

Ich wünsch euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr!
Mögen all eure Wünsche und Träume in Erfüllung gehen!
 I wish you all a Happy New Year
May all your wishes and dreams come true!



Tokio Hotel in Tokyo (15.12.10).

Tokio Hotel in Tokyo (15.12.10).
Dear A|iens, sorry that it took a while for us to upload these lovely pictures. Well, we were hoping to get the rest of the band's pictures in place. Enjoy Bill's charm and charisma for now! Happy Holidays!
Photo credit: Ryota Mori




MTV Taiwan - Interview in Malaysia

Watch all 5 parts in MTV TAIWAN 

Dec 28 - Eres #518 (Mexico) - Chaos into Ecstasy Tokio Hotel

Scans by LaryssiTHa

Chaos into Ecstasy Tokio Hotel

The hundreds of fans who got in line, and camped outside the Palacio de los Deportes days before the concert, didn't stop screaming "Tokio Hotel, Tokio Hotel!", since the moment that the lights were turned off. 
Without the cheering ceased,  the German group led by Bill Kaulitz appeared behind a gigantic curtain that faded away when the chords of "Noise" were heard.  

"Hola Mexico City, we are so happy to be here.  We love this city! Yesterday we went to the pyramids and the guide told us that this was going to be the best show of our history" , the vocalist said before singing "Pain of Love" 
The multicolor illumination and the three-dimensional images indicated that, actually this was going to be a great show. However, minutes before 9:30 and without finishing "World Behind My Wall" , Bill left the stage. 
Immediately, the group followed, and the lights of the place were turned on. 
Between hysteria and confusion of the audience, the security asked the people who were on the arena to take a step back, because the fans who were in the front row were being squished and some of them fainted.  Since the show had to continue, after a break of about 20 minutes long, the German group came out of the dressing room to please their fans with "Hey You!, "Alien" and "Ready Set Go!" .

"We are very sorry for what happened.  What do you think if we forget about the incident and we make this,  an unforgettable night? ", Bill said, who had another outfit on, a suit with luminous rings that could be distinguished from any point of the majestic Domo de Cobre (Palacio de los Deportes). 

With a super exited mood,  the fans,  who the mejority  were 12 and 20, sang "Humanoid", song which where the band members put on an acoustic set.  The number was accompanied by an incredible  rain of cell phone lights. 

Bill Kaulitz didn't lose the opportunity to interact with the people, and in a moment of euphoria that was felt during the show, he exclaimed in Spanish "Muchas, muchas, gracias". Also, he took the opportunity to ask the people on the bleachers how were they feeling, to which the girls responded with intense screams of happiness. 

"Phantomrider", "Dogs Unleashed", "In Your Shadow", "Zoom into Me", and "Love and Death", also formed part of the list just like their big hits in their career like "Automatic" and "Monsoon" 

Before saying goodbye, Schäfer, the drummer, he approached the fans to give them his drumsticks. The last song with which the Germans musicians made the Palacio de los Deportes blast was "Forever Now"

First pic; During a half an hour Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav caused the fans who attended the concert in the Domo de Cobre overwhelmed with emotions. For security reasons, the group was forced to interrupt their performance, but after the break,  they delighted the audience with the best of their repertoire. 

Second Pic; "To me, the best part of the show was when Bill said "Muchas Gracias", Bill 

New Tokyo Pics (Airport)

More of the MTV Latin America Interview


27 -MTV Latin America- Tokio Hotel Interview

What was the best of Tokio Hotel in 2010?  
The Germans that caused faintings in their performance in the Palacio de los Deportes of Mexico shared with us the best of 2010 for them.  -Bill and the rest of the band recommended the best of 2010.
Bravo, there's Tokio Hotel so you don't complain. 
Ah,  during the year the "Tokitas" and "Tokitos" resquested a lot for something of Tokio Hotel. 


Dec 22 - NHK Education テレビでドイツ語 Special (JP) - Tokio Hotel

Dec 22 - テレビでドイツ語「特別編 (JP) - Tokio Hotel」
Hochgeladen von TokioHotelChina. -

Bill: Ja, aber ich weiß auf jeden Fall, dass das richtig anstrengend es ist ’ne andere Sprache zu lernen. Noch dazu Deutsch ist natürlich super schwer. Also, erm…
Yes, but I definitely know that it’s really demanding to learn a different language. On top of that German is super difficult of course. Meaning, erm...
Tom: Also ich mein’, es ist dann ja gut, wenn’s irgendwie so automatisch kommt, dass man die… einfach Interesse weckt auf die deutsche Sprache durch die Musik, aber wir haben es jetzt ehrlich gesagt auch nie so wirklich gefördert. Also, bei uns war’s eigentlich so, wir hatten… machen… Wir haben ja auch immer deutsche Musik gemacht, erm, weil wir immer gut auf Deutsch einfach schreiben konnten.
Well I mean, it’s good when it comes automatically with it that one…[that] music just sparks interest in the German language but to be honest we also never really encouraged it. Meaning, with us it actually was a case, like, we had... make... Also we’ve just always been making German music, erm, because we could always just write well in German.
Bill: Also, Deutsch hat uns ja immer begleitet auf jeden Fall. Ich glaub’, das wird auch immer ’n Teil von uns bleiben so. Und also, wir hatten auch ’n paar englische Songs, aber die waren natürlich, erm, so mit’m Wörterbuch übersetzt. Also, wir konnten nicht so wirklich Englisch und erm… von daher…
Meaning, after all German definitely always accompanied us. I think it’ll also be, like, a part of us forever. And well, we’ve also had a few English songs but they were translated with a dictionary of course. Meaning, we didn’t really know English and erm... therefore...
Tom: Wo… wo wir in Japan ja, erm, in Englisch releasen werden wahrscheinlich auch, ne?
Though… Though we’ll probably be releasing in English in Japan as well, won’t we?
Bill: Genau. Also… Also, das wurde natürlich immer, immer besser und die englischen Songs waren auch irgendwie ’n Teil von uns so. Also von daher, für uns gibt’s da eigentlich keine Favoriten. Also, wir sagen jetzt nicht wir mögen das Englische oder das Deutsche lieber so, aber die deutschen Songs waren auf jeden Fall unsere Wurzeln, ganz klar.
Exactly. Well… Well, of course it always, always kept getting better and the English songs were also a part of us somehow, like. So therefore we don’t actually have a favourite there. Meaning, we’re not saying [that] we like the English or the German better now but the German songs have definitely been our roots, obviously.


