
DAA - We Found 5 Tokio Hotel 'Rock Hard F**K Safe' Posters- Who Wants One?

We Found 5 Tokio Hotel 'Rock Hard F**K Safe' Posters- Who Wants One?
While we're waiting for the new Tokio Hotel CD and their next tour to start, we decided to clean out some of our cupboards in the office and look what we found: 5 posters of the Tokio Hotel boys wearing their 'Rock Hard F**K Safe' T-shirts that they designed for our 'Fashion against AIDS' collection with H&M in 2008!
The photo- which meanwhile is almost vintage- was taken by Daniel Jackson and was included in our book 'Designers against AIDS: The First Decade!' as a free gift. In the book were also two photos taken by Tom and Bill Kaulitz and many fans bought the book when it came out in 2010. We still have a few books for sale too (they always come with a free poster) for 20€ plus shipping costs; if you're interested, please drop us a mail at info@designersagainstaids.com
If you would like to receive one of these free posters, put your name in the comments section below and tell us why you would like to win one. At the end of March we will choose the 5 happy winners and will contact them. Good luck!

1 comment:

  1. I know im late but my name is Yesi and i would like one because i love Tokio Hotel they helped me stop cutting when i was younger and i will support them forever <3
