
Di Piu' #17/2012 [Italy]

Scans by Tokio Hotel Last Minute News  
Translation by aniita/TOKIO HOTEL ALIENS SPAIN

Bill Kaulitz (22 years old, 182 cm and 64 kilos), the German singer of Tokio Hotel, have a new look and he is trying to establish himself as a television presenter. His look is now as you see him in the photo at right: goodbye to the extravagant hairstyles and now he is wearing beard. At German TV channel ProSieben, Bill along with former supermodel Heidi Klum, took on the role of commentator on the transmission of "Germany's Next Top Model". It is, definitely, a reality show focused on the modeling and elimination: The last contestant remaining in the game wins a contract with a famous fashion agency. Bill comments the appearance of the contestants, with a focus on clothing and accessories.

Q102 - vote: Who Is The Hottest Rocker Boy Band?

Q102's Rocker Boy Bracket Competition Is Back!

We know you love cute boys with guitars! We know you download all of their music, have pictures of them as your screensavers on your phones, iPads, laptops, etc. You're obsessed with them and we love you for that! Find your band below and VOTE NOW and OFTEN to keep your favorite band in the competition. Only one band will be named #1…will it be YOUR band?!? VOTE NOW!

BIG #166/2012 (Italy)

 scans by Irene/THOIF
Translation by aniita/TOKIO HOTEL ALIENS SPAIN

Lesson from Bill!
Here's the real Bill Kaulitz (22 years) in an episode of "Germany's Next TopModel". The first official appearance in 2012, dedicated to the model Heidi Klum.Green jacketgray hair and beard, Bill gives rock star lessons to competitive modelsHere he threw overthe public who went crazy for the "Stage diving"But the question that all fans are wondering, when will Tokio Hotel come back with a new album?He explains"We're in Los Angeles, to produce another album.We can only wait and wait and see the changes of the chameleon Bill who says: "For me, change hair color is like changing clothes!"

Stalkers Tokio Hotel - Star Story

Hopefully a translation soon ;)

Bravo #226 [Serbia]

Scans and translation by Twilight Rose @ TokioHotelSerbia.com


Tokio Hotel: LA Playboys

They've been dreaming of attending a party of Hugh Hefner (85) for a long time. And now their wish finally came true!

Tokio Hotel twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz (22) attended a happening in the Playboy mansiona. Tom reveals: "The party was cool. Bruno Mars entertained us by singing a few songs, and we had a pleasant time with friends." We believe you, boys!

*Picture 1: Bill and Tom enjoying with their friend Shay Todd

*Picture 2: The castle in LA where Hugh Hefner, the Playboy founder lives

*Picture 3: Hugh Hefner with his ex-girlfriends and Playboy bunnies Kendra (26), Bridget (38) and Holly (32)


快乐德语练习册 A1 (Prima Deutsch für Jugendliche) [China]

Scans by 唱歌的被子_/tokiohotel/baidu
唱歌的被子_: " 今天发了新书,翻练习册做题的时候看见了Tokio Hotel的海报,激动"
Today issued a new book,  Turn workbooks questions see a Tokio Hotel poster, Excited!

YoHo! April 2012 [China]

 Scans by 魔鬼黑猫666/tokiohotel/baidu

格言[Motto] Magazine #10/2012 [China]

  Scan by 神马酱HLS/tokiohotel/baidu

 Scans by 雪之倩影/tokiohotel/baidu

雪之倩影: "刚刚买了最新的(2012年第十期)的《格言》上面有TH的《Darkside Of The Sun》,在第28页!!!!哈哈"
Just bought the latest (2012 Tenth) "motto" TH "Darkside Of The Sun" on page 28! ! ! ! I

Translation by ellene

"The release of their first single stunned the entire german, european and american record industry, staying at the top of the german charts for 35 weeks. They are the famous german rockband Tokio Hotel! This powerful electronic rock Darkside of the Sun, full of explosive sounds, progressively building up rousing waves of raw emotion, this is real musical expression by a great band entirely deserving its reputation."

BLUES.ru - Tokio Hotel will make the album with all their strength?

Translation by Tokio Hotel Aliens Spain

Tokio Hotel will make the album with all their strength?