Tom: Und da vermisst man am meisten die Hunde, glaub’ ich. Unsere Hunde.
And there one misses the dogs the most, I think. Our dogs.
Bill: Ja.
*“Hunde“ translation*
Tom: Erm, wir haben ja alle Hunde. *Bill agreeing* Bill und ich haben vier… sogar. *slightly laughing* Also, die vermisst man am meisten. Ansonsten natürlich Familie, Freunde, das eigene Bett,…
Erm, all of us have got dogs. *Bill agreeing* Bill and I have got four... even. *slightly laughing* Well, them are missed the most. Apart from that of course family, friends, your own bed,...
Bill: Und das einzige was ich jetzt sagen würde, was man, erm, was, was man so an Deutschland so’n bisschen vermissen könnte, ist auf jeden Fall die Pünktlichkeit.
And now I’d say the only other thing one, erm, one could miss about Germany a little is definitely punctuality.
Bill: Erm, das muss ich sagen, erm, in Deutschland sind alle immer sehr, sehr pünktlich und ich muss sagen, ich hab’ das auch irgendwie in mir, erm… Tom und ich kommen irgendwie nie zu spät. Das ist so das Einzige was ich manchmal so’n bisschen vermisse, weil ich alles immer sehr genau nehme und immer pünktlich bin überall und das hat man dann manchmal nicht, wenn man woanders hinkommt, aber da gewöhnt man sich dann auch dran.
Erm, I’ve got to say, erm, in Germany everybody is always very, very punctual and I’ve got to say I’ve also got that in me somehow, erm... Tom and I are never late somehow. That’s like one of the only things I sometimes miss a little because I’m always very particular about everything and always am on time everywhere and sometimes that’s not a given when one gets to somewhere else but one also gets used to it then.
Georg: Und freigegebene Autobahnen!
And unrestricted autobahnen [motorways]!
Bill: Oh ja!
Oh yes!
Tom: Das ist richtig. Die freigegebenen Autobahnen. Ohne Tempolimit.
That’s right. The unrestriced autobahnen [motorways]. Without speed limit.
Bill: Ja.
Tom: Das ist ’n Traum.
That’s a dream.

*Lass uns laufen*

Bill: Also, wir sind uns ziemlich ähnlich, muss ich sagen, in allen Sachen. Also von daher, erm… Wir unterscheiden uns nicht in so vielen Sachen.
Well, I’ve got to say we’re pretty much alike in all things. So therefore, erm... There are not many differences between us.
Tom: Ich, ich bin halt um einiges cooler… erm… als Bill.
I, I’m just way cooler… erm… than Bill.
Bill: Also, wir haben…
Well, we’ve got…
Tom: Das… Das ist das was du nicht hast.
That… That’s something you haven’t got.
Bill: Wir haben ’n ander’n…
We’ve got a different…
Tom: Coolness… *grinning*
Bill: … und wir haben ’n bisschen anderen Musikgeschmack…
… and we’ve got a bit of a different taste in music...
Tom: *still talking about what he’s got but Bill hasn’t* … und gutes Aussehen.
*still talking about what he’s got but Bill hasn’t* ... and good looks.
Bill: Das ist so das Einzige. Erm, und ansonsten… Ja, sind wir uns eigentlich in vielen Sachen eigentlich einig. Also, das ist auch manchmal das Problem. Erm also, wir sind uns zu, zu ähnlich und da rastet man dann schon auch mal irgendwie aneinander so. (nb Bill merges two expressions here, starting with „ausrasten“ – “to snap, to lose it” but finishing with „aneinander geraten“ – “to clash with someone” so the sentence doesn’t work the way he said it.^^) Also erm, wir sind halt beide irgendwie… haben ’ne starke Persönlichkeit. Jeder hat immer ’ne Meinung so. Und von daher, da ist man sich auch mal uneinig so. Das gehört dazu. Verändern würde ich an Tom eigentlich, erm…
That’s like the only thing. Erm, and apart from that... Yes, we actually agree on many things actually. Well, that’s also a problem sometimes. Erm well, we’re too, too much alike and so somehow it can also just happen that one loses it and clashes with each other. Well erm, somehow both of us are just... have got a strong personality. Like, everybody always has got an opinion. And therefore, one also disagrees at times. That comes with the territory. I’d actually change about Tom, erm...
Bill & Tom: … gar nichts.
... nothing at all.
Bill: Und er an mir auch nicht. *SMILE*
And he also wouldn’t [change anything] about me. *SMILE*
*Tom grinning*

*Lass uns laufen*

: Wir grüßen alle japanischen Zuschauer. Erm, vielen, vielen Dank für das Interesse und erm, für die Unterstützung bis jetzt. Wir freuen uns, erm, zum ersten Mal rüber zu kommen und wir können’s gar nicht abwarten das Land zu sehen und zu bereisen und erm… Ja, wir freuen uns drauf. Vielen Dank.
Greetings to all of our Japanese audience. Erm, many, many thanks for your interest and erm, for your support so far. We’re happy, erm, to be coming over for the first time and we can hardly wait to see the country and to travel it and erm... Yes, we’re looking forward to it. Many thanks.

