
Bravo #212 (Serbia) - Totally sleek in Tokyo!


He's never out of ideas! Here's what kind of styling Bill had prepared for Japan!

What a crazy situation! Band Tokio Hotel - or to be precise, Bill Kaulitz (21) had come up with something special for their Japanese fans. The singer had taken out only the craziest outfits for their journey to Tokyo. For their landing at the airport, he wore a panda-hat (Spirithood). Of course, as David Jost confirms, it wasn't made out of real fur. On a photoshoot, Bill surprised everyone by showing up as The Little Red Riding Hood, and he showed up to another photoshoot dressed as a ship captain. His efforts were successful - on the day they arrived, Tokio Hotel was the most searched for term on Japanese Google, and their video and CD were on #1 of all the charts! Congrats!

caption under Bill and Tom's pic: the Kaulitz twins, Bill (left) and Tom (right) from Loitsche near Magdeburg, are world famous stars.

Bravo Chart: Hurricanes and Suns at #2!

Bravo Lyrics: Hurricanes and Suns

Bravo Poster: Tom Kaulitz

scans and translation: Goga @ TokioHotelSerbia.com

Cosmo Shine #25 (Bosnia&Herzegovina) - Bill and Tom Kaulitz: "We would never wear fur!"

Scans - by Sakib/TokioHotelBiH

Translation by Goga/TokioHotelSerbia

Last year, Bill and Tom Kaulitz went on tour with their band Tokio Hotel. During the "Welcome to Humanoid City" tour, the band visited Paris, Barcelona, Rome and many other places. Also Bill and Tom do some modeling along with handling their music business. Tom is the cover face for Reebok, Bill made an appearance on the Milan Fashion Week, and along with that they've graced the covers of Vogue, GQ - all established fashion magazines. Even the heavy-on-words designer Karl Lagerfeld spoke with love about Bill.

As a complete contrast to your stage outfits, on fashion shooting we can see you in classical italian suits. What do you say about that?

Bill: It's definitely not something I'd wear every day, but I like to, from time to time. You can make combinations, per example, at home I have a few coats I wear with jeans and such. I do not like to mask myself. Anything that would make me feel like I'm not in my own skin is out of the question. Suits and coats are a bit too much for the stage, too elegant, I like wearing leather jackets and stuff I can move around in as my stage clothes. Maybe I could wear that during a song or two... but not more.

You guys know that fashion trends change quickly. So you both probably have different ways to develop your fashion senses.

Bill: I think there will always be outfits we'll like forever, and outfits we'll like for a while and then never again. This happens to me regularly now, too. I'm usually not ashamed for wearing something from my past, but there are things I look at and think: "Oh God, what was I wearing?" It's a normal part of growing up and finding your path. There are always those moments when we urge for a change and to try out something new and fresh.

Everyone has one's role model. Who do rock stars look up to?

I've never had a real role model, but I like the appearance of David Bowie and Steven Tyler. But I've never had a fashion icon of my own.

A great sign of Bill's fashion sense are words of the great fashion mogul Karl Lagerfeld, who had been personally interested in Tokio Hotel. You did a fashion editorial with him for Vogue.

Bill: That was a great honor. I've become interested in fashion quite early in my age. I used to do my own clothes when I was a kid, so working with Karl Lagerfeld was like a dream for me. It was an amazing moment. I was very pleased he had noticed my effort and that he liked what I do.

How do you establish a personal style that is actually appreciated by the fashion world? How did you even come up with your style, and where do you get your inspiration from?

Bill: I think that inspiration comes from different places. It's sort of mixed in my situation. It all started with hair coloring and make up. When I was a kid, I enjoyed vampire movies, and one year I went to a Halloween party dressed as a vampire and I liked it a lot, so I continued dressing that was in my private life.

So that makes you very trendy now. But is there anything you would never wear?

Bill: Oh well I'd never wear clothes that Tom wears, and fur, also, out of the question.

Of course, since you two are vegetarians. Your personal style is very different than your brother's.
Bill: Well, as time goes by I've started liking Tom's clothes more and more. I can cope with it, but I don't think we'll ever be exchanging clothes. Until we were about 6 years old, we wore the same clothes and even had pullovers with "Bill" and "Tom" on them so people could tell us apart. Then came the time when we started wearing what we wanted and mom didn't prepare our clothes every day. Then we automatically went in different fashion directions. Tom's style always depended on his music taste, he listens only to Hip-Hop and nothing else, although he's in a rock band. He's always going to be this way, he's Tom.

But you guys still have plenty of stuff in common.

Tom: Bill and I are like one person, but we show different aspects of that one person, and we make a perfect combination when together. We might have different tastes, but we're always on the same wave-length. I know exactly what Bill's thinking, he knows what I'm thinking, so we don't need to talk to understand each other.

You guys have a new album out, Best Of. Do you have any expectation about it and what's it like to have an album with your best songs in your hands?

Bill: It feels kind of weird to have a Best Of album this quickly in our career, but on the other hand we're very proud to have a huge collection of hits, enough for a Best Of. There are 2 new songs, one of them is from back in 2002, it's called „Mädchen aus dem All“.
Tom: Yeah and Bill's voice was much different back then, he still hadn't started changing.
Bill: Yes, and there's another song, Hurricanes and Suns, from 2009.

You guys have moved to Los Angeles. Is it because you guys have have more privacy there or to write and compose without a bunch of people bothering you?

It's true, we feel great living in LA, as far as our private life is concerned. We also wrote most of our songs from Humanoid album in LA, too.

You did a campaign for PETA, tell us something about that.

Tom: Oh the pictures were amazing!
Bill: We love animals, very much. We have four beautiful dongs and all four come from animal shelter.
Tom: Yes, and we've been vegetarians for two years now.
Bill: PETA asked us to be in a campaign and support those poor animals who are kept in circuses and go through a lot of stress and torture, and of course we said yes immediately. We can really identify with those animals.

Tokio Hotel is also making donations for a school. How does it feel to be able to help others and give them what you have?
Bill: It makes us very happy to be able to help and give others, we come from a music family ourselves, so it's important for us. We've always had a possibility of making music, because we had access to it, so helping others who don't have the equipment is a great joy for us. 

WWD Magazine (Japan) - Bill & Tom Kaulitz


Tokyo, Japan - 10.02.2011 [New Pics]

I don't know who's this photos belong to...but as soon as I find out I will post it ^^

Tom's Blog; Antwort an alle!


Antwort an alle!

