Happy Birthday GEORG!
Happy Birthday Georg!
Happy Birthday Georg, We want to wish you all the best! We hope you are having a great time on your birthday. Thank you for all the memories, and thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us! We hope you always keep succcedding, and never forget that we will always be here for you, no matter what!
❤ our favourite bassist.
Happy Birthday Georg, We want to wish you all the best! We hope you are having a great time on your birthday. Thank you for all the memories, and thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us! We hope you always keep succcedding, and never forget that we will always be here for you, no matter what!
❤ our favourite bassist.
Tokio Hotel VIP Call 30.03.2012 - Singing In The Shower
Transcript by THWonderland:
Bill: Hey you, it´s Bill from Tokio Hotel! We´re sitting here all together to answer another fan question and the question today is: do you sing in the shower?
Georg: mhm...
Bill: I think it´s for everyone. I mean I definitely sing in the shower like...
Tom: I never sing. I never sing... It´s true! I mean I never sing...
Bill: I sing all day long honestly. Especially when I´m alone at home and everyone else is just gone and I´m in an empty house or something I´m like singing all the time.
Tom: And especially when bill just woke up it sounds amazing! I mean...
Bill: No but I sing all the time. I think yeah it´s just normal. I think everything is like that. But ehm ja... I sing under the shower, I sing everywhere. So...
Georg: For me it´s not the shower. For me it´s more the toilet where I like to sing. A lot of fun...
Tom: You sit like the whole day, do big business and..
Georg: Yeah and sing some songs!
Tom: Right!
Bill: That´s why you´re such a good singer. Cause you spend so much time on the toilet...
Georg: True!
Bill: You can practice a lot...
Georg: Yes..
Bill: Alright! Have a great day and hear you soon. Bye
Promiflash - Ready to Rock: Bill Kaulitz zu Gast bei GNTM!
Ready to Rock: Bill Kaulitz zu Gast bei GNTM!
Die heutige Germany's Next Topmodel-Sendung war mal wieder höchst nervenaufreibend. Doch Maxis (17) Rausflug am Ende der Show sollte nicht das letzte Highlight gewesen sein. In der Vorschau für nächste Woche konnte man bereits sehen, dass die Mädchen rockigen Besuch von einem Promi bekommen, der in letzter Zeit mehr oder weniger von der Bildfläche verschwunden war: Bill Kaulitz (22)!
Nachdem die Teilnehmerinnen der beliebten Model-Show in der heutigen Folge irische Tänze erlernten und sich einem schweißtreibenden Training mit Supermodel Coco Rocha (23) unterzogen haben, wird das Coaching in der nächsten Woche „Stage Diving“ lauten. Bei einem wilden Rock-Konzert sollen sich Heidi Klums (38) Mädchen in die Massen stürzen und sich so richtig gehen lassen. Wer könnte ihnen dabei besser unter die Arme greifen als Tokio Hotel-Sänger Bill?
Dieser lebt derzeit mit seinem Bruder Tom (22) in Los Angeles und machte in jüngster Zeit vor allem durch sein ungewöhnliches Äußeres von sich reden. Auch in der kurzen Vorschau fiel er sogleich durch sein farbenfrohes Styling auf. In einer neongrünen Nieten-Jacke und mit stark zurückgegelten Haaren nimmt er in der kommenden Folge den Platz neben Heidi ein. Wir sind gespannt auf seinen Auftritt!
Ready to Rock: Bill Kaulitz visits GNTM!
Today's Germany's Next Top Model show was again very nerve-wracking. The departure of Maxis (17) at the end of the show, will not be the final highlight. In the preview for next week's show one could already see that the girls get a visit from a rock celebrity, who has not been lately, or rather has been just a little in front of the spotlight: Bill Kaulitz (22)!
After the participants of the popular model show in today's episode learned an Irish dance and a sweaty workout have undergone with supermodel Coco Rocha (23), the coaching in the next week, "Stage Diving" is loud. In a wild rock concert, Heidi Klum's girls have to fall into the crowd and let go. Who could give them a better helping hand better than Tokio Hotel singer Bill?
This is currently living with his brother Tom (22) in Los Angeles and recentley everybody talked about his unusual appearance. Even in the short preview, he immediately show his colorful style. In a neon green jacket with sharp peaks and strong hair styling takes place next Heidi. We are looking forward to his appearance!