New pic Harajaku Tokyo Japan 14.12.2010

Dec 26-FM Yokohama Radio interview


Tom's Blog

So Leute...

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Ich werde jetzt gleich mit Bill ran an die Geschenke unter unserem Weihnachtsbaum. Bin gespannt, was meinem kleinen Bruder dieses Mal eingefallen ist! Ich mag ja schnelle Autos ;-)... und aus Tradition hab ich wieder nichts für ihn!
An euch alle ein riesiges Dankeschön für ein tolles Jahr 2010 und da Weihnachten ist, starten wir hier jetzt noch ne kleine Verlosung. Zu gewinnen gibt es:

1. Special Edition Box by Kilian Kerner [erzähle uns welche Box Du haben möchtest plus welche Shirtgröße]

2. Reebok Top-Down [bitte Schuhgröße angeben]

3. Tokio Hotel Merchandise Überraschungspacket [bitte Shirtgröße angeben]

4. YourReebok Gutschein [einen Gutschein für die YourReebok Platform...lass Deiner Kreativität freien Lauf!]

5. Tokio Hotel CD Überraschungspaket

Um einen der Preise abzuräumen musst du nur eine email an XMAS@TokioHotel.de schicken und mit ein bisschen Glück gehörst Du zu den fünf Gewinnern. In Deiner email an uns bitte 1) Name, 2) Adresse, 3) Land & 4) Alter angeben und außerdem, 5) welchen Preis Du gerne gewinnen möchtest [inkl. Deiner Größe...z.B. bei den Schuhen „Größe 42“ oder bei dem Shirt „Größe L“)
- Dieses Gewinnspiel endet am 31.12.2010 um 23:59 [CET] und alle Gewinner werden Anfang Januar 2011 per email benachrichtigt -


All right guys...

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zoom [+]
In a little while Bill and I will storm the Christmas tree to get our gifts. I’m really curious what my little brother came up with for me this year! I love fast cars ;-)...but to keep my personal tradition going, I didn’t get anything for him!
Thanks so much to all of you for a fantastic year 2010 and since it’s Christmas, we’ll raffle out some cool prizes here. You have a chance to win:

1. Special Edition Box by Kilian Kerner [let us know which box you’d like to have plus your shirt size]

2. Reebok Top-Down [tell us your shoe size]

3. Tokio Hotel Merchandise Surprise Package [tell us your shirt size]

4. YourReebok Voucher [it’s a voucher for the YourReebok platform...get creative there!]

5. Tokio Hotel CD Surprise Package

For your chance to grab one of the prizes send an email to XMAS@TokioHotel.de and you might be one of the five lucky winners. In your email, please include your 1) name, 2) address, 3) country, 4) age and 5) which one of the prizes you’d like to win [please also include your size...e.g. for the shoes „size 42“ or for the shirt „size L“]
- This raffle ends on Dec. 31, 2010 at 11:59 [CET] and all winners will be notified in the beginning of January 2011 via email -



Tokio Hotel Weihnachtsgruß

Hey we are Tokio Hotel. Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year. We hope you have fun with your family and friends.  Thank you so much for the year 2010,  See you in 2012.



Bill Kaulitz auf dem Weg zum ernst zu nehmenden Popkünstler

Bill Kaulitz ist ein Grenzgänger. Der 21-Jährige ist Sänger, Model, Werbefigur und Synchronsprecher - und dabei, ein ernst zu nehmender Popkünstler zu werden – noch merkt das aber nicht jeder.

Bill Kaulitz ist ein Grenzgänger: androgyn, dramatisch, glamourös.

Sie haben ihn gesucht und doch nicht erkannt, als er vor ihnen steht. Im Jahr 2003 sucht SAT.1 einen Star und trifft auf Bill Kaulitz. „Star Search“ heißt die Castingshow. Der 13-jährige Bill, sein Zwillingsbruder Tom und zwei Freunde machen „nach eigenen Angaben Independent-Music“, erklärte Kai Pflaume damals, bevor er Bill auf die erste Fernsehbühne seines Lebens holte.
Atemlos singt der Pöks mit der Kleine-Vampir-Frisur und dem schwarzen Kajal um die Augen den Weather-Girls-Klassiker „It’s raining man“ und zappelt dazu wild mit den Armen. Hinterher muss er sich Belustigungen über sein extravagantes Outfit anhören. Er tut es höflich-charmant und wendet sich schließlich mit einem umwerfenden Lächeln der Jury zu.
Hugo Egon Balder empfiehlt ihm, in Richtung Comedy zu gehen, weil seine Stimme so „witzig“ sei. Nur Jasmin Wagner vormals bekannt als Blümchen sieht sein Potenzial. „Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem Auftritt“, sagt sie sichtlich begeistert: „Du ersparst einer Plattenfirma viel Arbeit.“ Imageberater, Stylingexperten – all das sei bei Bill nicht nötig. „Du bringst das alles schon mit.“ Sie schließt mit dem prophetischen Satz: „Und ich glaube, wenn du weitermachst, kann das nur nach oben gehen.“ Balder und die Mitjuroren entscheiden sich trotzdem für einen elfjährigen Rapper und gegen Bill.

