
Tom's Blog; Ein Tattoo das ich vielleicht auch machen lassen würde...


Ein Tattoo das ich vielleicht auch machen lassen würde...

Im Gegensatz zu meinem kleinen Bruder bin ich ja kein Fan von Tinte & Nadeln auf meiner sanften Haut ;-) Aber das ist wirklich ein nettes Tattoo...könnte mir vorstellen das machen zu lassen.

A tattoo I might wanna get too..

In contrast to my little brother, I'm not really into putting needles and ink under my smooth skin ;) But that's definitely a neat tattoo I might wanna get too…

Watch video and comment @Tokiohotel.com

Tokio Hotel Twitter


Privatu! (#4/2011)

Credit: Ssamedi/THUS

A singer

Masculinity is hinding under gentle features

Rock band "Tokio Hotel" singer is very similar to a woman, but it's said, that Bill is able to beam such a male sexuality and energy, that non of his fans notice his female clotheses nor bright make-up and fancy manicure."

NYLON (Japan) [With Translation Now]

Translation from Victore27

Yah your translation is a little weird. I really love that your translation program got confused with bills name. The “buildings” is suppose to be Bill . “bill” in Japanese can be like the name, or an abbreviation for buildings. In this case the translation program thinks that buildings are sexy and mysterious LOL.
Here is my translation, It’s not perfect, I’ve only been studying Japanese for two years, and it’s a lot harder to translate Japanese to English than germen to English for me, but hopefully it makes more sense than that one up there.

tokyo is a place that we have really dreamed of coming to see. Now that we have been able to come , i’m really /truly happy. – bill

they said that they just thought a Japanese sounding name would be cool, thus Tokio hotel. in 2001 In a city in eastern Germany,12 year old brothers bill and tom kaulitz formed the band. As soon as they debuted in 2005 they became a huge hit/ very popular in Europe. now they have won numerous awards and are popular/ people go crazy for them all over the world . now they are in tokyo and check into the place that their band name originated from. They have become successful in japan, and so they are releasing an album in japan.

the album is comprised of songs from our other albums.( after that he’s pretty much saying it’s like the scream english album, it’s so that people that are first hearing about them can easily get to know the music.) -tom

because the album artwork also has Japanese characteristics , hopefully people that know our stuff can (also) enjoy it/ the content. -bill

You can of course also hear the bands growth, and many different sounds(styles probably) in the album. although metal and techno are popular beats in Germany, tokio hotel’s is a unique fascinating “groove”.

we aren’t restricted by common sense, we always search for a new “groove” .so of course That’s why the songs feel like they have different moods. -bill

I don’t know how the band will change next, however that’s the charm of this band . therefore in the future perhaps we will make songs that don’t have metal and techno in them.It seems that the band has the freedom to do that(change their sound). -tom

the reason the freedom of the band is respected, they all have different visual “atmospheres”. (It’s just saying they all have different styles and that they respect that -I think-). even among them, bill has a sexy, mysterious appearance that is impressive. in fact in the past he was a model in a fashion show. by the way today he is wearing fake fur and pants by …..dior (I think).

The fur is fake because I’m a vegetarian. Regarding fashion I wear only what I want to. But my fashion is also a musical expression.I try to watch out for style that seems like it will give motivation to everybody(sorry I don’t know how to translate that right :/ ). -bill

Video Message for CDJournal.com

Tokio Hotel Twitter


Tom's Blog; DINGE....



....die einfach jeder wissen sollte:


...everyone should know:

WATCH VIDEO @Tokiohotel.com 

SHOXX Vol. 217 [Japan]

Quote: (*Totgeliebt*/THUS)
'I've asked someone from the German TH-Forum about that lastest scan and she gave me some more info about it and the other scan with the interview'


NYLON (Japan)

tokio hotel


photographer kazunobu yamada text takahisa matsunaga


「東京は僕らがずっと夢見てきた場所。来ることができて、本当にうれしいんだ」 (ビル/Vo)。  


ただ日本語の響きがクールだと思って名付けたという、トキオ・ホテル。2001年にドイツ東部の街で、当時12歳だったトムとビルのカウリッツ兄弟によっ て結 成されたこのバンドは、05年にデビューするやいなやヨーロッパ地域を中心に人気が爆発。今や世界各地を熱狂させ、数々の音楽賞を獲得している彼らが、 バンド名の由来となる東京の地にチェックイン。日本本格進出となるアルバムを発表する。  





