
Important; MTV's Musical March Madness: VOTE! We don't have much time!

This is the last the day to vote for Tokio Hotel on the MTV March Madness poll.  We really need to vote for this... Please, everyone vote. Tell your friends, your family, everyone you know. We cannot lose this. Please don't read the comments, don't fight, JUST VOTE.  Today is Georg's Birthday! Let's do it for him?


Happy Birthday Georg ❤ From THNOISE

Happy Birthday Georg! We are so proud of you, proud of what you have accomplished during these years.. and we wish you a happy birthday and that all your dreams come true.  Thank you for never giving up. We admire you so much.  Happy Birthday dear Georg!
Alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag, Georg!

Мальчик, девочка? Какая разница..

Мальчик, девочка? Какая разница..

Потому что на самом-то деле мужчина не обязательно получится сильным, волевым и решительным. И не факт, что женщина будет нежной и заботливой. А значит, все это только ролевые игры.

И уже совсем неважно, кто есть кто – мальчик или девочка. Идол подростков Билл Каулитц (Tokio Hotel) выглядит неопределенно, и молодые девушки любят его именно за то, что он не похож на брутала, от которого исходит неопределенная угроза.

Саманта Ронсон (одна из самых известных диджеев и бывшая девушка Линдси Лохан) выглядит как мальчик. Чудесная модель и красотка Агнес Дин – тоже. В моде тяжелые и чувственные женские лица и тонкие, мечтательные – мужские. И наоборот.

На самом-то деле это уже давно не вопрос стиля, не эпатаж, а последствия убеждений, образа жизни, перемен в сознании.

Translation by THEurope 

[..] In fact, the man does not have to be strong, stubborn and determined. And a woman does not have to be kind and loving. All this is just an joke.

And it really does not matter who is who – a boy or a girl. The teen idol Bill Kaulitz (Tokio Hotel) is uncertain, and young people like him precisely because they do not like the brutal, something that generates threat.

Now is a trend in Europe. It is wonderful that the kids are free, you do not have to inspire anyone in every class with nonsense about men and women who grow up with magazines and listen to good music and no one looks askance, even if they come home dressed toilet paper.

This is an incredible feeling – to be who you are: think, look and say what you want, not what you need to wait. [...]



Tokio Hotel Japan; Happy Birhtday Georg


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Georg!

 Google Translation:

The handsome bassist Sarassara hair today, the 24th George Kun
It is his birthday! Congratulations not say directly, but I'm sorry, Japan
I send loving messages to George!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Georg! (Happy Birthday, Georg)


Tokio Hotel: Teenie-Band mit Welterfolg

Vier Jungs aus Loitsche, einem Dorf bei Magdeburg, gehören zu den erfolgreichsten Bands der deutschen Musikgeschichte. Über 6 Millionen Alben hat das Quartett um die Brüder Tom und Bill Kaulitz bislang verkauft.

Hysterische Teenie-Fans, Charterfolge und ausverkaufte Hallen. Und das nicht nur in Deutschland. Die vier Jungs von Tokio Hotel sind mittlerweile auch weltweit erfolgreich.

Seit ihrer Kindheit machen die beiden Zwillinge Bill und Tom Kaulitz zusammen Musik. Ihr Stiefvater förderte das Talent der beiden und ließ sie bereits im Alter von neun Jahren auftreten. Bei einem dieser Konzerte lernten die Kaulitz-Brüder auch ihre jetzigen Bandmitglieder und Freunde kennen. Unter dem Namen "Devilish" spielten sie in der lokalen Clubszene und bei Bandwettbewerben mit. Vor sieben Jahren begann dann die steile Karriere der Band. Nachdem Sänger Bill Kaulitz 2003 bei einem Casting-Wettbewerb mitgemacht hatte, wurde er von einem  Musikproduzententeam entdeckt. 