Die Fans aus den Staaten kennen den Spot vielleicht schon vom Super Bowl - für all die anderen 6,001,200,000 Menschen: Viel Spaß damit ;D

Reply all

Our US fans might know this one already from the Super Bowl - for all the other 6,001,200,000 people: Enjoy ;D

Watch video and comment@ Tokiohotel.com;  Tom's blog

ELLE girl [Japan] - Interview with Tokio Hotel Part 8

ということで、今回がTOKIO HOTELのインタビューの最終回であります☆
私が行ったインタビューを、世界各国の言葉に翻訳してもらい、しかも英語やフランス語、ドイツ語などでもコメントをいただいたので、Thank you for your comment, Merci,Danke,ขอบคุณ, Спасибо・・・,





BillTomは今はLAに住んでいるので、ニックネーム的に英語発音でそう呼ぶ時もあるのでしょうが(実際に、“ジョージ”と呼んでいる映像もあるそうです)、レコード会社の担当者に確認しても、来日時は“ゲオルグ”で全然問題なかったので、本名“ゲオルグ”、ニックネーム“ジョージ”と思っていればいいのでは? でも本人はドイツ人なので、本名で呼ばれた方が嬉しいと思います(これは私の個人的な意見ですが) 

ファンの人にはもちろん、TOKIO HOTELのことを全く知らないgirlsにも興味を持ってもらえるブログにしたかったので、彼らが興味を持つ映画などの動画も貼ってみたのですが、いかがでした?
TOKIO HOTELの音楽を好きになることで、彼らの人間性、アーティスト性など、いろんな方面からその魅力を知ってもらえたらいいな、と思って、毎回アップしていました。

そしてインタビューを書き起こしながら、私も”勉強になるわ〜”と何度も思ったほど、彼らにはそれだけのたくさんの引き出しが十分あるんですよね。TOKIO HOTELの取材を薦めてくれたファンのgirl、ありがとう☆
このインタビューを読んでもらって、David Bowieといった偉大なアーティストにも興味を持ってもらえたら嬉しいし、何よりgirlsがより魅力的になるような栄養分をTOKIO HOTELを通して吸収してもらえたら有り難いです。

1つ前のYou Tubeの「Dogs Unleashed」の質の良いLIVE映像を見つけたとき、その素晴らしいパフォーマンスを見ながら、なんか勝手にウルウルしてしまった私なのでした 


Google Translation:
So, TOKIO HOTEL ☆ Dearimasu time the last round of interviews

I went to interview, get the world to translate the words of French, English and yet, because you like to comment in German, Thank you for your comment, Merci, Danke, ขอบคุณ, Спасибо · · ·,

Dearimasu feeling

At the end of the interview, I ask you this.

- Bill, Tom and I are twins, who were four real brothers if you think a youngest son who is in it?

Tom "(eldest son), I'm me."
Geo "I'm the oldest son"
Gus "is my son"
Geo "Bill You're the youngest"
Bill "The fact that the oldest but Georg, Tom I'm the most solid"

- Then the second from the bottom Gustav?

Geo "These two people (Bill and Gus) What you like in the same"

(Everyone laughs)

Geo "but we are brothers because it feels so real. It is certainly a long time together"
(Acceptable to all members)

Fastened to the end of thought, was a cool Georg.

What I do, so keep cool when it comes to photos, I had the last laugh ☆

Georg it is "" George "in the call is it?" And twitter but I had questions in a conversation last round of this Bill they called his name the first time at the remark, pronounced in Germany, "Georg" was called (and still try to re-hear the recorded file, "Giorugu" feel close to.)

Bill and Tom are now in LA I live in, and would sometimes call it in English pronunciation with a nickname (actually, "George" There is also the video is called), the representative of record companies also confirmed during the visit, "George", so no problem at all, the real name "George", the nickname "George" It is good if you want to? But since the Germans themselves, who I think was called by his real name is nice (this is my personal opinion) :-)

This time, the response from the many, I got out of talking up the outrage that the whole interview (laughs), really, in many overseas reactions to watch the net, give me a polite comment on the Japanese fans of course to, I was very happy.

Of course the fans who, TOKIO HOTEL know nothing about it because I wanted the girls to get interested in blogging as well, I tried to put the video of interest to them and film, was it?

TOKIO HOTEL music you'll love it, their humanity, and of artists, its good to know if you can appeal it from various directions, and I was up every time.

And while the interview transcripts, I also "I learn a ~" I thought about many times, they have a good drawer I'm like a lot of all. TOKIO HOTEL recommend the fans who interviewed girl, ☆ Thanks

To read my interview, David Bowie and happy if I could have a great interest in artists such as nutrients, such as girls become nothing more attractive if they can appreciate TOKIO HOTEL are absorbed through.

And gone into the busy time of the end of my super, but not up soon, did not look forward to every girls, ☆ I thank you

1 You Tube of the previous "Dogs Unleashed" When we find a good quality LIVE video while watching the amazing performance that had a hand in something I had to Uruuru

Since the next concert would never come to Japan for, at that time I will follow! 

 Hopefully a translation soon ;)


ELLE girl [Japan] - Interview with Tokio Hotel Part 7

さて、大変お待たせしました☆ TOKIO HOTELのインタビューの続きです!!!


その時のtourの様子から、「Dogs Unleashed」♬

こちらはそのtourのLIVE DVDの一部から「Love & Death」♬

――では、ある意味Billは、David Bowieが一時期”Ziggy Stardust“を演じていたみたいに(*1972年に発表された5作目のアルバムで、David Bowie自らが異星からやってきた架空のスーパースター”ジギー・スターダスト”となり、スターとしての成功から没落までを描いた、ロック史上に残る傑作)、違う人格となってステージ上で歌っているの?
Tom「みんなBillにショックを受けるけど、昔のDavid Bowieの写真とか見るとたいしたことない!って思うよ」


――確かにそうですよね。David Bowieはとにかくロック界にもファッション界にもアート界にもセンセーショナルを巻き起こしたわけだけど、かといってBillは”Ziggy Stardust“を意識したわけじゃなかったというわけで。
Tom「(割り込んできて)過去の、たとえば80年代には個性のある バンドやアーティストが多かったけど、今の音楽業界は一発屋的な感じで曲や話題を作っていて、きちんとコンセプトを作ったり、ステージングやコスチューム といったいろんなことを多角的に考えながらやってるグループってなかなかいないと思う。(売るために)作られたグループが多いと思うんだ」

――では、LADY GAGAについてはどう思う?
Bill「彼女のことは好きだよ!彼女はすごくすべてのことにお いてストレートで、彼女にとっていつも何かクレイジーなことをやる続けるのは自然なことに見えるよ。彼女は自分が欲しいものがよく分かっているし、何がし たいのか、ヴィジョンもはっきりしていてとても尊敬しているよ。彼女はリスクを恐れないし、人がどう思うかなんて考えてないんだ。ステージに立ってやりた いことをやるだけなんだ。彼女のそんなところが好きだな」

――じゃぁ、Adam Lambertのことは知ってる?
Bill「ああ、彼のことは知ってるよ。だって、彼はいろんなところで僕のことを喋っているからね(*AdamTOKIO HOTELのファンだと公言している)。でも彼には1度も会ったことは無いから、彼については僕からは何も言えないよ。でも彼の曲はラジオで聴いたことならあるよ。あとは写真で彼を見たことはあるし、いろんな人が僕に話したからね。でも会ったことはないんだ」



Google Translation:

Well, ☆ Here comes with a continuation of the interview TOKIO HOTEL!