「次がどうなるのかわからないのが、このバンドの魅力。だから今後はメタルや テクノとか一切入らない曲を作るかもしれないし。その自由さが、バンドらしさなのさ」(トム)。  

  自由さを尊重するバンドゆえ、ヴィジュアルに関しても4人それぞれ異なる雰 囲気を持つ彼ら。なかでもビルは、セクシーかつミステリアスな佇まいで印象的 だ。実は過去にファッションショーのモデルを務めたこともあるという彼。ちなみにこの日はディオール・オムのパンツに、フェイクファーをまとったスタイ ル。  


Google Translation:
Tokio Hotel
Kaulitz brothers are identical twins, led the band from Germany. The muscular band sound glamorous, sexy and unique in the visual They have swept the globe, finally landing Toukyou!
photographer kazunobu yamada text takahisa matsunaga

Nyuromantikkubando from Germany
"Tokyo is the place we've always dreamed. To be able to come, I'm really happy" (Bill / Vo).
"By coming to Tokyo, I feel that we opened a new door" (Tom / G).
I think that cool sound dubbed in Japanese, but Tokio Hotel. In the eastern German town in 2001, forming the band was created by brothers Tom and Bill Kaulitz was 12 years old at the time of the explosion in popularity around Europe to debut as soon as 2005. We rocked the world now that they have won numerous music awards, the Tokyo area and check the origin of the band name. Professional advancement and release an album in Japan.
"The album from among the songs have been released so far, you're content and best album was recorded a symbol of the Bandorashi most. So I have to finish easy to understand some people learned of the band's first" ( Tom.)
"From Japan, including some original artwork, will it be content to enjoy the things we know" (Bill).

On the album the band growing up, of course, enjoy a variety of sounds. Though it has a thriving German techno beats and unique metal that is a fascinating flow of their own distinctive groove.
"We is not bound to common sense, always looking for new grooves. So I feel a different atmosphere for each song wonder" (Bill).
"I do not know is what will happen next, the appeal of this band. So now to make a song might fit or any metal or techno. The freedom of it, Which is the Bandorashi" (Tom).

So respect the freedom the band, they have a different atmosphere for four people the visual. Among these buildings, with an impressive appearance in the sexy and mysterious. He also served as a fashion model in the past actually. Incidentally, this Sun Dior Homme pants, wearing a fake style.
"I'm a fake fur because it is also a vegetarian. About fashion, just wear what to wear myself. But fashion is also one of the musical expression for me. I need to keep stimulating the style so that everyone I'm careful. "(Bill).



Tom's Blog; Screamin' from the top of the world...


Screamin' from the top of the world...

Wie sind die nur da oben rauf gekommen !? Absolut crazy!

Screamin' from the top of the world...

I really wonder how they even got up there. Insane!

Watch Video @Tokiohotel.com


1/25 Tokio Hotel / ベストヒットUSA


Concert in Japan in February?

This is not confirmed yet.

Wird von beiden Seiten genug getan, um junge Leute für das jeweils andere Land zu begeistern?
Wir möchten den schon regen Jugendaustausch weiter verstärken. Es ist sehr wichtig, sich unmittelbar kennenzulernen. Dies müssen wir bei der jungen Generation fördern. Ich freue mich, dass die japanische Popkultur, wie Manga, Anime, sowie die Esskultur zunehmend die jungen Deutschen begeistern. Dass „Tokio Hotel“ im Februar ein Livekonzert in Japan gibt, ist ebenfalls erfreulich.

 Google trans;
By both sides done enough to inspire young people to the other country?
We want to strengthen the already lively youth exchange. It is very important to know immediately. This we must encourage the young generation. I am pleased that the Japanese pop culture such as manga, anime, and the food culture inspire more young Germans. That "Tokio Hotel" will give a live concert in Japan, is also pleasing.



