9/1 今日は何の日|トキオ・ホテルのカウリッツ兄弟の誕生日
1989年の今日、東ドイツ(当時)のライプツィヒで一 卵性双生児のカウリッツ兄弟が誕生した(トムが兄、ビル が弟)。2人は幼い頃から音楽活動を始め、2001年、 12歳でG・リスティングやG・シェイファーとバンドを 結成。05年に“トキオ・ホテル”と改名し、シングル「 Durch Den Monsun」でメジャーデビュー。本国ドイツのチャー トでNo.1を獲得した。バンド名の“トキオ”は彼らの 日本への興味を表しており、震災後にはチャリティバッジ を販売するなど
Today 9/1, It's the Birthday of the Kaulitz Twins from Tokio Hotel
I n 1989, a day like today, twins Bill and Tom were born in Leipzig, East Germany. They began there musical career so soon. In 2001 they created a band along with Gustav Schäfer and Georg Listing, when they were 12. In 2005 they changed their name to "Tokio Hotel", realising their first single called "Durch Den monsun". They got the top on the charts in their homeland, Germany.
They also supported actively and showed their interest on Japan because of their band name "Tokio" and they sell charity pins after the earthquake disaster.
They also supported actively and showed their interest on Japan because of their band name "Tokio" and they sell charity pins after the earthquake disaster.
Translation by Tokio Hotel Aliens Spain
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