- Bill on the costumes, I ask if there is a concept or idea?
Bill "I did the last tour, SF I'm very influenced by. Dsquared2 (DSQUARED) designer, Dean and I talked well with Dan, because identical twins among us as one they also I very much share the same wavelength. like a different space to make their own, like the image to the stage of planet Earth and not elsewhere, as I made it fit it and all of the LED or used clothing "

The state of the tour at the time, "Dogs Unleashed" ♬
This is part of the tour from the LIVE DVD "Love & Death" ♬

- In a sense, the Bill, David Bowie period is "Ziggy Stardust" was acting like a (* In his fifth album was released in 1972, David Bowie came from a fictional super aliens themselves Star "Ziggy Stardust", and drew from the success of a star until the fall, the masterpieces in rock history), and singing on stage with a different personality?
Bill "(coyly) something more to him than his (halfway) I see gray. Besides, something seen in the photos, people are crazy makeup and costumes in the 1980s, like elsewhere Warped Derujan flying around I think came from a star called "

Tom "shocked everyone but Bill, the old David Bowie not looking at the pictures of a big deal! I thought of"
Bill "That kind of started doing that, it means I'm not the first. You can make a man but of wearing high heels and they say it? That I'm doing something long before I was born"

During the first visit Shoukesuraivu costumes made memorable in Tokyo in December last year!

- That's right indeed. Bowie David has not caused a sensation but also the art world fashions as well just lock field, what Bill is saying "Ziggy Stardust" So not always conscious.
Bill "I did not. I learned that it is because after a long time. I have started to make the Halloween party was a chance" (Gus will give a little chuckle and Geo)
Tom "(Have interrupts) in the past, the 1980s, for example, but many bands and artists have personalities, the music industry right now they make the subject songs and feel of one-hit wonder, made a concept well and I think I have never known of a group thinking about doing various things from various perspectives, such as staging and costumes. (to sell) I made so many groups "

- So, LADY GAGA What do you think about?
Bill "that I love her! She was very straight in all things, keep doing crazy things for her, always something I look normal. She understood what they want To that, I want to do, I'm really respect they is clear vision. She afraid of risk, I do not imagine what he thought of life. really just do what you want on stage it. A place like that I like her "

- JAA, Adam Lambert you know that?
Bill "Oh, that he'll know. I mean, he Because we are talking that I'm in many places (* Adam is TOKIO HOTEL has declared that fan.) He can not meet even once From octopus and no, I'll say about him from anything. But I have his songs heard on the radio then. Then he saw a picture that has some people in various me I'll talk. But I have not met "

Excuse me, but by this time will be the last round of interviews, it was a little long, split into two.

Even when I heard the story before the producers, who have never met on their own says nothing really felt like a wise Bill :-)


Katerina nº 1613/11 (Greece)

Planeta Awards 2010 [Peru]

Tokio Hotel won  'Best Concert Of The Year'! :D



February-10-11: Music-his.com interview [with Translation]

Interview with Tokio Hotel

February 10, 2011 is a memorable day for the fans of TOKIO HOTEL. Yes, the long-awaited TOKIO HOTEL finally come to Japan. Thus, HIS has a special interview with the four guys fromTOKIO HOTEL who as the Goodwill Ambassador for the 150th anniversary of Germany. Here are the answers we got from them about visiting Germany.

HIS: Your four guys were born in Magdeburg, what do you think of there? Georg: Of course,it's a great city!!(laugh)
--laugh together--
Bill: In fact, there is nothing to visit .
Gustav: Yeah, it's just a common village, nothing special.

HIS: Well, are there any places that you'd like to introduce?
Tom: Well...
Georg: There is a cathedral and some other historic churches, and we often went to the shopping mall.
Tom: And, yes, the Hundertwasser!
Together: Oh, yeah...the Hundertwasser!!!

HIS: What is that?
The agent: It's a building built by an Austrian architect, and this architect was a little bit like Gaudi.(A Spainish architect)
Gustav: Most of the buildings in Magdeburg have a colourful outside.
Bill: That's all the stuffs that deserve to see.
Georg: And you can finish your trip in 30 minutes.

HIS: It seems that's really a small city...(laugh). Then, what if a Japanese want to visit Germany, to the other cities like Munich or Berlin, Do you have anything to recommend?
Bill: Berlin and Hamburg are good choices if you want to visite Germany.
Gustav: Talking about Munich,there is a OctoberFest!
Tom: Yeah, the OctoberFest is awesome.
Georg:That's a grand festival and was very alive.

HIS: Oh, I really want to be there for once. By the way, I heared that Georg was born in Halle but not in Magdeburg, is that true?
Georg: Yes, I was born in Halle,but I only lived there for 2 or 3 years.
Bill: And Halle is also a very small city.(laugh)
Georg: Yeah, Even when comparing with Magdeburg, it’s nothing special to say.(laugh)
--laugh together--


HIS: Oh, I see. Then the next question, what's your favourite city in Germany?
Bill: It's definitely Hamburg. Why do I say that? It's because I have lived there for a period of time. and I miss there. Moreover, there are great natural sceneries near the countrysides. Although, sometimes the weather is not that pleasure and it rains and blows a lot,but it's still a very pretty city. In fact,it might also be the most beautiful city in Germany.

HIS: Then, as a tourist city, is Hamburg also worthy of a stroll?
Bill: Hum...yeah, I once lived there and I really like that place, but I was not going there for tourism. Whatever, I think that's a good place.