Tom's Blog; Matthias Müller



Matthias Müller

Der Typ ist zwar erst 22 Jahre alt aber macht schon verdammt gute 3D Animationen:

Matthias Müller

This dude is only 22 years old but he has created some stunning 3D animation!

Watch video @Tokiohotel.com


视频: MTV メガベクトル - 19.01.2011 Part 2

                                        Watch @ http://v.youku.com/

                       视频: 2011.01.19 - MTV i.n.g.

Tokio Hotel Japan Facebook









Google translation:
How are you? Cold, but please be careful enough as it is popular flu.
Another month to cut the second visit of Tokio・Hoteru. In various interviews last visit Since Konashita, radio, TV, what can not you see their opportunities increase in the magazines?
Expected to be a fan of Tokio・Hoteru me a little more, but I believe in? Your The new Tokio・Hoteru fans around there?
There is also very catchy and no other sadness, because so glamorous and romantic rock, But I think it sounds Japanese.
Today is Monday, February 2 DVD Deluxe Edition have been included in "Kuesuchonzu & Answers" (This project called Facebook was recruited to answer the question) I will upload photos of a hint!
You may not have seen this picture too much.
Your friends and meet knew people, and we recommend Tokio・Hoteru 頂Keru to talk if given the chance
I'm happy!


Charity M&G with Bill and Tom Kaulitz

Garten braucht Geldspritze

Gala am Samstag mit Oliver Pocher: Sophie-Scholl-Schule benötigt 231 000 Euro für eine neue Außenanlage
Zum dritten Mal treten am Samstag im Hotel Dolce Künstler und Musiker für den guten Zweck auf – denn die Sophie-Scholl-Schule Wetterau benötigt weiterhin Sponsoren und Spenden. Schon bald soll auf dem Schulgelände in Bad Nauheim eine «bewegte Außenanlage» entstehen. Die Umsetzung des pädagogisch wichtigen Projekts kostet 231 000 Euro. Grund genug für Oliver Pocher, um in der Kurstadt wieder kräftig Spenden zu sammeln.
Bad Nauheim. Das Einzige, was sich derzeit auf dem Schulgelände bewegt, ist die große Schaukel. Das soll sich bald ändern. Fotos: Corinna Weigelt Derzeit ist der bestehende Schulhof der integrativen Grundschule, die seit 2009 besteht, eine bucklige Brache. Der unbefestigte Boden ist von Löchern übersät und verwandelt sich bei Regen in Morast. Es sind keinerlei Strukturen vorhanden, die eine Orientierung für Kinder mit Behinderungen ermöglichen würden. Sie können sich nicht einmal ohne fremde Hilfe bewegen – was sie in der Entwicklung ihrer Selbst- und Eigenständigkeit massiv einschränkt.

Die bereits vorhandenen, wenigen Spielgeräte mussten aus Sicherheitsgründen abgebaut wurden, der Schulhof soll sich aber schon bald in eine besondere Außenanlage verwandeln. Zu dem Konzept einer «bewegten Schule» gehört auch ein Außenbereich, wo Schüler mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten einen Ort des Spielens, Lernens und Entspannens finden.

Die Umsetzung des Projekts ist auf massive Unterstützung angewiesen. In der Landschaftsarchitektin Petra Keller hat die Grundschule bereits eine tatkräftige Unterstützerin gefunden. Das Büro Keller & Keller aus Kronberg im Taunus hat kostenfrei einen vollständigen Gestaltungsplan für das Außengelände vorgelegt, der die pädagogischen Ansätze der Schule in idealer Weise verwirklicht. Die Kosten belaufen sich auf 231 028,36 Euro. Mit der dritten Charity-Gala am Samstag (22. Januar) im Dolce soll ein Großteil der benötigten Kosten in die Kasse fließen.

Wie bei den voran gegangenen Veranstaltungen wird auch dieses Mal wieder Comedian Oliver Pocher durch das Programm führen. Jetzt stellten die Initiatoren Oliver Wohlers und Andreas Weigand das Programm für den «Charity-Hattrick» vor. Fest zugesagt haben bereits die «Supertalente» Michael Holderbusch und Thomas Lohse.