Erfolg nach Plan

Zwei Jahre lang arbeitete man mit Tokio Hotel im Studio am Debütalbum und verpasste ihnen Gesangs- und Instrumentalunterricht. Der Erfolg war vorprogrammiert, denn mit seinem androgynen Aussehen und den schrillen Klamotten war Bill Kaulitz dafür prädestiniert, von der Teenie-Zeitschrift Bravo ins rechte Licht gerückt zu werden. Von Anfang an berichtete das Münchener Magazin über jeden Schritt von Tokio Hotel. "Deutschlands neue Superstars" titulierte die Bravo – bevor überhaupt ein Song veröffentlicht worden war. Kein Wunder, dass die Debütsingle "Durch den Monsun" es auf Anhieb an die Spitze der Charts schaffte. "Wir hatten unglaubliches Glück", freute sich der damals 15-jährige Bill Kaulitz. "Es ist ja schwer, an die richtigen Leute zu geraten.

Glück und harte Arbeit – das ist das Erfolgsrezept des ostdeutschen Quartetts. Denn sie wurden von ihrem Management und ihrer Plattenfirma von einem Interview zum nächsten gescheucht. In den Jahren 2005 bis 2008 konnte kein Mensch in Deutschland an der Band vorbei. Ob er wollte oder nicht.

Protagonisten der Emo-Kultur

Selbst das eher kritische Nachrichtenmagazin "Stern" berichtete unter dem Titel "Nirvana für Teenies" in einer längeren Reportage über die Band. Vor allem Sänger Bill Kaulitz stand im Fokus des Medieninteresses; mit seinen angemalten Augenlidern, den zu Stacheln hoch toupierten Haaren, einem Zungenpiercing und coolen Klamotten verkörpert er das angehimmelte Idol der meist weiblichen Fans.
Gefühle zeigen zu harter Rockmusik - so könnte man Tokio Hotel musikalisch auf den Punkt bringen. Denn in der sogenannten "Emo-Kultur" ist es angesagt, seinen "Emos", also seinen Emotionen freien Lauf zu lassen. Vor allem die Texte treffen den Nerv der Mädchen. Sie handeln vom realen Leben, drehen sich um Wut, Liebe und Schmerz und sind zum Teil autobiographisch. Denn die Eltern der beiden Kaulitz-Brüder trennten sich, als sie noch Kinder waren.

Geliebt, gehasst und weltweit gefeiert
Viele Fans rufen auch viele Neider hervor. Entweder liebt man die Band abgöttisch oder lehnt sie konsequent ab. Comedians persiflierten den Look der Band, und im Internet tauchten immer wieder regelrechte Tokio Hotel-Hasskampagnen auf. 2006 wurde Bill Kaulitz in einer Fernsehsendung sogar zum "nervigsten Deutschen" gewählt. Trotzdem blieben Tokio Hotel weiterhin erfolgreich. Sie räumten sämtliche deutschen Musikpreise ab und begannen ihren Siegeszug  im Ausland. In Frankreich sind Tokio Hotel inzwischen Megastars, in Südamerika haben sie eine große Fangemeinde, und selbst in den USA schaffte das Quartett mit den letzten beiden Alben den Sprung in die Top 40. Und in Israel unterschrieben 6000 Fans eine Petition, damit die Band ein Konzert in ihrem Land spielt – mit Erfolg.
Auch wenn die Magdeburger inzwischen ihre Alben teilweise in englischer Sprache aufnehmen, haben sie ihre Fans weltweit dazu gebracht, Deutsch zu lernen. In den letzten beiden Jahren ist es allerdings etwas ruhiger um Tokio Hotel geworden. Die Band engagierte sich für einige Benefizprojekte, und Sänger Bill Kaulitz lief für einen Designer über den Laufsteg der Mailänder Modewoche. Doch von Bandauflösung ist nicht die Rede, und da die Jungs auch musikalisch ihr Handwerk verstehen, ist ein Ende der Karriere bislang nicht in Sicht.
Autor: Ralf Kennel
Redaktion: Matthias Klaus 

Translation: SOURCE

Tokio Hotel phenomenon is all the rage among teenagers, and not only in Germany.With over 6 million albums sold, the quartet of Tom and Bill Kaulitz conquer the pop music world.

Four boys Loitsche, a village near Magdeburg, eastern Germany. Tom and Bill, the twin brothers, making music since they are small and always had the support of his stepfather, who made up for the first time on stage at age nine. It was at a concert when they met the other two band members, Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing, and so the four formed the group "Devilish", playing in local clubs and participating in various competitions. The group's meteoric career began seven years ago, after Bill Kaulitz was discovered in 2003 by a producer during the casting for a musical event.