HIS: Thank you so much, then Tom, what do you think of there?
Tom: In fact,I prefer Cologne. You can see people there are jolly and lively. Though I never lived in Cologne, hum, I guess I'll live there some day. It's a good place with so many bright and open-minded people and I love there. But it's more of travelling than living. (laugh)

HIS: Oh, I see, thank you. Georg, how do you think?
Georg: I think Berlin is the best place for now. It's an attractive and exciting city where contains varied cultures from all over the world. What's more, there are many nightclubs. And you can devote youself into them for the whole night long.

HIS:Except the nightclubs, is there any other place to go?
Georg: Of course, indeed,there are so many sightseeings.
Bill: Yes, there are several tour routes in Berlin.
Georg: Both history and culture are the highlights and it's a perfect tourist city.

HIS: Awesome, no wonder Berlin is the capital! then, Gustav , have you got a favourite spot?
Gustav: Honestly, I like Magdeburg.
Gustav: Yeah, everything you guys mentioned just now can be found in Magdeburg. And of course, including the OctoberFest, it's totally a city for travelling.
Bill: But if you go to there for sightseeing, it's terrible without a bicyle...(laugh)
--laugh together--

HIS: Are there any vehicles in Magdeburg!?
Tom: No, there aren't.
Gustav: Indeed, we have taxis and double-deck buses which is the same with London's. But we have only one is use for going sightseeing. After that you have to take a boat, which is along the Elbe River but it's absolutely comfortable and amazing!
Bill: Yeah, it's said that the most interesting place in Magdeburg are Georg's and Gustav's houses.
--laugh together--

HIS: Okay, let's put aside the idea of going whose home first , HIS is planing to make a tour route about TOKIO HOTEL.
Together: Really?
Tom: Is it a tour to Magdeburg?

HIS: It includes Magdeburg and other places you recommend or concern you, or some memorable places. And What other good places except Magdeburg are worth playing?
Everybody: It sounds good! Wow, marvelous! (Everyone looks excited)
Tom: And what about LA? (laugh)
Gustav: Hmmm…
Bill: Do not miss Grouiuger Baol if you want to know the history of Tokio Hotel.

HIS: What’s that?
Bill: It’s the club we first met!

HIS: So the fans might visit there at least once!
Everybody: And something more, it must be fun to visit our old schools.

HIS: That’s cool! And do not forget telling us the names of the schools.

Each of them says the names of the schools.

For the best tour route

HIS: Thank you. The next question. Bill and Tom are living in LA now. Have you got the plan about giving concerts in LA?
Bill: No. We are focusing on Japan now, so we are not going to promote in other countries, and our new album has just released. Now we are recording songs and looking for new inspiration. So…hmmm, I don’t know when to give concerts. We all pool our ideas to compose new songs now.

HIS: So when will the next album to be completed and released?
Tom: It’s hard to say. Maybe half a year later, or maybe 5 years later.We can’t decide the specific date and now we are looking for inspiration. We are exercising so to speak.

HIS: We are expecting the next concert and CD! At last, for improving Germany’s tourism, can you say something to Japanese fans?
Bill: Sure. Hmm, Germany is a very good country, though the weather is not that good. Don’t forget your umbrella!
Tom: And the bars! Night bars and German beer are the best!
Georg: And also the Autobahn! It will be very interesting.
Gustav: There seems to be speed limit when driving in Japan, but there’s no limit in Germany so you can drive freely.
Bill: All we said are the most interesting things in Germany.

HIS: Thank you very much, Tokio Hotel!

Translation: Tokiohotelchina.com


Bounce #329 (Japan) - Tokio Hotel [more scans]

Scans by Theresa@THCN


Tom's Blog-24.02.2011 Build your own wave!


...und so baust du deine eigene Welle!

Unglaublich wie dieser kleine Graben zum mitreißenden Strom wird!

 Build your own wave!

Unbelievable how this tiny thing turns into such a powerful river!

Watch video and comment@ Tokiohotel.com;  Tom's blog

SMART #255 (Japan) - Tokio Hotel

Scan - by Theresa/THCN

February-10-11: Music-his.com interview

2011年2月10日。この日はTOKIO HOTELファンの皆様にとって、記念すべき日。
そう、待ちに待った、TOKIO HOTELの来日交流イベントの日でした。
ゲオルグ:それはそれは…もう素晴らしい街(Great City)だよ!!(笑)
~ 一同爆笑 ~
~ 一同爆笑 ~
~ 一同笑いながら「本当?!」 ~
~ 一同爆笑 ~
~ 一同爆笑 ~
HIS:でも家はともかく、HISは将来的に、TOKIO HOTELゆかりの地ツアーなんかを企画出来たらと思っています。
HIS:マクデブルクも含め、あとはTOKIO HOTELの皆さんがお勧めする地や、TOKIO HOTELのメンバーゆかりの地・思い出の地へのツアーを考えています。マグデブルク以外なら、どんな場所へ行くのがお勧めですか?
ビル:もしTOKIO HOTELの歴史に纏わる場所へ訪れたいなら、Grouiuger Baolは外せないよ。
~ それぞれの学校名を教えてもらう ~
ビル:いや、今年はないんだ。なぜなら、今僕らは日本に集中したいんだ。だから他の国ではプロモーションの予定 も今のところない。それに僕らはニューアルバムをリリースしたばかり。だから今は、スタジオレコーディングに集中して、次の作品への新しいインスピレー ションを得ているところなんだ。だから、そうだなぁ…次のライブがいつになるかは、本当に分からないよ。今はみんなで曲の構想を練っているところ!
HIS:TOKIO HOTELの皆さん、ありがとうございました!!!

Google translation: 
February 10, 2011. TOKIO HOTEL On this day, fans for everybody, memorable day.
Yes, waiting, TOKIO HOTEL exchange visit to Japan was the day of the event.
So Dear Tokio Hotel is also a goodwill ambassador for the 150th anniversary of Germany,
For Germany and mainly travel, HIS ★ we have a special interview from

HIS: everyone is born in the city of Magdeburg Tokio Hotel, do you just like?

Georg: That it is ... another great city (Great City) I! ! (Laughs)

Everyone laugh ~ ~

Unison with everyone: I'mーーーlichen Sai town!

Bill: dare to go over there ... (laughs)

Gustav: I really like the village.

HIS: So ... even in Magdeburg, the spots do not recommend?

Tom: Yes ... I

Georg: Cathedral of Magdeburg is one of the old church is also quite a few things from it.
We have to go shopping mall.

Tom: After that, yes, Hundertwasser!

Everyone Tokio Hotel: Well done is, Hundertwasser! ! !

HIS: ? ? ? What is it?