Supertalente treten auf

Michael Holderbusch begeisterte die Zuschauer mit seiner rauen Joe Cocker-Stimme und ging als Zweiter Sieger aus der Sendung hervor. Holderbusch sagte eigens für die Charity-Gala einen Honorarauftritt ab. Thomas Lohse wird ihn am Klavier begleiten. Als Pianist überzeugte er auch schon Dieter Bohlen. Von der Eintracht Frankfurt werden Sebastian Jung und Christoph Preuss erwartet. Ebenso werden bekannte Comedians das Programm mit ihren Auftritten bereichern. Aus der Politik zählt Hessens SPD-Vorsitzender Thorsten Schäfer- Gümbel zu den Gästen.

Für die After Party konnte der gebürtige Bad Nauheimer Julian Williams gewonnen werden. Williams zählt zu den Gründungsmitgliedern der Söhne Mannheims und wird auf der Bühne unplugged performen. Für die weitere musikalische Unterhaltung sorgt DJ Mark Hartmann von Planet Radio aus Bad Vilbel.

Mit Preisen im Wert von über 50 000 Euro lockt die große Tombola. Als Hauptpreis gibt es einen Ford Ka, gesponsert von Ford-Kögler aus Friedberg, zu gewinnen. Mit einem Gemälde von Mike Kuhlmann und einem Mountainbike im Wert von 8000 Euro winken weitere attraktive Preise. Zu ersteigern gibt es diesmal ein Abendessen mit Eintracht-Spieler Maik Franz, sowie ein Meet & Greet mit Bill und Tom von Tokio Hotel.

«Wir haben in diesem Jahr eine ganz tolle Tombola», erklärt Oliver Wohlers, der gemeinsam mit Andreas Weigand die komplette Organisation ehrenamtlich übernimmt. «Jeder Euro fließt genau in das Projekt», fügt Andreas Weigand hinzu. Dort wird er auch dringend benötigt. Schon im Sommer soll das Ergebnis auf dem Schulgelände sichtbar sein und mit einem Sommerfest groß gefeiert werden.

Nach Gala geht‘s weiter

Weitere langfristige Veränderungen werden folgen. Somit ist auch mit der Charity-Gala noch lange nicht Schluss. «Die Gala ist zu einer festen Institution geworden», freut sich Oliver Wohlers. Spenden und Sponsoren werden weiterhin dringend gebraucht – und solange wollen Wohlers und Weigand auch weitermachen.

There will be a charity-gala for the benefit of the Sophie-Scholl-Schule Wetterau in the Hotel Dolce in Bad Nauheim this Saturday (22nd January 2011). A "moving outdoor facility" will be built on the school area. Since the implementation of the educational major project costs 231000 €, comedian Oliver Pocher collects donations. Among other things, a Meet & Greet with Bill and Tom Kaulitz can be purchased by auction.

Translation by TokioHotel_info


视频: MTV メガベクトル - 18.01.2011


Tom's Blog 17.01.2011

 Tron Skating

Die Umsetzung ist ziemlich cool...sieht fast so aus wie in nem Videospiel.

Tron Skating

This looks pretty rad...almost like in a video game.

Watch video @Tokiohotel.com 

Feb - InRock #326 (Japan) - Tokio in Tokyo [Now with translation]

Scans and translation by theresa/THCN

Tokio Hotel in Tokyo

The aura of Tokio Hotel is too dazzling that it’s hard to get close.
Tokio Hotel in Omotesando

Finally Tokio Hotel has arrived in Japan! Although they are super star in Europe, it is their first time to come to Japan. On the first day in Japan, with the support of German embassy Tokio Hotel became to be a goodwill ambassador, in order to commemorate the 150th anniversary of restored diplomatic relation between Germany and Japan and let Japanese know more about German culture. Of course, they were promoting themselves as well. The people in charge of schedule set a devilish tight schedule for them, and he said: “This band wants to have a successful start in Japan. I think there will be no doubt.” So four members in the band began to make up since 9 o’clock, no complain at all for 12 hours, they kept working.

From the first day, Dec. 12th, to the interviews with In Rock, their idle time was almost zero. The manager said: “After all the interviews, all the stores had closed. So TH was looking forward to the interview in Harajuku. Although it’s raining, we will be there definitely. But they may go shopping until next Japan Trip.” The band was really in a high mood to go promotion.