The permanent move to Los Angeles of the twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz, perhaps accompanied by other musicians, and the band Tokio Hotel is working in the U.S.at full capacity. A photographer of the site and a great fan of the group, Anna, who lives in Los Angeles, called the April 26 with the following message: "I live five minutes of "Laurel Canyon "(Laurel Canyon - habitat area of artistic bohemia in the suburbs). On Thursday (April 26) I saw the three boys, a hunting dog on a leash and a 45-year-old woman entered a "BMW" to the store - came out with their purchases " Laurel Canyon Country Store. "Well, I can be wrong, but I risk with 80 percent who they were Tom and Bill! The third guy, in shorts, in my opinion, was Gustav (Gustav Schafer, drums)."

Tokio Hotel fans are aware that to the brothers Kaulitz is not the first month of "Hunger in Los Angeles" and make the next album as soloists. A few days ago, the German newspaper "Bild" interviewed Jörg Kaulitz (43 years), the father of musicians. According to him, 43 years old, Simone, his ex-wife and mother of the brothers, she is who largely controls the behavior of Bill 22 years old, and Tom, and she is with them in Los Angeles. Compared with the facts, we can assume that Tokio Hotel will not betray their public appearances, they are actually working on an album together. Bassist Georg Listing and drummer come from Magdeburg.

Some sources, including Wikipedia rushed to designate the record release for April 2012, what which is clearly false. In early March, the German magazine Bravo, said the twins had already ready eight songs and we are now awaiting the arrival of the rest of the group to the U.S.

In the office of Universal Russia, unit sales of records here, for the time responded that no date for the release. If the publication was expected in the first half of 2012, we would surely have been aware of it, but there is no notification. Usually, in a couple of months, or at least a couple of weeks, we have preliminary information, and then only necessary in radio promotion, video, etc. - said Vera Gorbulenko manager. The main cause of Tokio Hotel in Moscow. Could occur surprises? "Of course. It is show business," - said Vera. - "Tokio Hotel are renowned for their unpredictability. Do not be surprised if it turns out that they decide to launch a surprise not only to fans, but also their own record label."


Tokio Hotel Universal Japan page - New Look


how it used to look:

Help PETA Pick the Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity!

Hasn't it seemed like all year long, one celebrity after another has gone vegetarian or vegan? It's not just your imagination: As knowledge spreads about cruelty to animals on factory farms and in slaughterhouses as well as how eating meat wreaks havoc on the environment and our health, more and more people—celebs included—are jumping on the veggie wagon. With so many stars realizing that humane eating and a hot body go hand in hand, the list of nominees for PETA's Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity contest is bigger than ever—and we need your help!

We could never choose the sexiest from among all these stars who are kind to animals—and to the eyes—without a hand from you. So peruse our lineup of humane hotties below (you can take your time and ogle, we won't blame you), and then cast your vote today to help us choose this year's sexiest vegetarian celebrities. Don't forget to fill out the short form at the bottom of the page and click "Submit" to make your vote count. Stay tuned: We'll be announcing the winners soon!

Votes are one of the factors that will help PETA decide the winner of our Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity contest. PETA will ultimately decide the winners based on four factors with equal consideration: number of votes received, the celebrity's commitment to vegetarianism, PETA's assessment of the celebrities' attractiveness, and the media-friendliness of each celeb's personality.

You can nominate Bill or Tom! [you also have to vote for a female in order for the vote to count]

BUT first you must fill this up!



BTK [Bill photo]

HEJ! #7 [Serbia]

 Scans and translation by Twilight Rose @ TokioHotelSerbia.com

Tokio Hotel: Preparing for the comeback!

The Kaulitz brothers are preparing new material far away in America so that they can make a comeback with style! 

Can you recognize these boys? Leather jackets, aviator sunglasses, caps, dreadlocks... A completely new look was created in Los Angeles where Bill and Tom temporarily moved so that they can work on songs for the new album.
The rest of the band stayed in Magdeburg, Germany, and they comunicate with Bill and Tom via Skype on a daily basis. They claim that eight new songs are completely recorded, and that means that work on the new album material is coming to an end. Bill recently confessed how he's very inspired by the American rock scene lately. His great wish is to start their own music festival because, ever since he attended the Coachella festival in Riverside County in California, he totaly flipped because he had the time of his life there! We can't wait to hear the new songs...