Die heutige Germany's Next Topmodel-Sendung war mal wieder höchst nervenaufreibend. Doch Maxis (17) Rausflug am Ende der Show sollte nicht das letzte Highlight gewesen sein. In der Vorschau für nächste Woche konnte man bereits sehen, dass die Mädchen rockigen Besuch von einem Promi bekommen, der in letzter Zeit mehr oder weniger von der Bildfläche verschwunden war: Bill Kaulitz (22)!
Nachdem die Teilnehmerinnen der beliebten Model-Show in der heutigen Folge irische Tänze erlernten und sich einem schweißtreibenden Training mit Supermodel Coco Rocha (23) unterzogen haben, wird das Coaching in der nächsten Woche „Stage Diving“ lauten. Bei einem wilden Rock-Konzert sollen sich Heidi Klums (38) Mädchen in die Massen stürzen und sich so richtig gehen lassen. Wer könnte ihnen dabei besser unter die Arme greifen als Tokio Hotel-Sänger Bill?
Dieser lebt derzeit mit seinem Bruder Tom (22) in Los Angeles und machte in jüngster Zeit vor allem durch sein ungewöhnliches Äußeres von sich reden. Auch in der kurzen Vorschau fiel er sogleich durch sein farbenfrohes Styling auf. In einer neongrünen Nieten-Jacke und mit stark zurückgegelten Haaren nimmt er in der kommenden Folge den Platz neben Heidi ein. Wir sind gespannt auf seinen Auftritt!
Ready to Rock: Bill Kaulitz visits GNTM!
Today's Germany's Next Top Model show was again very nerve-wracking. The departure of Maxis (17) at the end of the show, will not be the final highlight. In the preview for next week's show one could already see that the girls get a visit from a rock celebrity, who has not been lately, or rather has been just a little in front of the spotlight: Bill Kaulitz (22)!
After the participants of the popular model show in today's episode learned an Irish dance and a sweaty workout have undergone with supermodel Coco Rocha (23), the coaching in the next week, "Stage Diving" is loud. In a wild rock concert, Heidi Klum's girls have to fall into the crowd and let go. Who could give them a better helping hand better than Tokio Hotel singer Bill?
This is currently living with his brother Tom (22) in Los Angeles and recentley everybody talked about his unusual appearance. Even in the short preview, he immediately show his colorful style. In a neon green jacket with sharp peaks and strong hair styling takes place next Heidi. We are looking forward to his appearance!
Bill Kaulitz @Germany's Next Topmodel Preview [With Audio]
"Preview of Episode 06- Das fly to the sky shooting.
Bill Kaulitz will be present at the next episode of "Germany's Next Topmodel". He was at the "stage diving"-photo shoot with Heidi Klum's models in Los Angeles. The episode will be aired next Thursday, 5th April 2012 @ 8.15 PM (German Time) on PRO7"
Bill Kaulitz @Germany's Next Topmodel
You can see Bill, starting at 0:20!!!!!!
It will be aired April 5th!
It will be aired April 5th!
BTK Picture Bill & Tom
I know, I shouldn't be posting a picture of the BTK app... and that I might risk this blog to be closed...but..take a look at Bill and Tom smiling..[not a good reason?]
Bravo #7/2012 [Romania]
Translation by chris_shadowkat
Tokio Hotel: A new beginning, in L.A.
What’s new with Bill and Tom? They are preparing their comeback, in California!
Two guys are walking down the streets of Hollywood. One of them is wearing a leather jacket, a cap and sun glasses, while the other one has his hair in cornrows and wears baggy clotheses. Are these two Americans rockers? No, they are Bill and Tom Kaulitz (both age 22), members of Tokio Hotel! There’s a lot of silence surrounding them lately. Their last album, “Humanoid”, was released in 2009, and since then there was nothing new regarding Tokio Hotel. But the waiting for the fans comes soon to an end! The twins have moved to L.A. to work on new songs and, as we found out, the majority of the songs are already composed. Their colleagues, Gustav and Georg, will join them soon, in order to start recording. The two have remained in their hometown, Magdeburg, Germany, but they keep in touch with the Kaulitz twins. Meanwhile, Bill is gathering information about the rock music across the Ocean and hopes that, soon enough, he could hold a concert in an important US festival, along with the band. “Last year we were at Coachella and had a great time there”, says Bill. After a long break, a new song will be released, in May, entitled “If I Die Tomorrow”. The song is a feature with the American electro band Far East Movement. “Bill has a unique voice and we really wanted to work with him”, say the four guys. BRAVO will keep you informed about Tokio Hotel’s evolution!
Next to Bill: Bill without a cap: He dyed his hair blonde.