Could such a band fulfill their keen wish? It began raining since the early morning. Fortunately, it stopped till the shooting and became cloudy. Finally we could go out.
In the hotel lobby, we met two fans that came from France. They followed TH all the way more than ever. At last, 8 people including me, set out in two Benzs with smoke-glass that the band prepared. In Europe Audi sponsors TH, so no matter where they go they have Audi. But Japan is not on the list, so they drive Benzs in Japan. However, the Benz matched up with Bill’s luxurious temperament well.

For 5 days 4 nights trip, Bill and Tom took 7 suitcases filled with clothes. Bill changed his cloth depending on each event. The day before, Bill wore some military look clothes, with a Grenade type hairstyle. Is the theme for today’s interview leisure lady? Bill never wears fur clothing, because he wants to support PETA. He preferred to wear fake fur clothing with good quality. Though Bill had to change poses for the cameras, he smiled a lot because he was together with his members. His smile could be laugh sometimes. Comparing to his serious face for the cameras, at this moment, his eased face was very cute.

Tokio Hotel in Harajuku

We got off the car in front of Louis Vitton in Harajuku and planned to go to Meiji shrine through the Takesita channel. But we didn’t succeed in 3 minutes, until all the people came into a personalized shop named Santa Monica. So was the stylist. Within 20 minutes, Bill tried on and bought two shirt and stadium jumper. He paid 32000 yen with his アメックス Platinum Card.(Notes: the membership fee of this card was not public, but it should be tens of thousands of yen.) Tom didn’t buy anything and came out early, saying: “Bill is always like this.” with a dry smile. Both of them would enter stores like ロスジャ、メルローズ アウェニュー together. “I would like to go to Shibuya more than here, the Shibuya crossing!” The manager heard about this and caught a glimpse of his watch. We probably didn’t have time to go to Shibuya due to their home returning on 16th. But as long as they wanted to go, we decided to shorten the lunch time and go to Shibuya through Takesita channel. These four people standing in the crossing were busy with taking photos. We could even see their wrought-up expression on their faces. Then a sudden scream reached their ears, because they were recognized by their fans. Bill and Tom have been eager to going to Shibuya for a long time, but this time they might …? How lucky the fans were! Even so, the band noticed it was a little bit late for the schedule. So they got on the Benz with smoke-glass immediately. However, the fans were still every excited. After all, fans were most precious!

Reports from chief director K Sir!
Tokio Hotel’s soul devoted Japan Trip

I didn’t have too much to report before TH came over. More than two years after they planned to come to Japan last time, the live performance has not been confirmed yet. This event was a formal debut for TH in a special country. Three years ago, they canceled their first Japan Trip, which made their fans cry regrettably and sadly. So I felt so stressful because the trip for this time was full of TH and fans’ enthusiasm. The album has not been released yet, so all the people put their hands up to deliver their wishes and hoped to buy the album as soon as possible. Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank TH and fans sincerely.

Dec. 12th Sunny

Tokio Hotel arrived at Narita airport 11 am.. Gustav and Georg arrived early. Almost 30 fans were waiting for them. I bought some drinking for the band members and staff and stood in a slightly far place. I made friends with the fans waiting there, so I also became very nervous. The flight arrived on time. Finally as these two people pushed the carts, they showed up in the crowd. The exclusive secretary followed them closely and broke a path for them to make sure they could get on the prepared car. Gustav was called “little G” by his fans, even at the airport they were not shy to call him in a lovely voice.
After checking the schedule in hotel, I came to Narita airport again to welcome the soul leader---Bill and Tom, the identical twin brothers. The flight from LA was supposed to arrive at 6 pm., fans have gathered at the airport before 5 pm.. The amount of the fans was several times more than that of early morning. The long-waited fans became nervous and calm down after they knew Bill and Tom have already arrived 30 minutes early. The secretary of the twin brothers entered the passageway to check their status. Fans standing near the exit started to scream one by one. It took three years for TH to come to Japan. Bill and Tom walked out from the exit and signed their names with their signature pens. All the fans nearly lost their rationality and gathered at the end of the guard bar. Their secretary broke a path for them and I helped to keep order at the very beginning. But we could not move forward at all. Bill and Tom tried their best to be kind to their fans without annoyed looking on their faces. The fans waiting at the parking lot sung “Durch den monsum” together. At that moment, Bill and Tom smiled happily. As Bill waved his hands, he got on the car. So did Tom. The touching scene just now was incredibly fervent, which must build some unforgettable memories in fans’ mind, I think. (By the way, the cars were sponsored by Mercedes-Benz Germany.) Later on, the band members and the staff went to the hotel and had a rest.