Bill's picture up: "With the new styling came the new tattoos!" 
Picture of the twins: "The brothers roaming Los Angeles." 
Bill's picture down: "A silky shirt combined with a leather jacket with metal accessories- what would the Fashion Guru say?"

Promiflash - Bill Kaulitz: Als Kind gern wie Pippi Langstrumpf

Bill Kaulitz: Als Kind gern wie Pippi Langstrumpf

Eigentlich will er doch nur das Beste für seine Jungs und doch plaudert Jörg (44), der Vater der Tokio Hotel-Zwillinge Bill (22) und Tom Kaulitz (22), gerade in aller Öffentlichkeit über private Details, die so sicher nie für die Öffentlichkeit gedacht waren.

So erklärte er, seine Söhne wollen ihn enterben und bieten ihm im Gegenzug 6.000 Euro. Dafür wollen sie aber auch, dass er sich aus der Öffentlichkeit heraushält und keine Interviews gibt. Daran hat sich der Vater nicht gehalten und sorgt sich in den Medien, der Ruhm habe seine Jungs zerstört und gerade Bill bereite ihm große Sorgen. Da erinnert er sich doch nur zu gern an die Kindheit seiner Jungs, die laut seinem Interview mit der Bild „aufgeweckt und kreativ“ waren. Dann verrät Jörg noch etwas, was Bill sicherlich gern als Familiengeschichte bewahrt hätte. Sein außergewöhnlicher Style ist ja nichts Neues mehr, doch als kleiner Junge hatte er ein ganz besonderes Kleidungsstück: „Bill zog sich als kleiner Junge zum Fasching gern Kleidchen an oder verkleidete sich als Pippi Langstrumpf mit Zöpfen.“ 

Ob dies das letzte Geheimnis war, das Jörg mit der Welt teilt, bleibt abzuwarten und ob er es so schafft, wieder Kontakt mit seinen Jungs aufzunehmen, natürlich auch.


Bill: As a child, like Pippi Longstocking In fact, he only wants the best for their children and their relationships, but Jörg (44), the father of the twins from Tokio Hotel Bill (22) and Tom Kaulitz (22), showed in public some of the details of their private life, that were sure not meant to be public.  

He explained that the children want to disown him and offered him in exchange  6,000 Euro But they also want him to stay out of public opinion and interviews. The father has not stop and caused concern among the media, the fame has destroy his boys, and now Bill causes him concert. As he recalls with pleasure in childhood his sons were "brilliant and creative," according to his interview. Jörg then reveals more than Bill certainly would have liked to keep as a family history. His unique style is nothing new, but as a child, had a very special outfit: "Bill, like any other child, liked to dress up for a carnival or dress up like Pippi Longstocking  with braids." 

Whether this was the last secret, Jörg share with the world, we're not sure yet, and if he so manages to reconnect with his boys, of course too.



Popcorn #5/12 [Poland] -Bill Kaulitz finally showed a signs!

Translation by Soiree/www.tokiohotel-news.pl
In Polish Popcorn (#5/2012) was an information about Bill’s collaboration with Far East Movement.

Bill Kaulitz finally showed a signs!
Specifically signs of life, because we timidly started to think that everything is over now and we will be able to read about such band as Tokio Hotel only on archive pages on the Internet. Nothing of a sort! For now instead of recording a song with guys from his band, he made one with dudes from Far East Movement. „If I Die Tomorrow” is a song in pop climate and Bill’s participation in it suprises a little bit. And to calm down the fans, he said that TH’s new album will be out in spring! So we’ll be waiting!

MTV Europe Twitter

with this picture 

MTV Italy - The new album of Tokio Hotel

The new album of Tokio Hotel
frontman of the band, Bill Kaulitz, has revealed that the sequel to 'Humanoid' will be epic!

Tokio Hotel are working on their highly anticipated new album!

After the recent storm unleashed by the biological father of the twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz - vocals and guitar of the band - that after years of silence has come around to reveal some background of their private life, he finally returns to talk about music.

The lead singer of Tokio Hotel, Bill Kaulitz, has predicted that the result of "Humanoid" (2009) will be "epic". The German singer wrote it in just this way, with the first four letters written in English and in capital letters.

Just to work on the new album, Georg Listing and Gustav Schafer - respectively the bassist and drummer - have already made ​​several trips in the Los Angeles, where he currently resides Kaulitz brothers.

