
athousandguitars.com - 4 German Bands You Should Know

Rock and roll was invented in the United States in the late 1940s. In the 1960s, we had the British invasion which brought a slightly different kind of rock to the country through the music of The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and many more bands. Over the years, rock has gone through evolution after evolution, but the foundation of guitars and rollicking beats hasn’t changed much. But while American and British bands have mostly dominated the rock and roll space, Germany has actually produced talented and popular bands for several decades now.

You’re probably already familiar with some of these bands, but you may not have been aware that they were of German origin. This is because many German bands actually record most of their music in English, which is widely spoken in Germany, so the great thing is, you don’t have to learn German to enjoy their music. Check out these four popular German bands. You may just become a fan, if you’re not already.

Tokio Hotel

Yet another subgenre spawned by traditional rock and roll is pop rock, and Tokio Hotel has it down pat. One of the youngest German bands around, it was formed in 2001. After releasing a couple of albums in their native language, Tokio Hotel came out with its first English-language album, Scream, in 2007. Rather than original material, the album consists of translations of songs from their two previous hit albums.

While their English album didn’t impress critics much, fans loved it, and Tokio Hotel won the Best New Artist award at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards. They’ve since gone on to win many other awards for their music, and have become one of the most popular bands in Germany, and around the world.


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