Dec. 13th Rainy

The promotion began from 11am to 8:30pm.. Lunch time was about one hour and a half, so they could have a wonderful lunch. The staff got to the hotel room one hour early to prepare, in order to make sure everything was alright during the interview. They prepared all kinds of food, such as water, cola (original, low calorie), red bull, coffee and chocolate cake (not Brownie, but almond chocolate cake). All of food was taken from abroad. The following interviews began as schedule. The band members needed to prepare makeup and clothing two hours early before the first interview, so they had to get up early. After a long interview, TH went to the party that Universal Music held in a Japanese food restaurant in Nishi-Azabu. The vegetarian food had been ordered in advance, so the party was going well. We prepared the fork and knife for Bill in case he could not use chopsticks well to pick up potatoes. Gustav and Georg were very happy to eat fried chicken and beef barbecue. The food looked tasty. The most surprising thing is that Bill and Tom ate some fried shrimps. Finally we knew that they sometimes ate some crustacean food. It was quite lucky to see this with my eyes. Although the party time was short, I guessed all the staff and the band members got much closer. At last, the young staff paid the bill and the band had a very satisfied diner. The party was over.

Dec. 14th Rainy to cloudy

All the band members (or Bill only) got up early to get prepared. The band members entered the interview room11:45 am.. When we met Bill, we really wanted to say to Bill: “Bill, you are so early!” and he wore gorgeous clothing. The first interviewer was NHK education (in German), but it seemed that they didn’t have many questions. Then TH went to Omotesando in two Benzs and service wagon to receive the interview with In Rock! I felt thrilled watching Bill walk leisurely in Omotesando. All the band members wanted to go to fashion center and have a look, so they couldn’t help it. We got off the cars in front of Louis Vittion. Some passengers saw the unusual scene as well. (Please refer to the details about interview in Harajuku above.) After the interview, TH got back to the hotel and had lunch. Their lunch was pasta with tomato sauce.
At 4 pm., the rest part of promotion got started. There were three radio interviews, five interviews including TV, magazines and music magazines. The end time for these interviews was 8:35pm.. Each member showed up in interview room with smiles, no tired look at all. The manager who took charge of the trip asked us to find some skating rinks. He probably heard something about what TH wanted to in Tokyo from someone else. Though we asked the hotel staff to help us, we didn’t have much time. Finally we did not take TH to a skating rink, but we promised that next time we must go there.

Dec. 15th Sunny

Today TH will have their show case in Japan. Tokio Hotel refused some interviews, because they wanted to focus on the show case.
TH finished the interview in the company just after 12 o’clock. They were a little bit late, but it was all for meeting with In Rock selected fans. Then they went to the Akasaka Blitz where the show case was held. After rehearsal, they had a late lunch at 4 pm., including pizza, pasta, ordinary vegetable sushi (prepared for Bill and Tom). They all ate their favorite food before the show case. Gustav looked like that he loved pizza very much. Till one hour before the show case started, the door of Gustav and Georg’s room was open all the time, just having a look, we found that they were doing the hair brushing. And then we understood that on the stage their fresh hair was done like this. In the end, the show case was over. Although the show case was a small one, they absolutely demonstrated their talent for piano. In the show case, they played 9 songs for the audiences. The clothes Bill wore in the performance were sponsored by Italian brand ---Dsquared2 (The brand was created by two Canadian twin designers). It was said that TH did not take their LED equipments this time, because the equipments were too heavy. But they promised that they would play them next time for Japanese fans. Our company gave TH Getas as presents. They said they had never received presents like this, they were very happy. TH did not go out the last night. As usual, they went back to the hotel and got ready to leave the next day. Accidentally some fans found the place where TH lived in Japan and they came over. Some of them wanted to give them presents; some of them wanted to take photos with them. However, TH did not feel annoyed about this sudden event. In the contrast, they treated them kindly and claimed that their fans were the most fabulous in the whole world.