A plan for success Tokio Hotel worked for two years in studio to produce their first album, while taking instrumental and singing classes. With his androgynous appearance and dress out of the ordinary, it was Bill Kaulitz drew the most media attention because it was destined to appear at the top of Bravo, the number one teen magazine in Germany. From the beginning, the weekly, published in Munich followed step by step actions and events in the life of Tokio Hotel. "The new German stars, titled Bravo long before went on sale the first song. So no surprise that his debut single with the group, "Through the Monsoon", quickly came to occupy the top ranking album. "We were incredibly lucky," Bill Kaulitz said then, "is not easy to find the right people."
It was not just luck, but also a great job of marketing that make up the key to success of the pop quartet, as its manager and his record company took them from the outset of an interview to another. In Germany, there was not a hum, even unintentionally, the success of Tokio Hotel from 2005 until 2008.
Characters emo culture
Even as a German weekly Stern, rather critical, published a long article about the band titled 'Nirvana for teenagers'. Especially the singer, Bill Kaulitz, is always the focus of attention for his style of dress and grooming. With painted eyelids, hair style, a mixture of punk and manga, a tongue piercing and colorful clothes, Bill is an idol adored by female fans quantities. To summarize the style of Tokio Hotel can say that they put feeling the rock hard as the 'urban tribe' of emos is well seen unleash emotions. And they are, above all, the girls who identify with their texts, which talk about life, love, pain and anger. They are autobiographical in part, because the Kaulitz brothers' parents separated when they were children still.

Beloved, hated and celebrated worldwide
Many fans have also caused much envy. A Tokio Hotel, or love them or reject them. They are often parody, and the Internet appear campaigns against the band occasionally. In 2006, Bill was elected during a television program as "Germany's most unnerving." But despite everything, Tokio Hotel is accumulating successes. The band won several music awards in Germany and abroad. In France they are megastars, have a large community of followers in South America, and in the U.S.. USA., Her last two albums were among the top 40 rankings. In Israel, some 6,000 fans signed a petition for that Tokio Hotel can be contacted at home, and they succeeded. Magdeburg Boys fans managed to even learn German abroad to sing their songs, although they have recorded some of their albums in English. In recent years, Tokio Hotel is dedicated to charitable projects, and Bill Kaulitz marched recently to a designer at Fashion Week in Milan. But the group does not stand still, and as the music is your thing, it is certain that Tokio Hotel's music career has not ended.


Tokio Hotel: Spendenaktion für Japan

Das schwere Erdbeben und der anschließende Tsunami haben Japan nicht nur eine atomare Katastrophe beschert. Ganze Landstriche sind verwüstet, Städte wurden von der Welle einfach fortgespült. Tausende Menschen verloren ihr Leben, Hunderttausende ihr Heim.

Das Land und die Menschen brauchen dringend Hilfe. Für die Jungs von Tokio Hotel ist es angesichts der Katastrophe keine Frage, eine Spendenaktion ins Leben zu rufen.
Das Quartett aus Magdeburg hat ein spezielles Button-Set entworfen, dessen Erlös komplett an das japanische Rote Kreuz geht.
Das Set besteht aus drei Ansteckern und wird für 5 Euro, 15 Euro und 25 Euro angeboten. Somit kann jeder selbst entscheiden, wie viel Unterstützung man dem japanischen Volk zukommen lassen möchte.
Mit dieser Aktion reihen sich Tokio Hotel in die lange Liste von Stars ein, die dem Inselstaat beistehen. So hat beispielsweise Lady Gaga ein Armband designt, Beyoncé viel Geld gespendet und Justin Bieber seine Fans dazu aufgerufen zu spenden. 

English Translation: bebe888/THUS 

Tokio Hotel – Fundraising for Japan
The earthquake and the subsequent tsunami, which struck to Japan, were not brought only a nuclear catastrophe. Whole areas were destroyed and cities were swept easily by the wave. Thousands of people lost their lives, hundreds of thousands lost their home.

The country and the people need urgent help. The boys from Tokio Hotel due to the disaster without hesitation started a fundraising campaign.
The quartet from Magdeburg designed a special button-set, whose total proceeds is entirely given to the Japanese Red Cross.
The set contains three buttons and they will costs for 5, 15 and 25 euros. Thus, everyone can decide how much you want to support the Japanese people.
With this action, Tokio Hotel is lined too on the long list of the stars, who help for the island state. For example, Lady Gaga designed a bracelet, Beyoncé donated a lot of money, and Justin Bieber called his fans for the donation.


