Note: No translation besides the twins’ part and check out Bill and Tom’s new looks at 00:22 and again at 01:50!
Voice-over: Bill und Tom wollen ihre Favoriten nicht verraten, geben aber den Jungs mehr Chancen.
Bill and Tom don’t want to reveal who their favourites are but reckon the guys have got better
Bill and Tom don’t want to reveal who their favourites are but reckon the guys have got better
Tom: Ich glaub’, dass Simone, erm, große Chancen hat reingewählt zu werden.
I think Simone has got a real chance to get voted in.
Tom: Ich glaub’, dass Simone, erm, große Chancen hat reingewählt zu werden.
I think Simone has got a real chance to get voted in.
Bill: Auch, erm, Lisa, ja? Also, Lisa, ist, glaube ich, von ihrer Art… Sie steckt die Leute einfach an.
Also, erm, Lisa, right? Well, I think, Lisa is in her way… She just gets you carried away [by her entertaining way].
Also, erm, Lisa, right? Well, I think, Lisa is in her way… She just gets you carried away [by her entertaining way].
Voice-over: In ihrer Haut wollen die beiden aber keinesfalls stecken.
Both of them certainly don’t want to be in those candidates’ shoes.
Both of them certainly don’t want to be in those candidates’ shoes.
Tom: Für die, die ihre Autogrammkarten schon gedruckt
gekriegt haben und dann die Mitteilung kriegen “Ja, nee, ist nichts
geworden, kannst wieder nach Krefeld fahren.” dann ist es natürlich… Das
ist schon bitter.
Of course it’s… It will be tough for those who already had gotten their autograph cards printed and then will get the message: “Yeah no, it isn’t happening, [you] can back to Krefeld again.”
Of course it’s… It will be tough for those who already had gotten their autograph cards printed and then will get the message: “Yeah no, it isn’t happening, [you] can back to Krefeld again.”
Translation by Tokio Hotel UK Street Team
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