performance: http://bit.ly/140Yd01

Tokio Hotel Twitter Update

Tokio Hotel Facebook Update


Tokio Hotel Facebook Update

Promiflash.de - Kopf rasiert! Hat Bill Kaulitz DAS wirklich getan?

Sind das etwa die Haare von Bill Kaulitz? 
 Kopf rasiert! Hat Bill Kaulitz DAS wirklich getan?
Hat er oder hat er nicht? Das ist die entscheidende Frage, die sich momentan alle Fans von Bill Kaulitz (23), seines Zeichens Frontman der Band Tokio Hotel und Jury-Mitglied bei DSDS, stellen.

Auf Twitter hat seine Band nämlich ein Foto gepostet, das einen Wust von Haarsträhnen zeigt, die wild in einem weißen Waschbecken liegen. Kommentiert wurde dazu: "Bill shaved his head... (zu Deutsch: 'Bill hat sich den Kopf rasiert')." Ist das nur ein übler Scherz seiner Bandkollegen, allen voran natürlich Zwillingsbruder Tom (23), oder hat Bill sich tatsächlich für eine neue Frisur entschieden? Verwunderlich wäre das nicht, immerhin ist er bekannt für seine zuweilen doch sehr eigenwilligen Kreationen an Kopf und Körper. Hinzu kommt noch, dass die Haare, die auf dem Bild zu sehen sind, nicht blond, sondern braun sind. Wir erinnern uns: Zwar ist Bill von Natur aus brünett, trug aber in der letzten Zeit eine helle Wallemähne. Eventuell ist die Farbe bereits rausgewachsen und wir sehen hier Bills Natürlich Haarfarbe?

Fakt ist aber, mit Sicherheit lässt sich nicht sagen, ob Bill aktuell eine Glatze trägt. Deshalb sind wir gespannt, wann wir den stilsicheren Sänger zu Gesicht bekommen.
Translation by  Connection Tokio Hotel
  Shaved head, Bill Kaulitz really did it?

Is it true or not? That is the key issue that is currently prowling all fans of Bill Kaulitz (23), the singer of the band Tokio Hotel and a member of the jury of DSDS.

On twitter the band released a photo showing a mixture of strands of hair on a white sink. Accompanied with the following comment: “Bill shaved his head …”. It’s just a joke of his bandmates, all, of course, made by his twin brother Tom (23), and Bill actually opted for a new haircut? It would not be surprising, after all, he is known for his peculiar changes of hairstyle and body. Add to that the hairs visible on the screen, there are blond, brown. Remember that Bill’s hair is naturally dark, but the last time you changed adopted a glossy mane. Maybe her hair grew back and now we see the natural color? 

But the fact is that, certainly, we can not say now if your head is shaved. So we look forward to returning to see the style of the singer.

BTK [Bill: The Smell Of Summer]

Bill: The Smell Of Summer

Tokio Hotel Facebook Update