Dec. 16th Sunny

As most of fans knew, Bill and Tom’s second home is in LA. Because in Europe there were some crazy fans like stalkers, they could not live a normal life. But Gustav and Georg would go back to Germany.

As the people in charge of TH’s project, many people wanted to meet TH or many people wanted to watch their performance, they all asked me for help. I made projects for such a band, so sometimes I was afraid I could not do it well. But in fact the project has just begun. From now on, I wanted to make many good projects to let fans know how attractive Tokio Hotel is and let the people unfamiliar with Tokio Hotel get to know more about them. Tokio Hotel’s project was “we have just begun”! Hey everybody, we have just begun!

Tokio Hotel’s show case in Akasaka Blitz ---Live reports

Reporter: YUKO KATO

“Tokio Hotel will demonstrate their real value in the live performance.” the editorial staff heard from someone. And then they went to the site with hope. As for our magazine’s invitation, Tokio Hotel got to the top one in nearly 10 years. We came to our seats among the audiences. Someone said: “Tokio Hotel is not the type that performs in such a place, but they will put on a show to make new history”. They were exactly right. It was said that almost 80000 audiences attended the show in Mexico. Gustav, Georg and Tom came out 10 minutes later than schedule. Suddenly a guy shouted to Gustav, what the hell is that? ! Later on Bill in dazzling cloth showed up. He was so gorgeous, but the shape of his ass and his face was unexpectedly diminutive, just like a lady. The costume was all black and sparkling accessories hung from head to foot. After Bill sung “Noise”, he took off his tops while he wore a simple T-shirt inside. Then his style was completely changed. Their songs were much more powerful than we imagined before, and the rhythm was also strong. Gustav and Georg gave lots of support to Bill and Tom who appealed the audiences. The balance was good. Like his gorgeous appearance, Bill’s voice was also very attractive. This kind of way of singing was too sweet in Rock music, which was exactly the feature of Tokio Hotel. The impact was obviously huge. Looking at Bill’s slim figure, all the audiences were lighted up. However, the most impressive one was Tom. He wore a knitted cap, playing his guitar. The audiences were so excited and crazy about Tom like this. The Rock music was never beautiful like this before in my mind. The show case was proceeding for about one hour. Tokio Hotel played “Durch den monsum” again, which was most popular and gained lots of awards. Bill also put much effort into it. According to audience’s enthusiasm, we can predict that Tokio Hotel’s future must be bright and nice.

Tokio Hotel - World behind my Wall: Guitar Cover by Steffen Schöps (BEAUTIFUL COVER)

BIG Magazine (Italy) - Interview with Adam Lambert: Ready, Bill?

Let's go shopping!
He rose to stardom with 'American Idol' and imposed himself as a worldwide star with his first album 'For Your Entertainment'. Adam Lambert is a real showman with just one thing on his mind: going shopping with Bill!

In some interviews you declared your appreciation for Tokio Hotel. Do you like them?
: I love their look actually! I like Bill very much. He's so glamorous... I like the risk he's taking adopting such peculiar styles...

Your styles are really similar...
: That's right! Maybe we've got the same influences look-wise, we've got the same tastes! If we were to go shopping together, we'd probably buy the same clothes!!

Well, you are in Milan, the city of fashion! You and Bill could go shopping together!
: Haha, right! Come on Bill, don't make me beg you!

Translation by Seipht

New Pics; Tokyo

ハンサム地獄 盛り上がったので良かった カリスマ兄弟 インベージョン中 なんかこういう5人組いるかも 


New episode of Tokio Hotel in Tokyo?

I believe this is not true...since Tokio Hotel does not have a TH_TV twitter ;) When they announce something about a new episode coming soon..they will announce it from this twitter http://twitter.com/tokiohotel



Credit ; AnGeL_NoCtUrNo
"This is a remix of the pics of the Inrock magazine that Theresa uploaded ^^ '"


Credit; AnGeL_NoCtUrNo