Die Freunde, mit denen die Kaulitz-Brüder schon damals Musik gemacht haben, heißen Georg und Gustav. Heute kennen alle Mädchen in Deutschland, Spanien, Mexiko, Frankreich, Kanada, Israel und bald auch den USA die vier als Tokio Hotel. Trotzdem wird Bills Ausnahmetalent in gewisser Weise noch immer verkannt. Vielleicht gerade wegen all der Abertausenden kreischenden Mädchen.

Bill Kaulitz ist ein Grenzgänger. Er ist Sänger, Model, Werbefigur und Synchronsprecher. Mit ordentlich Schminke in seinem unfassbar hübschen Gesicht überwindet er die Grenze zwischen Mann und Frau, was reflexhaft auf das Gerücht hinausläuft, er sei homosexuell. Da kann er sich noch so oft dazu bekennen, nicht schwul zu sein. Die geschlechtliche Uneindeutigkeit gehört zu seinem Image – was umso mehr irritiert, als sein eineiiger Zwilling Tom als ganz normaler Junge daherkommt.

Bill Kaulitz aber erinnert an David Bowie, der in den frühen siebziger Jahre als Ziggy Stardust das Spiel mit Geschlechterrollen erst im Mainstream etabliert hat.

Nichts wird unter Kindern grausamer bestraft als Andersartigkeit. Bill ist das offenbar immer schon egal gewesen. Klar, die Schulzeit in dem 670-Einwohner-Kaff Loitsche bei Magdeburg hat er gehasst. Die Gründe dafür liegen auf der Hand. Wie reagieren Pubertierende wohl auf einen Typen mit schwarz-gefärbtem Haar, dessen Frisur so asymmetrisch ist wie der Schnitt seiner selbst geschneiderten Hose? Eine rhetorische Frage. Er macht trotzdem unbeirrt weiter sein Ding. Mit neun Jahren singen die Zwillinge auf Dorffesten, mit zwölf lernen sie in einem Magdeburger Klub Georg und Gustav kennen und gründen die Band Devilish (Teuflisch). Ein Jahr später, nach Bills Auftritt bei „Star Search“, fährt Musikproduzent Peter Hoffmann in eben diesen Klub, um sie sich anzuschauen.

„Im Kleinen passierte da genau das, was jetzt auf den großen Konzerten los ist“, erinnert er sich: „Vorne kreischende Mädchen, hinten pogende Jungs.“ Hoffmann holt sie in sein Studio ins niedersächsische Vögelsen in der Lüneburger Heide. Die Jungs bekommen Musik- und Gesangsunterricht. Aus Devilish wird Tokio Hotel. Sony BMG gibt ihnen einen Vertrag, kriegt aber ein halbes Jahr später kalte Füße. Der verantwortliche Manager feuert die Band. Sony BMG entgeht ein Millionengeschäft, der Manager verliert seinen Job. Stattdessen landet Universal, schärfster Konkurrent von Sony BMG, mit Tokio Hotel einen Hit nach dem anderen. Drei Alben haben sie bisher herausgebracht. Vor wenigen Tagen ist ein Best-of-Doppelalbum herausgekommen. Eine CD mit Liedern auf Deutsch, eine CD mit denselben auf Englisch.

Der große Irrtum, der sich im Kopf ahnungsloser Erwachsener festgesetzt hat, ist, Tokio Hotel sei eine durchgecastete Boygroup. Sie sind es nie gewesen. Gut, Bill und Tom wollten schon als Zweitklässler Rockstars werden. Aber das wollten die Rolling Stones auch lange, bevor sie es wurden. Der heute 21-jährige Tokio-Hotel-Frontmann ist alles andere als bloß der Kopf noch einer älter werdenden Teenagerband mit Popliedchen, die die Massen zum Kreischen bringt. Kaulitz ist einer dieser Menschen mit ganz besonderer Ausstrahlung: androgyn, dramatisch, glamourös. Seine Band wird immer weniger Nena und immer mehr Nirvana.

Gerade hat arte dabei geholfen, die Menschen ab 30, die keine Tochter zu Hause haben, die auf Tokio Hotel steht, auf den jungen Mann aufmerksam zu machen. Der Kultursender zeigte eine Folge seiner Reihe „Durch die Nacht mit ...“. Bill Kaulitz trifft darin auf Wolfgang Joop – und nicht nur der Modemacher ist seither hin und weg von Bill. Dabei hätte man es schon lange wissen können. Aber niemand, der nicht sowieso in einen der Kaulitz-Zwillinge oder in Georg oder Gustav verliebt ist, kommt auf die Idee, sich die Videos auf ihrer Internetseite anzusehen oder ein Tokio-Hotel-Konzert zu besuchen. Sonst hätten längst viel mehr Menschen gemerkt, dass die Mädchen, die Bill früher Diddl-Mäuse und heute BHs auf die Bühne schmeißen, einfach erkannt haben, wer da vor ihnen steht: ein außergewöhnlicher junger Mann, der das Zeug zum Weltstar hat.


Bill Kaulitz on his way to become a serious pop artist

Bill Kaulitz is a border crosser. The 21-year-old is a singer, model, advertising character and voice actor – and on his way to become a serious pop artist – but not everyone has noticed it yet.

They searched but didn’t recognize him, as he stood in front of them. In the year 2003 Sat 1 [german TV channel] searched for a star, and met Bill Kaulitz. “Star Search” was the name of the Casting show. The 13-year-old Bill, his twin brother Tom and two friends “are making Independent-music according to their own statements”, Kai Pflaume [moderator] explained back then, before Bill had entered the first TV stage of his life.

