IN #27/2011 (DE)
Tokio Hotel: Return to Germany?
Everything is still top secret: The Twins are supposed to be a part of the Jury of the new Casting Show on Pro7 – this would be the TV surprise of the year…This ensures a rating fight between the Talent Shows: The new season of “Das Supertalent” (“Britain’s got Talent”) starts in September simultaneously with the new casting-format “The Voice of Germany” (The Voice US – Info).[...]As “IN” learned from close sources, two of the hottest german stars are under debate: Bill and Tom Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel! This would be awesome, because then the twins would finally return to their home country. At the moment they live in Los Angeles, as well as their discoverer and producer David Jost, to work on their new Album. Everything is still top secret and of course a question of money.[...] If Tokio Hotel agree to be in the Jury, the channel can expect high ratings, because of their loyal Fanbase and Bill and Toms blunt and straight-forward judgements. It remains to be seen if there’s gonna be a jury of four, because as “IN” learned, the german version of “The Voice” will have a “Twin-Position” (which means that two artists share a buzzer – in this case Bill and Tom Kaulitz).[...]
Translation by: Icey @ LoveTH-Music.com
Tom's Blog - TH for Japan: MTV Bass Auction
TH for Japan: MTV Bass Auction
MTV Japan just opened the auction of our original "Scream" video bass guitar! Georg tried to mash it in the "Scream" video shoot but to be completely honest with you guys, I had to body double him for that scene to finally break it into pieces… ;)So, it's a real piece of Tokio Hotel history...this is as unique as it gets!
Pls check THIS LINK to participate. (worldwide auction).
Every single Yen helps!
Comment@ Tokiohotel.com; Tom's blog
RUMOUR: Tokio Hotel Bill & Tom bald als "Räuber" im Kino? - promiflash.de
Again, this is a rumour, therefore nothing is confirmed.
Tokio Hotel Bill & Tom soon as "robbers" in the cinema?
Are Bill and Tom (21) of Tokio Hotel to be seen soon in a movie? Currently, the Internet rumours about it and speculated that the two get hold actually a film role - in a strip on the teaching of German classic, "The Robbers" by Friedrich Schiller based. In the same movie set but in 2039, suppressed the population of a surveillance state, which brings many people to protest and fight for more freedom. The 21-year-old Karl is such a resistance fighter, his same age Brother Francis himself, however wants to seize power himself. The two brothers fight against each other and ultimately not even take more account of their own families. Bill will be provided for the role of power-hungry brother, while Tom will play the rebels. The director Christoph Gampl have chosen the famous siblings deliberately, because he finds that their life has obvious parallels to the role players and the popularity of the boys , the movie could help to a new level. Even if the story is about the brothers clearly freaky as the classic story of Schiller, it is still mainly about the sibling conflict, which can identify Bill and Tom, too. Still, there is however no official Statement of the two, whether they are actually playing the lead role in "The Robbers". Filming will begin this autumn, so that should soon be clear who belongs to the cast of the film. What do you say that because of the film project, that would be something for the "Tokio Hotel" twins?]
Tokio Hotel Bill & Tom soon as "robbers" in the cinema?
Are Bill and Tom (21) of Tokio Hotel to be seen soon in a movie? Currently, the Internet rumours about it and speculated that the two get hold actually a film role - in a strip on the teaching of German classic, "The Robbers" by Friedrich Schiller based. In the same movie set but in 2039, suppressed the population of a surveillance state, which brings many people to protest and fight for more freedom. The 21-year-old Karl is such a resistance fighter, his same age Brother Francis himself, however wants to seize power himself. The two brothers fight against each other and ultimately not even take more account of their own families. Bill will be provided for the role of power-hungry brother, while Tom will play the rebels. The director Christoph Gampl have chosen the famous siblings deliberately, because he finds that their life has obvious parallels to the role players and the popularity of the boys , the movie could help to a new level. Even if the story is about the brothers clearly freaky as the classic story of Schiller, it is still mainly about the sibling conflict, which can identify Bill and Tom, too. Still, there is however no official Statement of the two, whether they are actually playing the lead role in "The Robbers". Filming will begin this autumn, so that should soon be clear who belongs to the cast of the film. What do you say that because of the film project, that would be something for the "Tokio Hotel" twins?]
