
You can watch the message of the guys on MTV now =)

Tokiohotel.com - ENDLICH – Tokio Hotel zurück in Russland!


ENDLICH – Tokio Hotel zurück in Russland!

Die Jungs sind überglücklich, dass sie endlich einen Weg gefunden haben ihre russischen Fans wiederzusehen! Tokio Hotel haben Fananfragen ohne Ende bekommen und die Fans aus Russland haben das Netz mit der Bitte zugepflastert, dass TH sie endlich wieder besuchen sollen...und jetzt hat das Warten ein Ende. Tokio Hotel werden bei der großen MUZ TV Annual National Music Award Show am 3. Juni 2011 im Moskauer Olympiastadium auftreten! Bill, Tom, Gustav und Georg können es kaum erwarten wieder mit ihren Fans zu feiern!


English Site:

 FINALLY – Tokio Hotel back in Russia!

We are thrilled to announce, that TH finally found a way to see their Russian fans again! The guys received tons of requests via mail and their Russian fans plastered the net asking them to come back....and now the long wait is OVER! Tokio Hotel will perfrom at the huge MUZ TV Annual National Music Award Ceremony scheduled for June 3rd 2011 at the Olympic Stadium, Moscow! Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg can't wait to celebrate with their fans!


Tokiohotel.com - TOKIO HOTEL gewinnen USA MTV O Music Award !


TOKIO HOTEL gewinnen USA MTV O Music Award !

Gestern wurden in Las Vegas die neuen MTV O Music Awards vergeben. Obwohl TOKIO HOTEL in den letzten 5 Monaten konsequent alle Interviews abgesagt haben und versucht haben sich erst einmal komplett aus der Öffentlichkeit zurück zu ziehen, konnten sie sich in der Kategorie "Fan Army" gegen ihre US Konkurrenten wie Lady Gaga, Rihanna oder Justin Bieber durchsetzen. Damit kann die deutsche Rockband als einziger europäischer Künstler eine Trophäe auf den Kontinent holen. Die Show wurde weltweit per LIVE Stream übertragen und ist neben den US Video Music Awards, den Latin Music Awards und Europe Music Awards nun schon das vierte internationale MTV Format bei dem TOKIO HOTEL ausgezeichnet wurden.


English site 

TOKIO HOTEL win the MTV O Music Award in the US!

The celebration for the brand new MTV O Music Award show took place in Las Vegas, US yesterday night. And even though TOKIO HOTEL have tried to escape the spotlight over the last five months by not giving any interviews or doing TV apperances, the four rock stars from Germany received an award in the category Fan Army. They beat US artists such as Lady Gaga, Rihanna or Justin Bieber and were the only European act that scored one of the prestigious trophies. The entire MTV O Music Award show was broadcasted world wide yesterday via LIVE stream.
Aside from the US MTV Video Music Awards, the MTV Latin Music Awards or the MTV Europe Music, where Tokio Hotel have taken home multiple awards over the last years, the MTV O Music Awards are now the fourth international MTV format where Tokio Hotel has come out as one of the night’s big winners.


...check out the full MTV O Music award show right HERE or watch the video message Bill and Tom recorded for YOU!

Tokio Hotel's Facebook & Twitter Update #2 #3

Twitter & Facebook Update #1

Tokio Hotel gewinnt neuen MTV-Preis: „Beste Fans“ -bild.de

Tokio Hotel gewinnt neuen MTV-Preis: „Beste Fans“

Die Magdeburger Band Tokio Hotel kann sich der größten Truppe von Verehrern („Fan Army”) weltweit rühmen. Bei der Verleihung der ersten Online-Preise des Musiksenders MTV („MTV O-Awards”) sammelten die deutschen Rocker die meisten Stimmen für den begehrten Zuschauerpreis ein. „Wir haben gewonnen”, triumphierte der amerikanische Fanclub von Tokio Hotel am Freitag auf seiner Internetseite. Keine andere Band der Welt habe eine so engagierte und treue „Fan-Armee” wie die Gruppe um Tom und Bill Kaulitz. Andere „O Music Awards” gingen an Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Adam Lambert und Willow Smith, die zehnjährige Tochter von Will und Jada Pinkett Smith.