Breathlessly, the little boy with the Little-Vampire-hairstyle and black eyeliner around his eyes, sang the Weather Girls song “It’s raining men” and was fidgeting frenziedly with his arms. Afterwards he had to listen to amusements about his flamboyant outfit. He was doing it politely and charming and turned towards the jury with a gorgeous smile.

Hugo Egon Balder [jury member] advised him to follow the comedy direction, because he said his voice is so “funny”. Only Jasmin Wagner [another jury member], formerly known as “Blümchen” [engl.: floret; her artist's name], saw his potential. “Congratulations to this performance”, she said obviously impressed: “You spare a record company a lot of work.” Image advisers, styling experts – with Bill there is no need for all that. “You already bring along all of these things.” She topped off with the sentence: “And I think if you continue, it can just go to the top.” Balder and the other jury members chose an 11-year-old rapper instead of Bill though.

The friends, with whom the Kaulitz-brothers had already made music back then, are called Georg and Gustav. Nowadays the band is known as Tokio Hotel among all girls in Germany, Spain, Mexico, France, Canada, Israel and soon also the USA. But Bill’s exceptional talent is still being unrecognized in a way. Maybe because of exactly those thousands and thousands of screaming girls.

Bill Kaulitz is a border crosser. He is a singer, model, advertising character and voice actor. With plenty of make up in his inconceivably pretty face, he overcomes the border between man and woman, which has an reflexive effect on the rumor that he’s homosexual. May he confess not being gay as often as he wants. The sexual ambiguity simply belongs to his image – what confuses much more is, that his identical twin Tom goes around dressed up as normal boy. But Bill Kaulitz reminds of David Bowie, who had established the game with the gender roles as Ziggy Stardust only in the early 70’s in the mainstream.

Nothing gets more punished among children than otherness. Obviously Bill has not cared about that all the while. Of course, he hated the school days in the 670-inhabitant-hicksville Loitsche. The reasons are obvious. How are pubescent most likely to react when seeing a guy with black dyed hair, whose hairstyle is as asymmetric as the style of his self-tailored pants? A rhetorical question. He’s still doing his own thing unwaveringly. At the age of 9, the twins sing at village fairs, at the age of 12 they get to know Georg and Gustav in a club in Magdeburg and found the band Devilish. One year later, after Bill’s performance at “Star Search”, the music producer Peter Hoffmann went to exactly this club to see the band perform.

“In microcosm there just happened exactly that thing, which is going on at today’s big concerts.”, he remembers: “Screaming girls in the front row, mashing boys behind.” Hoffmann invites them to his studio in Vögelsen in Lower Saxony, in the Lüneburg Heath. The boys get music- and singing lessons. Devilish becomes Tokio Hotel. They signed a contract with Sony BMG, but after half a year the record company got cold feet. The responsible manager dismisses the band. Sony BMG let slip a multi-million dollar business, the manager lost his job. Instead of them, Universal, Sony BMG’s strongest competitor, has one hit after another with the band. Three albums have been released so far. A few days ago, a Best-Of-double-album was released. A CD with the songs in german, a CD with the same songs in English. The big mistake that has settled in the heads of clueless adults is, that Tokio Hotel is a casted boygroup. They have never been. Well, Bill and Tom already wanted to become rockstars when they were in second grade. But so the Rolling Stones had wanted, long before they actually became [rockstars]. The today 21-year-old Tokio-Hotel-frontman is more than just the head of an ageing teenager band with some pop ditties, that makes the masses scream. Kaulitz is one of those humans with unique charisma: androgynous, dramatic, glamorous. His band is getting less and less Nena, but more and more Nirvana.

A few weeks ago, arte [german TV channel] helped to make people as from 30, that have no daughter who’s into Tokio Hotel, call attention to this young man. The culture channel showed an episode of its series “Durch die Nacht mit…” [Through the night with…]. In this episode Bill Kaulitz met Wolfgang Joop – and not only the fashion designer has been over the moon with Bill since then. But one could have already known this a long time before. But nobody, who’s not in love with one of the Kaulitz-twins or Georg or Gustav, comes up with the idea to watch videos on their homepage or to attend a Tokio Hotel concert. Otherwise much more people would have already noticed that the girls, who had thrown “Diddle”-mice or bras on stage in the past, simply recognized who stands in front of them: an extraordinary young man, who has got what it takes to become a world star.

Translation by TokioHotel-Info 


DE Bravo #52/2010

• They finally live at the Tokyo Hotel!

 Scans - by KirscheDeluxe

They did it! Tokio Hotel travelled to Tokyo as Youth Ambassadors for the campaign “Germany – Japan: 150 Years of Friendship” and fullfilled one of their biggest wishes. For years Bill, Tom [21], Gustav [22] and Georg [23] dreamed about playing a concert in the japanese city and they themselves have been surprised by the amount of fans they already had there. But hey: You also have a lot of faithful fans in Germany! Hope to see you back in Germany soon!
#1: Bill and Tom at the airport in Tokyo
#2: Singer Bill at the concert in the japanese capital

Translation by: Icey @ LoveTH-Music.com

Tokio Hotel - VOX Prominent, 21.12.2010

Merry Christmas from Tokio Hotel


2010-12-21 RTL Punkt 6

Dirty Talk mit Tokio Hotel! Tom: „Hör auf zu blubbern, ansonsten knallt's im Karton!“