MTV's Musical March Madness: Paramore Vs. Tokio Hotel [It's HARD] #4

(5) Paramore vs. (14) Tokio Hotel
Paramore might have delivered the most impressive performance of the tournament when they defeated Linkin Park in a nail-biting fiasco that came right down to the final minutes. That particular match-up grabbed more votes than any pairing so far, which is also impressive. For their efforts, Paramore will go head-to-head with Tokio Hotel for the right to advance to the Final Four. Tokio Hotel took out Muse in the Sweet 16, but Paramore poses their greatest challenge yet. Who will come out on top? Your votes will decide it!



Mit Deutsch auf Erfolgskurs [DW-World.de]

Mit Deutsch auf Erfolgskurs

Dass sich Deutsch als Sprache für Popsongs nicht eignet, widerlegen zahlreiche Künstler und Bands, die es schaffen, mit deutschen Texten die oberen Plätze der Charts zu belegen. Hier eine kleine Auswah

With German on course for success
The fact that German is not as a language suitable for pop songs,  numerous artists and bands  prove wrong, who make it to the top places of the charts with German lyrics. Here is a small selection... 


Tokio Hotel's Facebook & Twitter Update ;March Madness


MTV's Musical March Madness: Muse Vs. Tokio Hotel [VOTE!]

(2) Muse vs. (14) Tokio Hotel
Muse squeaked by Cobra Starship in the first round and then made quick work of Weezer in the second, which now puts them in the unenviable position of taking on Tokio Hotel. Last year's big Cinderella team certainly seems to be wearing the glass slipper again, as they have bested Mumford & Sons and Adele despite their lower ranking. Will they continue their push toward the championship, or will Muse fans continue to galvanize and help their favorite band stand tall? Vote and find out!



Tom's Blog - Schuldig!





Guilty! [Eng]


Watch video and comment@ Tokiohotel.com;  Tom's blog


Made In Germany: The most influential musicians

Made In Germany: Die einflussreichsten deutschen Musike
Platz 25- Tokio Hotel

Vom musikalischen Standpunkt aus betrachtet, ist es natürlich nahezu lächerlich, von Tokio Hotel als einer einflussreichen Band zu sprechen. Wenn es aber darum geht, kulturelle Aspekte zu berücksichtigen, sind die Magdeburger ganz weit oben anzusiedeln. Wer sogar in Israel Jugendliche dazu bringt, deutsch zu lernen, den muss man ganz sicher als wichtig bezeichnen. Auch wenns der Musikpolizei weh tut.

Translation by Icey @ LoveTH-Music.com -

Made In Germany: The most influential musicians

#25 - Tokio Hotel
From a musical point of view, it’s of course almost ridiculous to talk of Tokio Hotel as an influential band. But if you take the cultural aspects into account, the boys from Magdeburg are definitely on top of that list.

Those who can even induce young people in Israel to learn German, can definitely be identified as important. Even if it hurts the “Music-Police” to admit that.

Tokio Hotel on Vh1 India Rockathon Weekends [2]


Japan: Jetzt spenden! (tokiohotel.de)


Japan: Jetzt spenden!

Nach dem verheerenden Unglück in Japan brauchen die Bürger dort unsere Unterstützung. Aus diesem Grund haben Bill, Tom, Gustav und Georg die große TH Button-Kampagne gestartet. Hol Dir jetzt das TH-Japan-Buttonset und der gesamte Erlös aus dem Verkauf geht direkt an das japanische Rote Kreuz. Je nachdem was du gerne spenden möchtest kannst du auswählen zwischen dem Set für €5, €15 oder €25. Zeige deine Anteilnahme und helfe den Menschen in Japan.
> Hier kommst du an die Buttons

Ein riesen Dankeschön von Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg an alle die diese Aktion unterstützen.

Japan: Donate Now!

After the devastating  disaster in Japan  the people need our support. For this reason, Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav have started the large TH-button campaign. Get now the TH-Japan Buttonset and all proceeds from the sale goes directly to the Japanese Red Cross. Depending on what you would want to donate you can choose from the set for € 5, € 15 or € 25 Show your sympathy and help the people in Japan.
Here you get the buttons 

A big thank you from Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg to everyone who supports this action.