Anders als bei den Grammys, den American Music Awards und allen bisherigen MTV-Zeremonien kamen Stars und Fans bei der Verleihung der neuen Online-Preise gleichermaßen zu Ehren. Die Show wurde aus der belebten Fremont Street in Las Vegas übertragen und verzichtete auf jede Formalität. „Wir sind für jedermann da. Wer ein Handy oder einen Computer hat, kann teilnehmen”, sagte die Vizepräsidentin für Digitale Musik bei der MTV Music Group, Shannan Connolly.

English Translation by Tokiohotel-Info

Tokio Hotel wins new MTV-Award: "Best Fans"

Tokio Hotel from Magdeburg can be happy to have the world's biggest group of fans ["Fan Army"]. They collected the most votes for the coveted audience award at the award ceremony of the first Online-Awards of the music-channel MTV ["MTV O-Awards"]. "We won", triumphed the American Fanclub of Tokio Hotel on their homepage. No other band in the world have such an active and faithful "Fan-Army" like the group around Tom and Bill Kaulitz. Other "O Music Awards" went to Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Adam Lambert and Willow Smith, the 10 year-old daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith.


Message of the guys [Transcript]

Bill: Hey guys, congratulations to everyone. We just got the news that  you guys won the MTV O Awards for the 'Best Fan Army" , Aliens. Congratulations to that. It's unbelievable and you know, on top of everything is like we haven't been on the road for a while, we haven't released a record for a while and you're still supporting us so much, and that's just unbelievable that makes us so proud and happy to have fans like that. You guys deserve it so much, but tonight is your night I want you to celebrate yourself. Go out and have the time of your life and we see you guys pretty soon. Thank you so much.

Tom: Thank you. 

MTV Buzzworthy: O Music Awards: Tokio Hotel Wins Fan Army FTW Award!

YOU GUYS! I'm like shaking/ crying!!! What's German for "shaking/ crying"?? Tokio Hotel fans won the O Music Award for Fan Army FTW!!!!! That means Tokio Hotel Fans/ Aliens are the loudest, most devoted, most devout, most die-hard music fans on the ENTIRE Internet. And you're the best vote-button-pushers too, rallying harder than Justin Bieber Beliebers, 30 Seconds To Mars' Echelon, Adam Lambert's Glamberts, Musers, My Chemical Romance's MCRmy, Lady Gaga's Little Monsters, Rain's Clouds, Nicki Minaj's Barbiez, Katy Perry's Katy Cats, Trey Songz's Angels, the Rihanna Navy, and Wiz Khalifa's Taylor Gang, to win Tokio Hotel the distinguished honor of having the most hardcore fan army.

You've followed the four boys from Magdeburg from their humble beginnings as Devilish to Comet Awards, platinum albums, EMAs and their VMA (not to mention all of Buzzworthy's three years of coverage of your beloved boys). You're the loudest, proudest music fans anywhere! So, congratulations and glückwunsch on your Fan Army FTW win!

SOURCE [comment]




Plus : A message from the guys ;

Video was removed :/

Credit; dunkelherzscarlett/tha

Tokio Hotel's Facebook & Twitter Update #4


Panorama News nº 04/2011 (Peru)

scans by Ynés

■「もっと見たかった!」という方、フル・ヴァージョンをどうぞ!- Universal International



番組だけに"Durch Den Monsun"。音楽番組ではないので仕方ないのですが、使用されたのは


Google trans:
■ "to see more!"How that interest the full version!
 Was broadcast on April 12 "in German television, " I think many fans who have been checked, how did you?
I think we can  reborn in the excitement of first visit to Japan in December Tokio Hotel consists of loving as before?

Was also used video showcase was held on December 15 last year. The selected music, the German
Only show "Durch Den Monsun". It is unavoidable not a music program, was used
Tens of seconds.