We are very happy imminent return of Tokio Hotel, and you?!

 [Google translation]


BTK [Bill photo]

LineaMusic.it [Italy] Bill Kaulitz talks about their new album and anticipates that it will be epic!

 Translation by ConnectionTokio Hotel

Bill Kaulitz talks about their new album and anticipates that it will be epic!

It seems that the storm apparently inactive in recent days has focused on the Kaulitz brothers from Tokio Hotel, when the biological father of the singer and guitarist spoke about them for the first time in the newspapers, that goes against the real wishes of the twins.
And now, perhaps, to tread the curiosity of de media and allow all the more interested in their work than in the gossip they see in their characters, with modern ways of direct communications with fans, Bill and Tom showed the public that follow the current phase of development to record the next album, expected by the fans who are anxiously waiting for this kind of news…
Only Bill, the singer from Tokio Hotel via SMS speaks about their recent work on the new CD, we have seen many times Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer, respectively the bassist and drummer, working out of Los Angeles, among other things, but this does not exclude the possibility that the band plans to record the album in other cities, even though these places are still a mystery for now.

The only thing has been revealed so far to the public in their expectatioin is that this new album will be epic, with the first four letters written in English, through the app, the singer wanted to give this little gem, just to keep the curiosity of fans in check.
So far, in certains situations, his expression is limited to words like a great, great, amazing and the fact that this time he used that word, noting that opens the door to speculations about the new theme of their next CD, not by chance as a great American label called Epic Records, wich is part of Sony BMG Music Entertainment.

Let’s see if this work so much awaited by the fans will be another hit of their career, and if it will really be an epic breakthrough.


Tokio Hotel on"Star Story - Stalkers, those fans who terrorize the stars" [France]

Tokio Hotel dans la publicité "Star Story -... by Prinz16

Translation by Prinz16.skyrock.com (c)

Voice-over : On Sunday on [the TV show] « Star Story », investigation into these fans who terrorize the stars, the STALKERS.

Bill : We cannot go out in the street. Where we go, our fans recognize us. Impossible to have a private life.


Voice-over : « Star Story STALKERS », presented by Aiden, on Sunday at 20hrs40 (8:40 pm) on Direct Star (a French TV channel ). 

Far East Movement talk about Bill on "Le Grand Journal" (24.04.12) [France]

Veuillez installer Flash Player pour lire la vidéo

Translation by Prinz16.skyrock.com (c)
China : Even on your album, there is the Tokio Hotel singer.
Kev Nish : Yes, yes, Tokio Hotel. Bill Kaulitz just sings a song called « If I Die Tomorrow ». It's kinda like an energy we've seen here, live the daily life, live as if you were to die the next day.
Michel Denisot : Thank you ! The next album will be released on June 15th. [...]


Tokio Hotel Call 23.04.2012 - Happy Birthday Wishes

Transcript by THWonderland

Georg:Hey there, it's Georg calling. I'd like to say thanks for all the lovely happy birthday wishes you send me on facebook and so on. It really made me feel great. Thanks and goodbye."


Promicabana.de - Ardian Bujupi: Kann Bill Kaulitz “DSDS” retten?

Ardian Bujupi: Kann Bill Kaulitz “DSDS” retten? Ist DSDS noch zu retten?

Die Quoten der 2012er Staffel mit Luca Hänni, Daniele Negroni und Jesse Ritch hängen tief im Keller…das Format scheint ausgelutscht. Ex-Kandidat Ardian Bujupi (20) hat auch wenig Hoffnung, dass man die Show noch retten kann.

Im Interview mit den Kollegen von “Klatsch & Tratsch” erklärte er, wie man Deutschland sucht den Superstar vielleicht doch noch vor dem totalen Untergang retten könnte.
“Wenn die nächstes Jahr vielleicht irgendwas am Konzept ändern, geile Kandidaten dabei sind oder Bill Kaulitz in der Jury sitzt, dann könnten sie ‘DSDS’ vielleicht noch retten”, sagte der 19-Jährige.

Vielleicht sollte man zur Abwechslung lieber eine Jury bilden, die etwas von Gesang versteht und nicht nur aus Model-Coaches, Dancing-Queens und einem Erfolgsproduzenten besteht, der ohnehin im Hinterkopf nur die Euroscheine hat.