Tokio Hotel manager: a hand - Austrian architect Hundertwasser, I have a building.
He is a very famous architect active in Europe, I feel a bit like Gaudi.

Gustav: The building in Magdeburg, and I look very colorful.

Bill: Highlights when saying, I wonder if that place.

Georg: Some 30 minutes, she can tour (laughs)

HIS: It is a small town ... (laughs)
In Germany if you wish to explore the Japanese, then another large city,
What is the recommended way to go to Munich and Berlin, for example?

Bill: If you want to tour in Germany, Berlin and Hamburg not it good?

Gustav: If after Munich, Oktoberfest!

Tom: Great, Oktoberfest!

Georg: It is our Kina Hiroshi beer festival. I rise!

: once I'd like to go out to play!
By the way, I have heard that George was not even born in Halle in Magdeburg?

Georg: I was born in Halle, indeed, only two - I do not live up to the age of three.

Bill: I'm torn between the small town of Halle tea (laughs)

Georg: Yeah, maybe nothing more than the city of Halle, Magdeburg better (laughs)

Everyone laugh ~ ~

HIS: soon in the next question ...
My favorite city in Germany where is everyone?

Bill: Hamburg. What to say selfish, I first lived for some love from Hamburg for a short time, besides, a little goes toward the countryside, nature is really beautiful.
Indeed, the weather is often not very good, but he is strong winds or rain, or even, but what I mean ... I'm Pretty sure that city.
I think I'm the most beautiful city of Hamburg in Germany.

HIS: as a tourist, or a nice city of Hamburg?

Bill: Hmm ... I'd probably, I fell in love with the city's only live飽Kumade, though not as a translation visited tourist attractions, but I think I have something (laughs).

HIS: Thank you. What does Tom do?

Tom: Cologne. It is very bright and happy people in the street anyway! Famous street carnival. But never lived in Cologne, oh, I want one day live in, how? ?
Most people cheerful, very favorite city. No, I thought, might be best to live than to visit a little sightseeing. (Laughs)

HIS: Thank you. How about George?

Georg: As of now, how Berlin. Very big and exciting city I knew, everything is aligned street. I'm not full of attractive variety of cultures from around the world.
There is a lot of nightclubs, we can play a lot into the night.

HIS: What is to come about as a tourist destination?

Georg: Of course, they'll highlight someー'll Pie.

Bill: You are doing a lot of sightseeing tours in Berlin.

Georg: historically and culturally as well, you're perfect as a tourist town.

HIS: indeed, I have just capital! In town Gustav favorite?

Gustav: 貰E to say it honestly, I'm for Magdeburg.

Everyone laughed - "no shit" -

Gustav: It's true -. Even some people in other cities said that now all aligned.
Because for some Oktoberfest, because that will be visited as a tourist destination.

Bill: Do not bring the bike and you go (laughs)

Everyone laugh ~ ~
HIS: What is there public transportation?

Tom: No no!

Gustav: But is there a taxi, then I have such a double-decker bus in London!
However, only one though (laughs). I'm a tourist bus. After a trip by bus, transfer to the boat, it's absolutely sweet around the river Elbe, amazing that!

Bill: Well, the most interesting of Magdeburg is not going to the house of Georg and Gustav (laughs)

Everyone laugh ~ ~

HIS: Home But anyway, HIS is the future, TOKIO HOTEL I believe him about the possibility of organizing something related land tour.

All: Really? ! ?

Tom: Are you thinking about trips to Magdeburg?

HIS: including Magdeburg, TOKIO HOTEL rest areas and recommends everyone, TOKIO HOTEL I think a tour of the land of memories related to the land of members. If not Magdeburg, do you recommend any places to go?

Everyone unanimously: That sounds great! WOW! Unbelievable! (Excited state)

Tom: Well, like Los Angeles? (Laughs)

Gustav: I so ...

Bill: If you visit TOKIO HOTEL to be associated with historic places, Baol Grouiuger has trouble releasing it.

HIS: What is it?

Bill: The club for the first time we met!

HIS: If you like it once was - I'd like to visit? !

Unison with everyone: Now we might be fun to visit each member of the school.

HIS: Wow! So ... please tell me the name means the school (laughs)

Taught the school's name - each -
※ When planning for a fun tour ※

HIS: Thank you. In the next question ...
Bill and Tom are now living in Los Angeles, Tokio Hotel will hold a concert there this year in Los Angeles? In Los Angeles and other cities or is it?

Bill: No, I do not this year. Because we're now want to focus on Japan. In other countries, so do not be too far for promotion. And we have just released a new album. So now, to concentrate on studio recording, I was just getting a new inspiration to the next one. So, I'd probably live ... what's the next time, I do not know really. Now we are developing a plot of the song together!

Creating release the next album does do is make yourself a target when did you?

Tom: I do not know. Six months later, and that even possible, may become even five years.
Specifically, "when" and could not decide, I'm looking to get new inspiration while. So now it is "time for training," a place called either.

HIS: following their live CD, is also looking forward to it very much! Finally, the promotion of tourism but also for Germany, Japanese fans to everybody, May I have a message?

Bill: Of course! Eto Eh, Germany, but the weather is so good, so I think the country can enjoy! ! Do not forget your umbrella when you come (laughs)

Tom: must also go to the bar! Night bar with German beers (alcohol)'m the best!

Georg: And then, I Ito Makoto autobahn I tried!

Gustav: In Japan I will have a speed limit in Germany, I can get the speed as you like!

Bill: Now that we talked, we think, is Germany's most interesting! !

HIS: TOKIO HOTEL everyone, thank you! ! !


INROCK #327 (Japan) February 13 [Now with Translation]

Scans by diz_sykes


Translation by  theresa@THCN
Tokio Hotel

I want to try something new except music with Tom.

This month, Adimission free (page 84-85) published the articles written by readers who were interviewed with Tokiohotel, coz it's initial to look into from fans' view. Overwhelmed by Bill, among those German all the people were so high. Beyond that, Bill and Tom kept talking. It was very cheerful.

--Everyone was looking forward to your arrival.
Tokio Hotel
: so were we.
Bill: The trip to Japan has been our dream for a long time. We are really grateful for coming to Japan finally and extremely excited. It was quite good to come here.

