Bill「選ぶのが難しいね。僕はジャンルを越えて大好きな映画がいっぱいあるんだ。David Bowieが出演してる映画で初めて見たのは『Labyrinth(ラビリンス/魔王の迷宮)』(1986年)だったんだけど、これは大好きな映画だよ」
Bill「ん~、たぶん6歳とかじゃないかな。大好きだからその後も繰り返し何度も何度も見たよ。あとは『Dangerous Liaisons(危険な関係)』(1988年)とかも好きだな。すごく昔の映画なんだけど。僕はホントに違った種類の映画をみるんだけど、SFの映画も大好きで、子供の頃は『E.T.』(1982年)が大好きだったし、昔のヴァンパイア映画も大好きなんだ!『The Fifth Element(フィフス・エレメント)』(1997年)も大好きだし、ラブストーリーも大好きだよ。例えば『The Notebook(きみに読む物語)』(2004年)とか。本当にスウィートな映画だよ。そう、僕はいろんなジャンルの映画が好きなんだ。ひとつのタイプに絞れないよ」
Billのお気に入りの映画『The Labyrinth』のトレイラー。
Bill’s favorite movie The Labyrinth trailer☆
Gus「俺のお気に入りのアルバムは『Darkside Of The Sun』で、お気に入りのDVDは『TOKIO HOTEL』だよ」(一同大爆笑)
Gustavのお気に入りのCDは『Darkside Of The Sun』!!!
This is Gustav’s favorite album♬
Geo「俳優で言ったら、Leonardo DiCaprioが好きだよ」(gustav,tom大爆笑)
Geo「俺はたくさんの音楽を聴くんだ。1日に1枚のアルバムだけを聴くってことはないよ。この前買ったのはMike Posnerだよ」
Georgが最近気に入っているMike Posnerの音楽はコチラをクリック♬
Georg’s favorite musician is Mike Posner recently☆
Tom「お気に入りの映画は『Training Day』(2001年)だよ。Denzel Washingtonが出てる映画さ。彼はカッコイイよ。あとは・・・」
Bill「(話に割り込んで)TomはDenzel Washingtonの映画なら何でも大好きなんだ。『Man On Fire(マイ・ボディガード)』(2004年)とか」
Tom「ああ!『Man On Fire』も大好きだよ。あと、Dakota Fanningも好きだな(*この映画で共演しているので、思い出したんだと思います)」
Bill「僕も好きだな!Dakota Fanningは若い頃からチャレンジャーだし、素晴らしい感性をもってるよ!」
Tomのお気に入りの映画『Training Day』のトレイラー。
Tom’s favorite movie Training Day trailer☆
Google Trans;
- But also very interesting story of the puzzle, Bill was influenced by movies and the world of making these available?
Bill "s hard to pick. I've got a lot of favorite movies across genres. David Bowie first saw the movie starring you, see the Labyrinth (Labyrinth) (1986) I had this movie I love "
- Seen at what age?
Bill "Hmm, is not that like 6 years old maybe. I saw him many times over and over again afterwards because I love. Rest [Dangerous Liaisons (Dangerous Liaisons)] (1988) are good too like. Past so I'm a movie. I I see a movie of different types really, SF loves the movies of childhood [ET (1982) and it was love, I love movies, vampires of old I! [The Fifth Element (Fifth Element) (1997) and I also love, I love the love story. For example [The Notebook (The Notebook) (2004) or. I'm really sweet movie . Yes, I'm like movies of various genres. 絞Renai I type one "
Tom "I'm really crazy. Because I have a DVD and book thousands. I'm not much good movie"
Bill's favorite movie trailer] [The Labyrinth.
Bill's favorite movie The Labyrinth trailer ☆
- From the other three, You can do your favorite band, favorite movie You can do, I introduce myself to hear and feel in what has been affected you?
Gus "is my favorite album Darkside Of The Sun] in [your favorite DVD is [I] TOKIO HOTEL" (LOL All)
Gustav's favorite CD, see the Darkside Of The Sun]!
This is Gustav's favorite album ♬
[Dark Side of the Sun Deluxe Edition (DVD w)
Geo "said an actor, Leonardo DiCaprio I like" (gustav, tom lol)
Geo "(with a straight face) in a bad movie that he'll never appeared"
Bill "(follow-up while) Oh, You've got facts! Movie is great when he goes out for all. I'm his great old movie. But still young"
Geo "I think he is an actor of the century"
Bill "I really do,"
- How about music? Do you have a favorite album?
Geo "I'm listening to music a lot. I can only listen to one album a day I do not.'s Mike Posner I bought this before"
Bill "I'm an American artist. I'm a newcomer. Pop, R & B feeling"
Tom "R & B, Dance, HipHop, I like to mix it (laughs)"
Georg likes the music of Mike Posner recently click here ♬
Georg's favorite musician is Mike Posner recently ☆
- Tom How are you?
Tom "favorite movie is [Training Day] (2001) I. Denzel Washington movie will go out. He's cool. After that,"
Bill "(interrupting the story) Tom Denzel Washington is anything I love movies. [Man On Fire (Man on Fire) (2004), or"
Tom "Oh Man On Fire [] I love you too. Then, Dakota Fanning are good too (* it has played in this movie, I think I remember)"
Bill "I like too! Fanning Dakota challenger since he was young, I'll have a great feeling!"
Tom's favorite movie trailer] [Training Day.
Tom's favorite movie Training Day trailer ☆
The interview will suddenly excited:-D
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