Tokio Hotel vs Lady Gaga: Bill mit Dreitagebart - .fashionmagazin.org
Tokio Hotel macht derzeit eine Öffentlichkeitspause, doch für die MTV Music Award Show zugunsten der Opfer der Naturkatastrophe in Japan, machte sie eine Ausnahme. Besonders in Japan ist die deutsche Band sehr beliebt und für die Bandmitglieder war es selbstverständlich die Menschen zu unterstützen. Noch vor wenigen Tagen erschien Bill Kaulitz mit seinem Zwillingsbruder auf einer Promi-Party in einem völlig neuen Styling, statt schwarz trug er eine grau-weiße Hose, eine Pilotenbrille und er hatte einen Dreitagebart, dieser neue Look stand ihm sehr gut und auch seine neue Kurzhaarfrisur passt sehr gut zu ihm. Die Fans waren allerdings nicht ganz so begeistert von seinem Umstyling, sie reagierten eher verwirrt auf diesen Look, denn Bill ist eher für schwarze Klamotten und Leder bekannt.
In Japan erschien er dann auch wieder im gewohnten düsteren Look, der Dreitagebart war ab und statt grau trug er wieder schwarz. Seine Fans werden es ihm wohl sehr danken. Er trug unter anderem in Japan einen Ledermantel, Lederhose, Lederhandschuhe und dazu kombinierte er extrem hohe High-Heels – er sah ein wenig wie Lady Gaga aus. Auf der Bühne erschien er dann in einem Pelzmantel und dazu trug er eine extravagante Hose. Tokio Hotel performten die Songs “Monsoon“ und “Dark Side of the Sun“. Die Fans flippten regelrecht bei dem Auftritt der beliebten Band aus, sie lieben Bill und seine Jungs unabhängig vom Styling. Mit ihrem Auftritt zeigten sie einmal mehr, dass sie sehr menschlich sind und nicht nur ihren Ruhm für sich nutzen, sondern damit Menschen helfen, was sehr lobenswert ist.
Google trans:
Tokio Hotel vs Lady Gaga: Bill with three days beard
Tokio Hotel are currently makes a public break, but for the MTV Music Awards show for the victims of natural disaster in Japan, they made an exception. Especially in Japan is very popular with the German band and the band members, it was of course the people support. A few days before Bill Kaulitz appeared with his twin brother on a celebrity party in a completely new styling, instead of black, he wore a gray-white trousers, the aviator and he had a three-day beard, this new look suited him very well and his new short hair suits him very well. The fans were not quite as enthusiastic about his makeover, they responded rather confused on this look, because Bill is better known for black clothes and leather.
In Japan, he then appeared again in the familiar dark look that stubble was from and he was wearing black instead of gray. His fans will thank him very well. He was among others in Japan, a leather coat, leather pants, leather gloves, and he combined this extreme high-heels - he looked a little like Lady Gaga out. On stage he appeared in a fur coat he wore to a fancy pants. Tokio Hotel performed the song "Monsoon" and "Dark Side of the Sun." The fans went crazy at the show literally from the popular band, they love Bill and his boys, regardless of style. With their performance, they showed once again that they are very human and not only use their fame for themselves, but to help people, which is very commendable.
トキオ・ホテル、アウディ主催のプレミア・イベントでアコースティック・ライブ [2 pics]
トキオ・ホテルが、6月24日に<Tokio Hotel Visits Tokyo Presented by Audi A1>に出演、日本初となるアコースティック・パフォーマンスを披露した。
ドイツの自動車メーカーであるアウディが発売した若者向け車種A1のテスト・ドライバーを務めるなど、トキオ・ホテルが同車種のアンバサダーとして活動し ていることはヨーロッパでは有名な話。その両者が協力しドイツから遠く離れた日本で招待者限定のプレミア・イベント開催を発表すると、この貴重な機会を逃 すまいと全国のファンから応募が殺到した。
開演後、ステージではDJ、フリースタイルフットボールチーム球舞が会場を温め、午後8時過ぎメイン・ゲストであるトキオ・ホテルがステージに登場する と、会場を埋め尽くした20代の若い女性ファンが一気にヒート・アップ。少しでも近くで見ようと近づくファンから、思いを抑えきれずメンバーの名前を絶叫 するオーディエンスまで
Google trans:
'Tokio Hotel , appeared
◆ Tokio Hotel picture
Served as a test driver for A1 models for young people has launched a German car makers Audi, acting as ambassadors of that same car Tokio Hotel is a famous story in Europe. To announce the premier invitation-only event held in Japan, far from both, the cooperation of Germany, was inundated with submissions from fans across the country and this precious opportunity 逃Sumai.
Day of the event, the Audi Forum Tokyo's Harajuku fans began gathering hours before the opening number of Audi's organizers decided to align a column of people hurriedly. The column is about 500 just before the opening of the general election became a few hundred meters around the state and became Gurutto around the building.
After opening, the stage DJ, a dance hall to warm freestyle ball football team, and the stage is Tokio Hotel, the main guest at 8:00 pm after a heat stroke in 20 young female fans who filled the hall • Up. From the fan a little closer to see close up the names of the members of the audience screaming uncontrollably thoughts'
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