Above the twins pic in the car: The twins move around the streets of Hollywood in an Audi R8 GT, which costs €193.000.
Between the twins: Two mega cool brothers: Bill and Tom have settled down in Los Angeles.
Next to Far East Movement: The first single, after a long break, will be a feature with Far East Movement.
Starity Magazine - [Hungary] Hollywood's most famous twins
Read some of our latest compilation twin heroes who suddenly became famous acting, music, or by modeling.
Kaulitz twins
Tokio Hotel is a unique pair of twins, in 2005 they became known. The twins from Germany to started huge fan base known of ownership for many years, conquered almost all hit list. On September 1, 1989, they were born in the city of Leipzig. The problem is that many teachers hated the twins. Regular career start mass hysteria surrounded them, and many people visited them in Loitschei to the house where the boys lived, but not to harass them, but everything everything that made the twins move to Magdeburg. The twins currently live in Los Angeles.
[google translate[.]
Kaulitz twins
Tokio Hotel is a unique pair of twins, in 2005 they became known. The twins from Germany to started huge fan base known of ownership for many years, conquered almost all hit list. On September 1, 1989, they were born in the city of Leipzig. The problem is that many teachers hated the twins. Regular career start mass hysteria surrounded them, and many people visited them in Loitschei to the house where the boys lived, but not to harass them, but everything everything that made the twins move to Magdeburg. The twins currently live in Los Angeles.
[google translate[.]
Popcorn #4/2012 [Poland]
Translated by Soiree from www.tokiohotel-news.pl
QUIZ - Check what do you know about: Tokio Hotel
Short test of knowledge! Real TH fans will answer our questions in three
seconds. But is it for sure?
Check it out!
1. How has the band been called before they changed their name into
present one?
A. Automatisch
B. Devilish
C. Tokio Motel
2. When Gustav and Georg joined Kaulitz brothers?
A. 2000
B. 2004
C. 2001
3. Kaulitz twins' zodiac sign is:
A. Gemini
B. Virgo
C. Libra
Tokio Hotel VIP Call 27.03.2012 - Tom In The Studio
Transcript by THWonderland:
Tom: „Hey you, it´s Tom speaking, your favorite member of Tokio Hotel! And I just wanted to let you know that we all hanging in the studio right now. Ehm I´m actually the one who was working. The other guys are hanging at the pool, watching a movie called "Two girls and..." I don´t know. Ehm (laughs) I just burned a really cool demo version of a new track and I play the bass. So it will be amazing. And...ehm ja... I keep you guys posted. See you soon. Bye!
Bravo #353/2012 [Portugal]
Scans by Kadyfreilitz
Major Change
Been a few years since we know him as one of Tokio Hotel. Bill always surprises us with his style and continues to do so.
Now, the singer left the darker style, "cleaned up" makeup, dyed his hair blond and grown a beard, dyed blonde too. Since moving with his brother to los Angeles we lost track of TH's leader , but we've returned to "get him"
Por Ti [Mexico] - Tokio Hotel, defenders of animals, yes!
Tokio Hotel, defenders of animals, yes!
Recently the boys from Tokio Hotel came back to show signs of life and we love that! Because we miss hearing them sing and seeing their crazy looks that when they disappear they leave an emptiness in our hearts.
But enough sadness, this is good news!
The Kaulitz brothers has always maintained strong ties with humanitarian organizations and animal protection and this week presented their campaign with PETA, the animal protection organization.
"How do animals feel?" Wonder Bill and Tom on the posters of last season and thanks to his personal blog boys respond to that question.
Tom uploaded the behind the scenes of photo session where we can see chains, stained with blood, caged, tied to poles, always in small spaces to recreate the usual treatment of animals in captivity, especially in the case of circuses and zoos.
Did you know that Tom and Bill are vegetarians?
Recently the boys from Tokio Hotel came back to show signs of life and we love that! Because we miss hearing them sing and seeing their crazy looks that when they disappear they leave an emptiness in our hearts.
But enough sadness, this is good news!
The Kaulitz brothers has always maintained strong ties with humanitarian organizations and animal protection and this week presented their campaign with PETA, the animal protection organization.
"How do animals feel?" Wonder Bill and Tom on the posters of last season and thanks to his personal blog boys respond to that question.
Tom uploaded the behind the scenes of photo session where we can see chains, stained with blood, caged, tied to poles, always in small spaces to recreate the usual treatment of animals in captivity, especially in the case of circuses and zoos.
Did you know that Tom and Bill are vegetarians?
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