Watch video HERE >>> Bild.de

Da schlackern einem ja die Ohren, wenn man den Jungs von Tokio Hotel zuhört! Die vier Magdeburger ranzten sich beim Autogramme-Schreiben in einem Hotel in Tokio gegenseitig an.
Hier ein kurzes Gesprächsprotokoll:
Als Bill (21) seinem Bruder eine Autogrammkarte an den Kopf knallt, sagt Tom (21): „Hör auf zu blubbern, ansonsten knallt's im Karton!“
Dann plaudert Tom ein wenig aus dem Nähkästchen. Erzählt, dass der langhaarige Georg (23) einmal in die US-Sängerin Kelly Clarkson verliebt war. Als der sich beschwert, ruft Tom: „Steh doch dazu! Ich stehe doch auch dazu, dass ich Angelina Jolie mal hübsch fand.“
Frontmann Bill mischt sich ins Gespräch ein und Georg schimpft: „Warum mischt du dich überhaupt ein? Du willst Britney Spears f*****!“ Bill kontert: „Na und! Besser als Gülcan oder Collien!“
Und wo sie so schön in Fahrt sind, werden noch mehr alte Geschichten ausgepackt. Wieder ist Bassist Georg das Opfer.
„Weißt du noch, wo wir bei Georg in die Flasche gep**** haben und er es getrunken hat? Ach das weiß er noch gar nicht. Ups“, erzählt Tom.
Lautes Gelächter, Bill haut sich auf die Schenkel. Tokio Hotel haben das Hotelzimmer in Tokio in ein Kinderzimmer verwandelt!
Später haben sich die Jungs aber wieder im Griff. Beim Essen wird Friede geschlossen.
Bill und Tom sind am Wochenende zurück nach Los Angeles geflogen, wo sie jetzt mit ihrem Produzenten David Jost an neuen Songs arbeiten.

Here is a translation ;)

Credit Herzblut THUS-Translation - BILD.de - Dirty Talk with Tokio Hotel

Guy: We have never seen Tokio Hotel this way. At their three-day-journey to Tokyo the boys show themselves from a completely different side again. At their arrival still having a surprisingly similar style [to his brother Tom], Bill showed his new look later. With a new hairstyle, close-cropped sides and teased top layer of hair. And not only that, also the tone among the brothers is different. Both swear as much as they can when signing autographs.

Bill: Psh!
Tom: Stop bubbling, or I’ll give you a slug! … Bill, I haven’t signed there anywhere, you’ve changed the cards…
Bill: Tom, you have put them down here for me! Are you daft, or what?
Tom: You’ve got a screw loose, boy…
Bill: You have just put them down here for me!
Tom: I have not, they weren’t for you!
Tom: Just look at this!
Bill: Tom, I have not done this! Tell me, am I crazy? You have put them there for me!
Tom: Here, yes, and why haven’t you signed it, when I had put it there for you? You are missing here!
Bill: Oh, me?
Tom: Now…?

Guy: And when they’re just in full flow now, they also reveal some old stories…

Bill & Tom: That was in 2005! Or even 2006…
Georg: Well, definitely 2006…
Tom: And back then, the dear Georg was in love with Kelly Clarkson! … Just admit it! I also admit that I once found Angelina Jolie pretty.
Georg (to Bill): I wonder why you even butt in, boy – you want to f*ck Britney Spears!
Bill: So? Better than Gülcan, Georg!
*Twins laughing*
Tom: Gülcan… Nah, Collien! ….
Tom: Or when peed into Georg’s bottle and he drank out of it afterwards… Oh, he doesn’t even know yet?
Bill: Oops…

Guy: But afterwards the boys can control themselves again. At lunch they make peace.

Bill: Cheers to Tokio Hotel in the Tokyo Hotel.


Jan - InRock #325 (Japan) - Tokio Hotel

Scans and translation by theresa/THCN


Exclusive Photographs from Hamburg. TOKIO HOTEL’s (TH: for short) interview before they come to Japan.

“On the stage, I hope we can follow the things that can really stimulate ourselves from the deep hearts.“


TH sparked quite a stir among fans. TH accepted the interview from magazine photographer in Hamburg when they were busy with preparing for the South American tour’s rehearsal. Their latest on-site interview and photos are released for everyone right away. In fact, we had interviews with Bill and Tom before. It was published on Vo13 INROCK★POP!Please pay attention!

---Hello, Bill, I’m very glad to talk to you. It is quite excited because it is the first time to talk with you guys. Can you hear me?
: Yeah.

---Ok, what is your schedule for today?
: I got up very early this morning (editor’s note: Berlin time, 12 o’clock), I’m a little bit sleepy right now. Actually if I don’t have enough sleep, I can not do anything well. I’ m that kind of person, but it doesn’t matter! We are doing the rehearsal for South American tour in Hamburg’s rehearsal room.

: Yeah, all the band members are doing the rehearsal.

---Well, can you tell me some details about the South American tour? Such as theme, Setting or anything is ok.
: It’s been almost one year since we began to go on tour. For the new album- Humanoid, we began to go on tour from April in Europe. We have been to many countries. We also performed on Asian MTV awarding ceremony. (I think maybe meaning EMA,editor got wrong) And we had good performance in Singapore and Malaysia. With this new album, we have done a lot of tour for a good while. Finally we made South America as the ending. We were really happy that we had our wish fulfilled, because we always wanted to do so. The first tour is in November, I guess. We are looking forward to it. All he settings were carried from Europe, so the scenery was exactly the same with Europe. The theme of the tours was still “Welcome to Humanoid City”. It was the first time to meet fans in South America which was so great. And every one in our band had our own solo performance. It was really awesome and we were very nervous.

“We go on a tour round the world as a normal band instead of being made or produced, so we are so lucky.”