You do not watch in full? I want to see it! Enjoy your visit here to determine the third


or watch it on youtube...

MTV Video Music Aid Japan - Darkside Of The Sun

'MTV Video Music Aid Japan - Tokio Hotel are nominated in the category "Best Rock Video" with their song Darkside Of The Sun. More info on how to vote will be announced soon, and this event will take place on June 25th 2011 in Tokyo in the arena "Makuhari Messe". Direct link to the category: http://www.mtvjapan.com/vmaj/nominee#best_rock_video


Deutscher Fanclub ; Voting-Endspurt der MTV O-Music Awards

Voting-Endspurt der MTV O-Music Awards MTVOMAWie ihr wisst, sind Tokio Hotel als einzige deutsche Band bei den MTV O-Music Awards in der Kategorie "Fan Army FTW" nominiert. Aber nicht die Fans von Justin Bieber, Katy Perry oder Rihanna belegen derzeit Platz 1 (Quelle) - nein, das seid ihr, die besten Fans der Welt. Damit das auch so bleibt, hängt euch für die letzten zwei Tage noch einmal ordentlich rein, um der Musikwelt zu zeigen, wer die besten, treuesten und votingstärksten Fans hat.

In diesem Sinne, ganz getreu unseres Mottos: ROCK THE VOTE!

Hier geht's zum Voting.


 As you know the final voting of the MTV Music Awards MTV O-OMA , Tokio Hotel are nominated as the only German band at the MTV Music Awards in the O-category "Fan Army FTW. But not the fans of Justin Bieber, Katy Perry and Rihanna show now No 1 (source) - no, it's you, the best fans in the world. To keep it that way, you depend for the last two days once properly purely to show the music world, who has the best, most loyal and most fans voting.

In this sense, true to our motto: ROCK THE VOTE!

Click here to vote.

SuperfaTeen #17 (Brazil)

Scans by kaulitzroxmysox

Tokio Hotel's Facebook & Twitter Update #3 VOTE VOTE!


Katerina #1621 [Greece]

Translation: We Can't Live without Tokio Hotel
Tokio Hotel, Big For Japan

Some things are not random. Like that Tokio Hotel is one of the most Beloved bands both for their music and their behavior.
And once again they proved that they are "Good kids" with their support to the Victims of the Tsunami in Japan.

Eventually a great artist is not characterized only by his successes but by his behavior. Despite their young age, Tokio Hotel show once again their humanity. And apart from the love letter they sent to the Japanese, they created "Tokio Hotel for Japan", where anyone who wants can buy buttons of the band, and all the income will go to the victims of the tsunami, showing that the word "Tokio" isn't randomly in the name of the band.

-You choosed as your name "Tokio Hotel". What is your opinion for the town of Tokyo?
BILL: When we first went there, we were impressed by how many fans we had. We thought that outside Europe nobody know us, but when we got off the plane we saw our fans waiting for us, Of course we got excited.

- Why were you impressed? You aren't used to such events?
TOM: Probably because it was our first time in Tokyo.

-You have said in the past that you are perfectionists. Does this cause problems to the others that work with you?
BILL: Maybe (Laughs). Many times i say to myself "Relax, it's okay", but this doesn't work and in the end i want everything to be perfect. If i don't make something perfectly, then it's stucked in my mind. It's like a Disease.

-This tend for perfection, have you get from your parents;
BILL: Maybe. Besides, with my mother i am very close. She never pressed me for anything, and she believed a lot us. She supported us from the beginning. The good is that she trusts us.

- Is it true that you don't hire any stylist for your appearances?
TOM: Yes, it's true. Besides, i can't trust easy somebody else.
BILL: A Stylist might wants us to wear clothes that we don't like and then i'd feel really uncomfortable. I prefet to choose and shop on my own what i will wear.

- How easy is to buy your Clothes for your Lives?
BILL: It isn't easy, because they recognize us. Luckily, we know some specific stores that have clothes in the style we like and they open special hours for us. Otherwise, we Shop online.