Ardian Bujupi findet, “Die Sendung an sich ist eigentlich sehr stark, doch es gibt nun ‘The Voice’, ‘Unser Star für Baku’ oder ‘X-Factor’, das ist einfach zu viel für die Zuschauer.”
Ganz genau! Die Menschen haben sich einfach satt gesehen an den ganzen Castingshows, deren Gewinner am Ende sowieso wieder in der Versenkung verschwinden. Wie Bruce sagen würde, ‘Das ist der Wahrheit’….

English translation by Connection Tokio Hotel

Ardian Bujupi: Can Bill Kaulitz save American Idol?

Is there still hope for American Idol? The chances of the 2012 season with Luca Haenni, Negroni Daniele and Ritch Jesse to be hanging on the basement… makes it seem that the format is sucking. The former candidate Ardian Bujupi (20) also has little hope that the show can still be saved.

In an interview with collegues from “Gossip”, he explained how Germany search to a superstar, could save even before the destruction.
“If next year, maybe change something in the concept, candidates being hot or Bill Kaulitz be in the jury, then they could perhaps save the American Idol.” – said the 20-years-old man.

Maybe we should prefer to make a change to a jury that knows something about singing and not just modeling coaches, Dancing Queens, and is a successful producer who already has in mind only the euro banknotes.

Ardian Bujupi says: “The show itself is really strong, but now there is ‘The Voice’, ‘Unser Star Für Baku’ or ‘X-Factor’, it is too much for spectators.
That is it! People who simply watched enough of all talent shows, in the end anyway the winners dissapears from the ears. As Bruce said: “This is the truth…”



Gottschalk Live - 19.04.2012 Heidi Klum talks about Bill

starts @ at 11.00.
Translation by Vnlasteamer/THA

"He was super, Bill... he did "stage-diving" with our girls, he explained to the girls how one jumps into the masses from the stage. I thought it was super that he came, he's surely working on his new CD, and we called him and he was also immediately ready and came over, I found it totally cool."

"Is he doing well? One has worried a bit, that they doesn't have any interest anymore [in TH], are now in California and don't even want to come back anymore, and aren't making a new LP, but he's at work."

"That's how it sounds - he naturally didn't explain the ins and outs of everything he's doing right now, but he said he's working on a new CD and he's in Los Angeles, for that reason it worked so well. We always prepare our season months ahead, so what the people are just now seeing, we filmed a couple months ago and so it's been a while, but he's..."

"That's why he looks so young."

"...working on a CD."


Zona Joven #150 [Peru]

Scans by
Happy Tokio Hotel Day!  
April 14th,  Tokio Hotel's Day was celebrated around the world, global day to commemorate the most important German band  of these recent times:Tokio Hotel, for the second consecutive year, and celebrate in style with a flashmob, gifts, and many surprises that united all the tokitos from Lima. 

The Event
This time the meeting was in the district of Lince, in the great park of Ramon Castilla at 3:00pm 

Bringing Order 
In the picture  we can see one of the organizers with a megaphone to calm and communicate with the 100 tokitos (or more) that were present in the event. 

These are the girls who are behind this event and with many weeks in advance, even after the event, they have been preparing everything.  from the paperwork with the municipality, inform every fan on the internet, promote the event, and to get the fabulous gifts. 

Here we can see the lucky winner that after many draws they won the valued gifts, that went from shirts from the fanclub, official shirts, posters, and even an original DVD. 

"Human Logotype"
The fans were not there for the gifts but for the flashmob.  "Human Logotype" where 25 participants formed the phrase "Tokio Hotel Day", and uploaded a video on youtube so the boys could see the affection they have for them on this side of the world. 
The Madness 
And the madness started  for everyone when the evening was almost over, the organizers prepared a piñata where everyone was brought back to their childhood, competing to get some candy. 

End of the evening 
And to close with perfect finale, a paper balloon was released requesting Tokio Hotel to come back to Peru. 

Another event is coming up 
 But beware alien,s there's more,, people who are close to Far East Movement, contacted the fanclub, and for this April 28th, there will be a fan action to celebrate the release of the song "If I Die Tomorrow" that Far East Movement released with Bill Kaulitz.


"I had the opportunity to create concept art for the new Tokio Hotel music video. I worked with Director Craig Wessels from Wicked Pixels and this was the result. The awesome animation team at Wicked brought them to life ..."