---It’s unfortunate that I haven’t watched your show yet. What do you guys think of your own show? Is it conceptual or dramatic? Or is it a rock show?
: Just as you said, the theme of the tour is “Welcome to Humanoid City”. In a word, we got the inspiration from the album of “Humanoid”, so we prepared several sets of cloths for the show. I changed my cloths 5 times as well. In the conception of creating our own city, we made “Humanoid City” as the theme. This was pretty cool. This time we explored some creative adventures and experienced many new things too. All the members in our band played keyboard or piano or different kinds of instruments. So it was a new experience for everyone. It was a fresh and exciting show, although it was based on the album of Humanoid.

---You must spend a lot of money, after all your show was not over after your performance.
: Yes, the more we spent the more success we got. We hoped we can give all the fans a real show. The music was connected with everything. So we wanted to have perfect costumes, perfect stage. Everything must be matched perfectly. My birth sign is Virgo. In all sense, I am a completist. To let all the fans enjoy the show as much as you like, even as to forget to leave, we made lots of efforts. We hoped everything was perfect.

---When you are on the stage, your characteristic is the same with yours in daily life or not?
: I think the most important point is to reveal myself naturally on the stage. I don’t want to give you an impression that I tried to act like some one else or I am assigned to be another person.
In the creation stage, I hope we can follow the things that can really stimulate ourselves from the deep hearts. As a band, we have been together for almost 10 years. We have got lots of stage experiences, so we can express ourselves naturally on the stage. It’s very important to contact with fans, which is related to the album. So we don’t think we are playing some roles. As for me, what I pursued is to try new things and make the show fresh and new.

---Where did you get the inspiration of changing the way you perform? Movies? Music? Or books?
: Sometimes I can get inspired on the trip. There are many ideas. To write them down I always carry notebooks and pens with me on the walk or trip.Sometimes I got some inspiration from fans all over the world. And sometime I got inspired by others’ PV. The last way is to listen to our own songs. I had lots of new ideas as I listened to our own music. The way to make PV or design the cover always came into my mind when I was doing the recording in the studio. What inspired me on the album of Humanoid are the things that we don’t have on the earth. The cosmos, the aliens and science fiction unknown things are all the background of this album. We wanted to put all these elements on the stage. It was very difficult to figure out what we exactly want to do and how to do it and finally make a conclusion. Comparing to other albums, this album is full of electronic sounds, which sounds a little different. All the members tried different kinds of instruments. It was also a good idea on stage or external looking.

---As you mentioned just now, the album of Humanoid is different from other albums. This new album is more refined. And you guys pad more attention to melody. It’s conceptual. The previous albums impressed me as a rock music album.
: Yeah. But we didn’t plan to make this kind of album at the beginning. We didn’t have any conceptual thoughts. We figured out involuntarily after we got into the studio. We gathered in the studio. I combined all the themes and ideas in my mind gradually when I wrote and composed the songs. The title of the album was the same, so all of this was not we planned in advance. I didn’t think anything like this at the beginning of writing. After I finished writing and producing, I began to think about the title, art designing, stage and so on. As last, I summarized all the ideas and made a complete album. This album was definitely different from the previous albums, but it’s what we wanted. We expected something different. Because we took this album seriously, we spent a lot of time in the studio. I don’t like to make a deadline or something and then I do my job according to the schedule under a big pressure. Usually the record company released a new album and then talked to us about next one. But it’s very important that we have enough time to relax, and we gather in the studio. So we went to many countries and saw many streets for this album.We even went to LA, Miami and Hamburg. We met all kinds of people in cities all over the world and worked with many producers which really helped us find inspiration a lot. It was very cool. This was also a new experience. Just because we spent lots of time and energy, we can figure out how to make a good song.

---Oh, I got it. Bill, you are a super star like God in music world. And do you know why so many people are obsessed with you? What do you think? Is there anything that people understands you?
: I don’t know. Just because I don’t know, so I can express myself naturally on the stage with no purpose. I don’t define myself as any particular person. I am not gonna tell fans that next time which type I will be or what I will look like. What presents in front of you is exactly who I am. When I was a little boy, I put on make up and dyed my hair. That was me. Now in our band I still do what I want. It’s very important for us that we are true to ourselves. Georg and Gustav are totally different from me, maybe. Nowadays there are quite few bands like us. “We go on a tour round the world as a normal band instead of being made or produced, so we are so lucky.” There are so many German bands like us, I appreciate it a lot. Just enjoy it. We don’t have any secret. Coz we don’t even know what we will be, we become sort of super star by accident. If there are any bands like us, I believe I must be obsessed with them as well. (Laugh) To be honest, I was really touched as we went to so many countries. When we were in Asian early this year, everyone sang with us together. I was really happy. It was pretty cool for me as an artist at that moment. I was excited to see that kind of scenery. And finally we can go to Japan soon, so I cannot wait any more.

“We were born in a small town. There were many things that we didn’t like.”

---We can not wait either. Your brother and you look like exactly the same. But in our previous interview, it was reported that your characteristics are totally different. Tom also said you two are like the two sides of the coin. Is that true?
: Yes, you are right. I cannot imagine how I can live without Tom. We are together all the time no matter what we do. I feel we are like one single person. Although we are different on catachrestic, style and ideas, we are perfect when we are together. Because we do every thing together, I cannot imagine what kind of life I can lead by myself. We founded this band together and we went to school together, till now we never separated from one another. The maximum time we separated is no more than 7 days, so actually we are almost together every day. It’s hard to say, there is something that only identical twin brothers can understand. We have some kind of connection like the sixth sense. Even though we are not together, we know what is in the other’s mind. It’s unbelievable. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but I guess this is what identical twin brothers have.