---I guess you guys had the same answers when you were asked by South American reporters. (Laugh)
: Yeah! We have told people that some day we would go to Japan for many times. What is more, our band name is Tokio Hotel”, so we want to go to Japan as soon as possible.
Tom: But when the day came, it was beyond imagines, because Tokyo was certainly too far away.
Georg: When we gave a name to our band, we wanted to figure something spectacular out. It seems that it should be a place that we can not even see and reach in the dream. And finally we decided to name it “Tokio Hotel”. But we finally got to Tokyo. (Laugh)

---Well, all the fans want to know more about you guys in limited times. Firstly, Tom, you said making an album was a time-consuming job when you received our interviews last time. So the next album in 2011 must be not easy. Do you think the same way right now?
: Sure.

---Why is it?
: Actually we should have made the new song in the recoding studio at this moment, but we decided to come to Japan. It was a tour that cut in line. Next time we hope we can prepare well.

---Seriously? We can believe you, can’t we? (Laugh)
: Of course! But we have other plans in 2011 to look forward to. After all these, we can finally come back to the studio to continue writing songs. So we don’t know when the next album will be released, either. It’s not that we don’t like traveling, but it seems that we don’t have enough time to compose in 2011.
Bill: That’s because we want to make some albums of high quality. We really want to show everyone the best part of what we create in daily time, so it is necessary to stay at the studio for a long time. As we compose, we have to discuss which way is better, which sound is better and so on.
Tom: Yeah, we have been on tours this year. Once we get back to the studio, we will think about what to do next, accumulating our thoughts and collecting all kinds of inspiration. All of these are very time-consuming.
Bill: So we are not sure when we can release the next album. May be next year or the year after next. But we will immediately inform you if there is any sign. (Laugh)

---How long do you spend in making a new album usually?
: It all depends. It always depends on how many songs we record. It’s not the problem we need to think about. Sometimes we thing it’s okay after we record 18 songs, while we may not be satisfied and add something else even after we record 50 songs. Therefore it lies on our mood of that moment. If we gave you a deadline, it would be an assumption.

---Oh, I see. I went to Germany and Paris the other day. I know how popular you are in Europe. You are definitely most popular.
Tokio Hotel
: Yeah, it is the same in Paris.

---In the first time when we interviewed Bill and Tom by phone, both of them were very friendly and easy to talk. I was so shocked. So no matter how popular you are, you are still natural and low profile. Is it your principle?
: Yes, it’s most important for us. We founded this band naturally and we are also good friends. We have been together for almost 10 years. During this period of time, we have performed in front of only 5 audiences. Initially we never thought about success when we sung in a small club. But now our dreams came true and I was so proud.
Tom: So we know the two sides of the business work, because we know not only the success but the feeling when we stood in front of 5 people as well. In that small club, no one listened to us, not mentioning an interview. We also know how hard to be the top one. And it is hard to perform facing 500,000 people under the Eiffel Tower, too. Because we have experienced success and failure, we are so grateful today. Maybe we are blessed.

---Is it because you are Christian?
: It could be one reason.

---We are going to change the topic. After you came here, what do you think of Tokyo? Is it the same as what you imagined or not?
: I can’t imagine there are so many fans here waiting for us.
Tokio Hotel: Yeah, yeah!
Bill: I thought no one would be there and no one knew us. But after we got off the plane, many fans were waiting and sent us lots of presents. I was so happy. Everyone welcomed us friendly and zealously.

---You have been used to this scene, right?
: Other countries are the same, but it was the first time in Japan. So I thought maybe no one knew us at all and we had to introduce ourselves as first. I was very glad to see so many fans in Japan.

---Fan in Europe must be much more than Japanese fans, but everyone here is passionate to you guys. Oh, by the way, Bill and Tom, you said you are both completists. Then you cause troubles for others, right? (Laugh) when did you start to pursue for perfection?
: I guess it started long time ago.
Tom: Something in my body began to control me long time ago, I think.
Bill: I say to myself: “relax, relax the shoulders.” But I can not. No matter what I do, I want it to be perfect. I want to make everything perfect. If there was something imperfect, it would hang around me. It’s like a disease. I know sometime I cause some troubles for someone else, but I just think of it. I guess others can not be happy. (Laugh) 

---See? Gustav and Georg are sneering. (Laugh)
: Yes, Tom and I are exactly the same on this point. So when we are together, it’s too troublesome for others. I don’t even know when it began. Anyway I have been like this long before.

---Do you inherit this from your parents?
: Maybe. We are close to our mother and never get any pressure from her. We have grown up freely since childhood. Mum relies on us very much. She does everything according to our likes and dislikes, so we talk closely and she has supported us all the time. Mum has never forced us to do anything including study. She trusts us and says to us: “you do things according to your own ideas. I believe you.” Our relationship is very good, so it’s hard to say if it is genetic.

---I hear of that you don’ hire any stylist because of perfectionism. Is that true?
Tom and Bill
: Yes.
Bill: I cannot believe him. The stylist may ask us to wear some clotheses we don’t like. I always feel uneasy. I prefer to choose and buy clotheses by myself.
Tom: I don’t believe others, either. I want to control everything including PV, CD, total effect, stages, shows and of course music. It can be regarded as freak. But about all of this, we have own thoughts and we believe that we can do much better that anyone else.
Tokio Hotel: (laugh)
Tom: I think we will cause troubles for others if we are like this. In a word, we hope to handle this by ourselves. I want to be engaged in CD with the text of lyrics or the album only for Japan.

---And what do you do indeed? Do you guys go shopping?
: It’s hard. Especially in Europe it’s not okay. But there are several stores that we are familiar with. And in some particular time they are open for us specially. At that time, we can go there and take our time. Besides this, we always buy things online.
(Tom told us that Bill often t went to a store called Melrose Avenue in LA.)

---Shopping online? Did you buy all of these accessories you wear today online?
: Sure! There are some websites where you can buy such kind of things. Sometimes in certain countries we can go out for shopping with caps and sun glasses without worrying. And sometimes designers give me some clotheses.

---It sounds good. In our previous interviews, you said your apartment was not like a retail shop but a clothing shop.
: They have more various clotheses than stores. It’s more like a warehouse.
Tom: I have lots of clotheses as well, but Bill has more than mine. The amount of our clotheses is big.
Bill: I’m used to put all my clotheses away instead of throwing them. Talking about clotheses, I am ……
Georg: Sluttery.
Bill: Yes, I’m like this for clotheses. I like every one very much, even though the old clotheses are still one part of my history and they have different kinds of memories. This coat is about this and that jacket is about that, something like this.
Tom: The clotheses we wore when we were in the first PV shooting are still in the cabinet.

---Isn’t good to donate them to charity organization?
: We have done this before. But just like what we said, every one has its meaning and memory. We don’t want to give them up.