LoveCeleb #04/2011 (Japan) [Bigger Scans]



POR TI magazine n#273 - Mexico (March)

Tokio Hotel Thank Fans For 'Incredible' Musical March Madness Support

In 2010, MTV News threw Tokio Hotel into our inaugural Musical March Madness tournament almost as an afterthought, sticking them with a #16 seed and putting them up against #1 Coldplay with the assumption that they'd probably lose.
Only they didn't.

In fact, thanks to the undying support of their fanbase, Tokio Hotel crushed Coldplay, and began a remarkable two-week run that saw them knock off heavily favored bands like Radiohead, Vampire Weekend and Owl City before losing to eventual champions Coheed and Cambria in a controversial Final Four matchup.

In short, we grossly underestimated TH, so when it came time to unveil our 2011 MMM bracket, we made sure that they made the cut ... this time as a #14 seed (when will the selection committee ever give them the respect they deserve?!?). And, picking up where they left off last year, they rolled over Crystal Bowersox in the opening round, and now are heavy favorites in their second-round matchup against Adele ... which just so happens to open for voting on Thursday (March 24).

Vote in the Tokio Hotel/Adele matchup — and other second-round battles — right now on the Newsroom blog!
So, with Adele on their schedule now, and a potential rematch against Coheed looming in the MMM Championship (it's April 4, just like the NCAA's!), we reached out to Tokio Hotel for comment on their tournament success. And though they're currently hard at work on the follow-up to their 2009 Humanoid album, the guys took the time to respond ... and thank their fans for their support.

"Thank you so much to our fans," frontman Bill Kaulitz said. "Although we locked ourselves in the studio and didn't release a new record for a long time, you guys are still supporting us in such a strong way, that's incredible! Thank you!"

Can Tokio Hotel finally hoist the MMM trophy? They certainly seem primed for a deep run in the 2011 tourney, but, ultimately, it'll be up to their fans to decide their fate ... voting is now open on the Newsroom blog, and you can help them finally realize their championship dreams. And hopefully get a little revenge against Coheed, too.


MTV's Musical March Madness: Tokio Hotel Vs. Adele

(11) Adele vs. (14) Tokio Hotel
In the only second round pairing that put together two upset victors from round one, the upset minded Adele (who beat back Kid Rock to advance) takes on the rabid fan base of Tokio Hotel (who bested Mumford & Sons in round one). No matter who wins, the one left standing could end up being the lowest seed in the Sweet 16. Which artist will keep wearing the glass slipper? Weigh in with your vote!

V.O.T.E ! 




Tom's Blog; Hast du auch Angst vor kleinen Mädchen?!


Hast du auch Angst vor kleinen Mädchen?!

Ein Kamerateam hat Hotelgäste zu Tode erschreckt....und zwar mit einem kleinen Mädchen das einsam im Hotelgang wartet. Check die Reaktionen der Leute die mit versteckter Kamera gefilmt wurden. Zum Totlachen!

Are you also scared of little girls?!

A TV team scared hotel guests to death.... just by putting a little girl in the hallway. Check out the peoples reactions which were captured with a hidden camera. Hilarious!

Watch video and comment@ Tokiohotel.com;  Tom's blog


Musical March Madness : Tokio Hotel Won; first round

The South bracket also featured two upsets, as 11th-seeded Adele took out Kid Rock, and Tokio Hotel toppled Mumford & Sons. Tokio Hotel's success isn't surprising, as they have one of the most devoted fan bases on the Internet, but Adele's victory is probably because of the fact that she cut her own promo to support her Musical March Madness campaign.


Herbert Grönemeyer Talks about Tokio Hotel

Note; For those who don't know who he is. He's a successful/popular German singer.


Ich denke das ist amerikanisch und der Junge erfüllt sich damit seinen Traum. Das ist das Pendant zu Tokio Hotel. Aber ich muss sagen ich finde dann ehrlich gesagt Tokio Hotel von der Musik her besser."

(...) I think that it's American and the boy fullfilled his dream.  That's the equivalent of Tokio Hotel.  But I must say that I find Tokio Hotel's music better.

