
BTK Message

 Bill: Look who I met


Bill: Hey everybody we wish a Happy New Year. We hope you had an amazing time celebrating with your family and friends. For us it is still 2011 so we are looking forward to our night and just can't wait to get the new year started. So we're getting ready for our party and hope that you guys are still partyin' so we definitely have a toast for you guys tonight and wish you all the best, thank you so much for your support and we love you guys so much.
Tom: Yes,celebrate hard,have the best time. You guys deserve it and See you next year.


Ich wünsch euch allen ein frohes neues Jahr!
Mögen all eure Wünsche und Träume in Erfüllung gehen!
 I wish you all a Happy New Year
May all your wishes and dreams come true!

Les deseo a todos un Feliz o Nuevo!
Que todos sus deseos y sueños se cumplan!

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