---I heard of that you dragged 10 or 12 suitcases on tours. Is it true? (7 suitcases for Japan)
: Yeah, it seems like we carried more. (Laugh) Tours are so long time ago that I can not remember clearly.
Tom: The people who are responsible for carrying the luggage are very tired, I think. It’s really good to let others help. (Laugh)
Bill: We took everything we need, because we went on a 3-month tour.

---Your band was founded 10 years ago. It has been 10 years. Comparing to the very beginning, did you change your attitude to music?
: I think we grew up actually. All of us grew up and became adults gradually. Surely everyone changed. We got to adapt ourselves on long time tours, so as a musician we grew up as well, which has been natural. We don’t have any thought that we begin to do like this from now on! Just let it be.

---How about the subject you composed? Do you change the subject as you grow up?
: The subjects are changed. I get inspiration from many materials such as fashion, people around, movies and so on. Especially my favorite movies, so the last album was inspired by a science fiction movie.

---Specifically speaking, which movie is it?
Tom & Bill
: It’s hard to say.
Tom: Because there are so many movies.
Bill: We like too many good movies.

---Please pick some among these movies.
: For example, “2012” is good. And another one, what is the name? Sorry, I forget.
Tokio Hotel: “District 9”
Bill: Yeah, that one is very good. And the new one named “Tron:Legacy” is very commercial. I really want to watch. And there are some other movies that we just know the German name, but English name. I like “The notebook” and “labyrinth” acted by David Bowie. They are old movies, but I like them very much. “Inception” is really wonderful.

---That one is hard to understand, right? By the way, the show held several weeks ago in South America was full of future sense, especially the clotheses. When you set the stage, was the idea based on your own thoughts?
: Yeah! For the 3-month tour in Europe, we prepared for half a year. All the members thought over together in the rehearsal room, like the stage, the clotheses and the whole stage. It took us lots of time and energy for the preparation. We preformed a part of the whole. After all it’s impossible to finish all. On the European tour, we used 15 trucks to carry all the stuff, but only plane was available in South America. And the plane had its weight limit. So we couldn’t take all the stuff. Although it couldn’t be the exactly same, we tried our best to show the best one.

---I see. The last question is sort of a joke. Tom and Bill, do you sleep in one bed?
: Nope.

---In the previous interview, you said you two did everything together and sometimes you sleep together.
: It’s true. We are together everyday, almost 365 days and 24 hours. We may separate from each other only when we sleep in own beds. (Laugh) Except sleep, we are together.
[Missing part ^ In the previous interview, you said you two did everything together and sometimes you sleep together. Bill: That can happen when we watch a movie together, and get tired...] -credit lelouch

---Oh, I know. (Laugh) well, what is your goal for 2011?
: Go back to our studio and create new songs.

---Are you going back to Hamburg or LA?
: We should go back to both of them. Sometimes we want to stay in US, and sometimes we want to stay in Germany. There are many specific plans that are proceeding secretly. But we can not tell you. Tom and I also want to try something else but music. We have not decided, but we will tell you if we decide. The next year should be mainly based on composition.

---Did Bill do something relating to fashion? I heard of that you voiced a character in a movie.
: Yeah, I voiced the character of Arthur on “Arthur et les Minimoys” German version.

---How about others? What do you do except music?
: They don’t have this talent. (Laugh)

---Oh! Bill! Come on!
: I might be the next Stallone in 10 years. And I might voice a character on “Arthur rimbaud 20”. (Laugh)
Tom: Although I have never done this before, it’s a hard job. (Laugh) Not easy, right?
Bill: It took a long time. That is the achievement I got after I had stayed in studio for several hours.
Tom: Bill is painstaking as a singer. We are not good at singing and talking, because I think we are not suitable.

---How about Georg?
: I haven’t got any good proposal. I don’t know what is it going to be?

---Ok! Thank you very much!

The picture on page 42: We are both completists and cause troubles for others. It became a disease.
The picture on page 45: Although we do everything together, we sleep separately.


Tom's Blog - Magnetic Man - "Getting Nowhere"



Magnetic Man - "Getting Nowhere"


BMX = Lord of the Rings Black Riders?!

Watch video and comment@ Tokiohotel.com;  Tom's blog

ELLE girl [Japan] - Interview with Tokio Hotel Part 5 [WithTranslation]

――音楽の話に戻すと、デビュー作の『Schrei』の頃からDave Roth、Patrick Benzner、David Jost といったプロデューサーたちと一緒に作業していますが、彼らとの作業はバンドにとってどんな効果をもたらしています?
Bill「重要なのは、みんなが同じテイストを持っているってこ と。もしまるで自分達と異なる、音楽的にもテイストの違うプロデューサーだったら、一緒にひとつのものを作るのは大変だ。でも彼らとは長い間やってきた し、僕たちみんなが何がしたいのかわかっているからすごくラクなんだ」


――『Humanoid』では、どの曲に一番新しい要素を持ち込んでいます? 私は「Dog Unleashed」が、エレクトロビートとロックテイストを共存させたユニークなサウンドになっていると思いますが。
Bill「でもそういうものを取り入れる時、気をつけなきゃなら ないことがあるんだ。曲というのは僕らの場合、エモーションからスタートして書き始めるわけだけど、レコーディングの過程でいろんな影響を外から受けやす い。いろいろアイデアを持ってくる人もいるしね。でもそういった影響のすべてが必ずしも良いものじゃないってことさ。使い方を間違えると音がチープになっ てしまったりする。だからチープなサウンドになることなく、うまくロックミュージックと融合させなきゃだめなんだ。エレクトロニックな影響は新しいアルバ ムの中でも、とても気に入っている部分さ。僕達にとっても新しいことに挑戦する時期だったんだと思うよ」

その「Dog Unleashed」はコチラ↓


Translation by www.tokiohotelchina.com

Back to the topic of music, since your first album, you guys have been collaborating with producers like Dave Roth, Patrick Benzner and David Jost. What kind of effect has been brought by working with them?
Bill: We've been working together for a long time.
Tom: Yeah, we have been working together for 7, or 8 years since we started our band.
Bill: We know each other well, and all the albums are recorded with the producers. Our latest album "Humanoid" was slightly different that, we worked with different people, though we had put a lot of new ideas into the album, we still worked with those guys.
Tom: I think the most important thing is that, we know each other well, everyone in the studio knows the direction of production and sound.
Bill: It is important for us to have the same taste. If we have producers of taste for music different from us, it will be difficult for us to produce an unique song. But we have been working for long time, we know what to do, so it is quite easy.