“Bilingüe y audiovisual” – Teleguia (Costa Rica )

The Best of Tokio hotel 
Bilingual and audiovisual
The German band summarized their short but successful career in   a 'triple' album. 

Tokio Hotel fans, your band prepared you a discography production that has many surprises, of course besides the new look that now,  your striking vocalist displays, Bill Kaulitz, who abandoned his "Lion mane' for a 'cow lick'... 'more glam' according to this words. 

A double disk and an a DVD make up this coupled, that summarizes the career of the Germans in their 10 years of  their trajectory, with which they also thank their millions of fans around the world for their support. 

This collection is called Best Of and it's already on sale in the country. 

Besides their hits like Ready, Monsoon and Don't Jump you will be able to listen two new songs; Hurricanes and Suns and Mädchen aus dem All. 
One of the albums contains 18 singles in English, while the other one has their hits but in German. 

Meanwhile, the DVD consists of 18 videos and some 'backstage'  so you can see how they produced several of those productions.

Bill in Kilian Kerner's page.



Tokio Hotel for Japan

Madrid .- There are many artists who, like Lady Gaga, wanted to give their support to the victims of the earthquake, tsunami and subsequent nuclear disaster in Japan and the boys from Tokio Hotel have been the last to join to the different mobilizations of aid .
Donations, charities and proposals in the social networks are some of the initiatives being carried out.
Twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz have been quick to express their condolences to all fans in Japan, one of the sites, along with Mexico, in which triumphs over the German band.
The German band was recently in the country and have much love to their Asian fans so when they saw the news of the earthquake and tsunami hit them so hard.
Bill Kauliz and other band members have used their official Facebook page to give their support to all victims of this terrible natural disaster, “Japan, what a terrible disaster. We are very concerned and we are left speechless. Our heart goes out to all Japanese. We share their sadness with them. “
The message also has spread to all areas dedicated to Tokio Hotel, for example, the blog of Tom Kaulitz.
Is still unknown but the action of Tokio Hotel to raise funds, insurance will soon be announce to help the country that gave them much things, starting from the name of the band.

Translation: @THEurope 

LoveCeleb #04/2011 (Japan)

Scan by maiorika


Josei Jishin #2484 (Japan)

Tom's Blog; Black Liquid



Black Liquid


...von dem deutschen "Modern Communication Artist" Dimitri Zakharov


Black Liquid


By German modern communication artist Dimitri Zakharov

Watch video and comment@ Tokiohotel.com;  Tom's blog


Gatomania #4 (Brazil)

(Apr - InRock #328) [one more scan]

Nach der Katastrophe zeigen sie Mitgefühl und bitten Fans um Hilfe [Bild.de]

Nach der Katastrophe zeigen sie Mitgefühl und bitten Fans um Hilfe

Shakira, Lenny Kravitz und Madonna: Viele Stars sind in Gedanken bei den Opfern der Katastrophe in Japan und bitten ihre Fans zu Spenden.

Auch deutsche Promis fühlen mit den Japanern. Tom Kaulitz (21) von Tokio Hotel bloggte: „Japan – die Ereignisse sind schrecklich! Uns fehlen die Worte. In Gedanken sind wir bei den Japanern! Es tut uns einfach furchtbar leid.”

Translation: Me thnoise :D hahaha. 
After the disaster, they show sympathy and ask fans for help 

Shakira, Lenny Kravitz and Madonna: Many Stars thoughts are with the victims of the disaster in Japan and ask their fans for donations.

Also German celebrities sympathize with the Japanese. Tom Kaulitz (21) Tokio Hotel blogged: "Japan - the events are horrible! We have no words.  Our thoughts are with the Japanese! We're just terribly sorry. "


MTV's Musical March Madness: Mumford & Sons Vs. Tokio Hotel

(3) Mumford & Sons vs. (14) Tokio Hotel
Mumford & Sons are the Cinderella story of the year, a folk and bluegrass combo who have steadily picked up fans and respect all around the world (and they've sold a million albums to boot). Meanwhile, Tokio Hotel was the Cinderella story of last year's Musical March Madness tournament, as they overcame their low seed to fly all the way to the Final Four before being ousted by eventual champs Coheed and Cambria. With a slightly better seed and a bit more experience under their belts, can Tokio Hotel make that extra push, or will Mumford & Sons spoil the party? Your votes decide it!