- So, all the accessories you wear you've bought them from the Internet?
BILL: Of course. There are some fantastic websites where you can find everything.

- In the past, you've said hat your house is liek a shop for clothes.
GEORG: It's logical, since there are more clothes than in a shop.
TOM: I Have enough clothes, but Bill has much more.
BILL: Also, i don't like throwing away old clothes. I gather them in a room.

- Despite the fact that you are very famous, you keep a low profile and your character hasn't change. Is this your basic priority?
BILL: Yes, it is very important for us. We don't want success to affect us. Besides, apart from a band we are good friends. We know each other for about 10 years. We are happy that we managed to make our dreams reality but that doesn't mean that fame changed us.
TOM: Besides, we've gone through the point that we were unknown, as back then we had played in front of 5 people in a club, and we know that it's difficult to reach the top.That's why we haven't let fame go to our heads.

- You are currently preparing your new work. How long does it take to finish recordnibng an album?
TOM: There is no standart time. It depends. First, from how many tracks we record and then from how satisfied we are from the final result. But we aren't working with a Deadline. If we did this, Things would be very difficult.

- After 10 Years of success, what do you think is different in you?
BILL: I think we've grown up a lot, both we and our music. I think this has changed for us over these years.


♥ Their first single "Durch den Monsun" in 2005, went to the top of the German charts and made them the youngest band that achieved something like that.

♥ Their first english tracks were released on 2007.

♥ The original name of the band was Devilish. They changed it to Tokio Hotel on 2003.

♥ Favourite food of all four are Burgers.

♥ Gustav's favourite bands are Metallica and Foo Fighters, Georg's are Oasis and Fall Out Boys, And Bill's are Green Day, Coldaplay, Keane and Placebo. Tom usually listens to German Hip-Hop.

♥ Gustav before any Concert, he listens to heavy metal at full blast.

♥ Bill's nickname is "Macky" since his grandma used to call him like that when he was younger.

♥ All four members of Tokio Hotel speak German, English and French.

♥ Bill is allergic to Apples and Mosquito bite!

♥ Tom has 17 Guitars

♥ Georg's idol is Flea of Red Hot Chilli Peppers.

♥ Bill always have his Favourite teddy bear on their tours, while Tom his collection of Cups.

♥ Bill had a surgery in his vocal Chords on 2008.


♥ "Compared to what our fans believe, we are not perfect. Yes, we have a success, but we don't want them to have us an an example".

♥ "If i could i would want to write songs in my whole life. That would be the best way to live".

♥ "In Music Business a lot of people do drugs. That's why we are careful so the people who work with us don't have these kind of addictions. For us Drugs will never be a way out."

More Than a Group.
However the members of Tokio Hotel aren't just musicians. They also have worked as... Models. On 19th January 2010 Bill worked with Dean and Dan Caten of Dsquared team and He participated in their fashion show in Milano, and shortly after he worked with Alice Cooper for the advertisement of the electronics stores Saturn. The August of 2010 Tom became the official model of the Sportwear Company Reebok, while all four members of Tokio Hotel have starred in the advertisment of the Car company Audi.

Golden Success.
"The Good day from the morning seems" (A Greek Idiom), says the people and this is true for Tokio Hotel. Or more precisely, a good success from the first single seems! That's how they managed to get to the top of the charts with their first single "Durch den Monsun" and since then they've won 95 awards, with most important the Steiger Award (As best Newcomer), World Music Award (As Best Selling German Artist) and MTV Europe Music Award (As Best Headliner).

Mini Bio:
Tokio Hotel were formed in 2001, when Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing, who were friends, Saw Bill and Tom Kaulitz in a Concert. They talked and decided to form a band. After they appeared i several German talend shows and small concerts, The producer Peter Hoffmann discovered them and then their Way to the Top started.

Happy Easter! from THNOISE ❤

We hope  you have a happy Easter❤