Early footage from old. "Scream" ↓

Which song, from the album"Humanoid", contains the newest element? I think that "Dog Unleashed" is an unique song which mixed electronic with rock.
Bill: Yeah, that's the song which we performed our new sound best. Effect of electronics, programmed drum, keyboard and synthesizer, we had challenge to different sound.

Bill: But when we put these stuff into our music, we had something bare in mind. The songs were ours, though we wrote our songs from our hearts, we might be affected by outside world when recording. There were people having different ideas, but their ideas might not be the best. If we used the wrong way, the sound would seem cheap. So, in order not to make those sound become cheap, we had to mix it with awesome rock. In the latest album, electronic rock is the part that I like most. I think that we are of the stage that wanna have challange for new stuff.
Tom: It's a tool for us to make music of larger scales. By introducing electronic rock, we were aiming at making album of sound of more sense of scale.
Bill: Actually, the musical instruments had played more music than we played, that's it.

Bill and Tom looked serious when talking about their music. There are still chat with the 4 guys.

The "Dog Unleashed" is here ↓

ELLE girl [Japan] - Interview with Tokio Hotel Part 6

Tom「基本的にドラムとベースギターというリズムセクションに、ギターが加わって、Billがすべてを歌うというのは最初から変わっていない。Billの声自体は昔からはずいぶんと変わったけど、面影はあるし、Devilishの頃から『Humanoid』 まで全体を見ても筋が通ってると思うよ」

DevilishTOKIO HOTEL になる前のバンド名


――リズム隊の2人にもTOKIO HOTELらしいサウンドについて聞きたいのですが。
GusTOKIO HOTELっぽいのは、リズムセクション(笑)」
Geo「その質問に答えるのはむずかしいな。僕自身がTOKIO HOTELだから」
Tom「(割り込んできて)僕らの場合、運がいいんだよ。スタジオに 入って音楽を作っている時というのは、心で感じることを形にしようとしているわけで、考えてやってるわけじゃないんだ。それができているのはラッキーなん だと思う。だって良い音楽ができてるんだから!もし運がなかったら、クズみたいな曲しかできないだろ(笑)」
Bill「(真剣な表情で)場合によっては、リスナーが気に入ら ない作品になるかもしれない。でも一番重要なのは、”僕らが好きな曲だ”ってことなんだ。だってこれは僕らの曲であり、僕らの音楽だから。ファンのために レコードを作るんじゃなくて、まずは自分達のために作る。もしそれをファンも好きになってくれたら、それはラッキーなことなんだ。みんなも好きになってく れて、一緒にシェアしてくれることを心では願いつつも、時にはそうならないことだってある。そうだとしてもファンに気に入られるため、成功のために身を売 るようなことはせず、まずは自分が好きなことをするというのが大切なのさ」

――スゴイ!!!、精神的にも揺るがない軸がありますよね。TOKIO HOTELは世界的にビッグになっているんですけど、今後誰かと共演したいとかこの人にプロデュースしてほしいといった希望はありますか?
Bill「いつも夢に描いてるのはAerosmithだよ。なかでも(ヴォーカルの)Steven Tyler。先のことはわからないけど、いろんな人と会って、ぜひ一緒にやってみたいよ。 今はまだ言えないけど、近々実現するプロジェクトもあるんだよ」



――ファンから質問をもらっているのですが、日本のファンにはシングル曲にもなった「Don’t Jump」が好きなファンが多いんですけど、今後日本で演奏することはありますか?
Bill「そうなの?(嬉しそうに)もちろんだよ!! だって・・・」

ホントに仲の良くて礼儀正しい、TOKIO HOTELの4人♬


Google Trans:

- Getting four people to the band since the age of 14, some portion of the electro 取入Reru and evolving, but I think some parts of the axis has not changed at all, in their own I think that most bands exist as the axis of what?

Tom "the rhythm section of drums and bass guitar basically, joined by guitar, Bill's singing in everything from the beginning has not changed. Bill's voice itself has changed quite a bit old but, face is and, Devilish since I was [I think] I Humanoid makes sense to look to the whole "

* Devilish is the band name before TOKIO HOTEL

Gustav is always somewhat fuzzy (left), ☆ cool Georg

- Even if two people want to hear rhythm TOKIO HOTEL I guess about the sound.

Gus "TOKIO HOTEL's like the rhythm section (laughs)"

Geo "Hana Sono difficult question to answer. TOKIO HOTEL so that my own"

Tom "(Have interrupting) If we, I'm lucky. That when you are making music into the studio, not trying to shape a life in mind, why are you doing thinking Well I do not.'s made up I think it is lucky. from because I'm made good music! If it were not for luck, is not only capable of tracks like crap (laughs) "

Bill "(serious face) In some cases, listeners might not like the work. But most importantly," It's our favorite song "I'm you. Because this is our song , because our music. You do not make a record for the fans, make for themselves first. me to love the fans that if it'm really lucky. me to love everyone to, in my heart they will have to share together well wishing, at times there may even be right. To win favor with fans even so, things like selling themselves for success do not like yourself first The important thing is that the "

- Awesome!, I think you are too psychologically shaken axis. HOTEL TOKIO, though I have become a big world, and I want to produce like this guy want to play with someone like you do now?

Bill "always dreamed of I'm Aerosmith. In particular (the vocals) Steven Tyler. You never know though, met with various people, I want to do with experience. Now I still say, I've got to realize projects in the near future "

- The producers who want to do with someone there?

Bill "just as well that it actually met, and I do not know what do you want to make sure you have the same vision. No matter how" cool guy. Want to do something together, "even though I think, that I'll have met a different image. What is important is that with wavelengths"

      Although talks have been building essentially the center, ☆ Tom also really good 喋Rimasu

- I have got a question from the fans, Japanese fans were also the singles "Don't Jump" has many fans I'd like to be playing in Japan now available?

Bill "Really? (Happily) Of course!! Because"

Tom "(come on suddenly interrupting) I'm actually really like that song!"

Bill "(interrupt return) to us from the many good songs, but I'm hard to decide the set list every time !!!!"

Tom "(interrupts again) to have too many good songs, the concert never enough I'll laugh for two hours !!!!!"( two super Everyone Talk)

Bill "(be sure the big voice) I'll re-arrange the tour the old songs, called Some say I'm !!!!!!"

Get along really well and polite, TOKIO HOTEL ♬ 4 people

I think I spoke with calm and good will suddenly naughty Bill, too Okashi:

And identical twins and there, Tom actually was naughty!?

While also heard around the next time finally be the last ~ 8-)