---The most unimaginable thing is that you had the same score. I heard that both of you had the same score of 1.8 when you were in high school (editor’s note: the way German score system is different from Japan’s, 1 is the highest). You were such good students.
: Yeah, (laugh) Tom and I didn’t like to go to school. I think the most terrible period of time is school days. I wanted to make music since I was a little boy, and I just did what I wanted, so I didn’t have much time to study. I had a feeling that we were supposed to be somewhere else instead of school. School’ life was tough. We were born in a small town. There was no one who had the same hobbies and thoughts about life with us. At that time our dream was to go to some bigger cities to make music. The days we spent in that small town were not happy, coz we hated school. There were many annoyed teachers there. But our scores were good, so it was all right.

---You said you have written songs for a good while, what kind of style is your next new song?
: I kept collecting all kinds of ideas. I think the first thing I have to decide is the date we go to Japan. And we are going to South America later on (editor’s note: it is after Japan’s tour). It comes to a conclusion for this year. We will come back to the studio and start it over. We will spend more time than last time. Coz we need to think about what we want to do and what kind of music we want to make. So it’s the moment of collecting ideas. After we come back to the studio, we will write songs with our producers like a family, which must be very cool. We look forward to the new album with new songs. And we also expect the next year.

---When will the new album be released?
: I don’t know yet. I just have some ideas and wrote several songs, but I cannot tell when we will release the new album. I promise it will be amazing.

12th Nov. Published Hamburg

The confidential inside story from photographer of INROCK are exposed.



Because I want to take some photographs for TH, someone told me that I couldn’t tell anyone the specific location of rehearsal. I had to switch off the GPS system. I just knew I was in the suburbs of Hamburg, but I didn’t know the exact location at all. I could say it was in the suburb of Hamburg. I guess even those crazy fans couldn’t find where it was. Anyway, if TH’s fans knew the location, it would be out of control. And it is because of this kind of thing, Tom and Bill had to move to LA. There were still some paparazzi tracking us there, but at least it was under the control. TH could go shopping there, coz it seems that they are not as famous as they are in Europe. I was guided to rehearsal room. There were accommodations, rehearsal rooms, bed rooms and garages. A new white race car is parked in the garage. I just wanted to ask whose car is it. I immediately found it is Tom’s. I said to him “You live in LA. How can you park such a nice car here in Hamburg?” Tom said: “I have another one in LA.” They signed a contract with Audi, so they are sponsored in US. By the way, to my understanding, Tom is the most mature. Two years ago, when I met him in France, he was a boy at that time. But now he is a brilliant young people. When we were shooting, Bill wore a pair of 10cm high heeled shoes. To reduce the height gap, considering the balance of the photos, he stood with his feet planted wide apart.

They talked with each other in Germany. But if there was ant problem, Bill replied me politely in formal English with a little accent. Tom and Bill’s English are much better than 3 years ago. Maybe it’s because they live in LA right now. But they need to work with Germans most of time, so both of them communicate in German. In the rehearsal rooms, the drum sets are reproduced. So they kept it in another room and tried to make it silent. To avoid the influence of noise, they made lots of efforts. There was a foosball table in the main room. When Bill was shooting his own picture, they played earnestly. Coz I was busy with shooting, I didn’t know which one won. Tom and Gustav made a team to fight against Georg, so I guessed Georg was the best. After shooting, we went to the airport in a black car, which gave me a feeling that we were spies who kept the secrets. If we were questioned, I would never betray, never. (In fact, no one noticed us. The customs officers with less experience saw our scan photo. And they thought some suspicious images were some parts of a bomb). Haha!!!


Vanity Fair #50 (Italy) - The Tokio Hotel Effect

  translation by Herzblut./thus

The Tokio Hotel Effect

During they prepare their new album, and a Best Of got released, the band of Bill Kaulitz became an “educative” phenomenon.

They don’t prove otherwise for their Best Of album either (released on 14th December): it will be released in three versions, English, German and a double CD. After the release of the DVD Humanoid City Live in July, the four young singers do not quit making german music. Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg had been singing in their mother tongue for years, before translating their songs into English and playing on international stages (at the moment they’re in Los Angeles to prepare their new CD, which will come out at the end of 2011.)

And therefore the band is getting the reputation to be “educative”: because of them fans on half of the planet have discovered the german language. It’s the “Tokio Hotel Effect”, in the opinion of the Goethe Institute (the most famous language school for German in Italy): In the last years, many classes have been booked out, and Germany is famous for study trips again. And in 2009 the band had been chosen as “Sprachwahrer” (Language Preserver), the highest reward of the magazine “Deutsche Sprachwelt”, which is for the spread of the German language.

Tom's Blog 17.12.2010


Meet Buck!

Ne nette Animation für Zwischendurch...

Meet Buck!

Pretty neat animation....

Watch HERE

10-12-17 - 100 Prozent Otto - Kommentare Bill und Tom

Bill and Tom are talking about Otto Waalkes' synchronization work for the movie "Ice Age".

Tom: That's the thing that everybody picked up on.
Bill: Exactly. I think this is what our generation rather knows from him.
Bill: He simply brought that jocularity into the movie and gave the figure its character. So it even goes beyond his synchronization work actually, because he just had a giant influence on this movie.


Bill: There's still such a personal thing with it. He is really in close contact with his colleagues and they'd take part immediately if Otto says he makes a new movie. Everybody wants to take part immediately then.

Translation by TokioHotel-Info

Tokio Hotel in Japan at German Embassy (Dec.13, 2010) [By YG]