
Tokio Hotel in an English book [Portugal]

Bild.de - Alarm bei Madame Tussauds Wer beklaut die Wachs-Promis?

Mitte – Schmuck-Diebe treiben bei Madame Tussauds ihr Unwesen! Immer wieder stehen die prominenten Wachs-Damen ohne Ohrringe da. 
 Und „Tokio Bill“ wurde gleich ein ganzer Finger geklaut.
Alarm im berühmten Wachsfigurenkabinett Unter den Linden.
Wer klaut denn da? Sind etwa kriminelle Banden zwischen Britney Spears und Rihanna am Werk?
PR-Managerin Nina-Kristin Zerbe (32) vermutet eher, dass Fans die Schmuckstücke als Souvenir heimlich einstecken.
Zerbe: „Die werden teilweise richtig aus dem Ohr gerissen. Das ist ärgerlich, da nicht nur der Ohrring ersetzt werden muss, sondern das ganze Ohr.“ Die Schmuckstücke sind Original-Ohrringen der Stars nachempfunden, müssen oft vom Designer wieder neu erworben werden.
Beliebte Opfer: die Wachsfiguren von Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman oder der jungen Hildegard Knef.
Zerbe: „Männerohrringe, zum Beispiel von Justin Timberlake, werden fast nie geklaut.“
Der Figur von „Tokio Hotel“-Sänger Bill Kaulitz stand sogar plötzlich ohne Zeigefinger da.
Zerbe: „Man benötigt eine enorme Kraft, um den Finger abzubrechen.“ Die „Operation“ hat rund 5000 Euro gekostet.
In Zukunft werden die Mitarbeiter wachsamer sein. Denn lieber sollen die Fans etwas da lassen. Wie die unzähligen Liebesbriefe an Robert Pattinson oder Robbie Williams...

Alarm in the Madame Tussauds Who robbed the celebrity wax? 
Jewelry thieves of the wax museum Madame Tussauds in Berlin are free! More and more, wax celebrities have appeared without earrings. 
 They have robbed the entire finger of Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel.
 Alarm at the famous wax museum Unter den Linden. 
Who steals? They are criminal gangs out to get Britney Spears and Rihanna at work.
 Nina-Kristin Zerbe (32), public relations manager of the museum, suggests rather that the fans see in jewelry as souvenirs. 
 Zerbe, "The most common is a partial tear of the ear. This is annoying because not only we  have to replace the earring, but the whole ear. The pieces are original to the model used by the stars, and  the designer has to buy them again."
 Popular victims: the wax figures of Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, or the young Hildegard Knef. 
Zerbe: Men earrings , for example. But Justin Timberlake, rarely stolen.
The wax figure of singer" Tokio Hotel "Bill Kaulitz appeared without a finger.
Zerbe:" It takes a tremendous force to restore finger ", the" operation "has cost around 5000 €.


Cool Girl #10/2011 (Romania)

Translated by chris_shadowkat

Bill Kaulitz: “I don't have a girlfriend, because of the lack of trust…”
Due to his controversial look, Bill always raised questions regarding his sexual orientation. However, what he wishes is a sensible girl, like him…

Question: When you were 8 years old, your family moved to the countryside, in a town of 700 people. What has this meant for you?
Answer: I didn’t like it, not even then I wasn’t a fan of the countryside life. You can all imagine the way I and Tom stood out everywhere we went. People looked at us as if we were some kind of aliens or lunatics. And to get to school, we had to wake up at 5 A.M. and take the bus for an hour and see the same faces every day. It was horror, I must admit..

Q: How did the teachers react to the Kaulitz Brothers phenomenon?
A: Tom and me were together all the way to the 7th grade, when we were separated for disciplinary reasons. Right! Anyway, we were always talking and they said they couldn’t control us, while we were still together!

Q: Did you like going to school?
A: I always knew I do not need what school has to offer for me and I wanted to be a musician. And because the teachers were always on my head, I’ve studied my rights, as a student, and I knew what they were allowed to do to us and what not. And I was always protesting! I had teachers that never salute, because my hair was too weird and I had black finger nails. I even remember that one teacher didn’t want me as his student for this reason… So, no, I didn’t like going to school!

Q: So, in your case, we can say that music was the salvation from a common life…
A: Obviously! I always wanted to live in a large city, to walk around… I am scared to death when it comes to talk about routine! This is why the concept of Tokio Hotel fits like a glove on me: I have all the freedom I want!

Q: The media is constantly watching you, doesn’t this bother you?
A: When I was little I always imagined how everything I do is being videotaped with a hidden camera. I wanted constant attention. Now I have it, so why would this bother me?

Q: Regarding the freedom mentioned earlier, your outfits are a clear statement that you are not willing to make compromises…
A: Yes, the fact that I always experiment with my look means uncensored creativity. I want to be the person who decides what image I show the public. Because of this, I’ve never turned to a stylist, just the idea or wearing something imposed by others is horrifying.

Q: OK, so no stylists. Is there, however, a style icon, as a source of inspiration to you?
A: No, not even this. There are some people who help me grow, who give me new ideas. People like Karl Lagerfeld. And, as a brand, Dsquared. And when it comes to music and appearance, Steve Tyler form Aerosmith is brilliant!

Q: You haven’t mentioned Adam Lambert. He talks a lot about you in his interviews…
A: Yes… I appreciate him a lot, but I don’t want things to be interpreted in a wrong way. He has all the right to talk about me, if he wants to, no grudge at all. It even tickles my ego (Laughs).

Q: Talking about appreciation, do you think there will be someone in your life to compete against Tom?
A: Of course not! I couldn’t imagine my life without Tom. There’s something extrasensory between us. There are many times when we share the same dreams, the same thoughts. We don’t even need to talk that much; we understand each other without the use of words.

Q: What differences are there between you guys?
A: This is really funny, we are actually very different. We both have strong personalities, which you can see in our styles. I am more of a glam style; Tom is more of a rapper.

Q: Whom are you closer to: the natural Bill or the stylish Bill?
A: No doubt the stylish one, with make-up and put together. The natural Bill is not that different. In other words I would present myself the same way, even if I wouldn’t be famous. But this doesn’t mean that I do not like to spend my time in flip-flops and a robe, in front of the TV….

Q: Which is your favorite clothing item?
A: This really is a tough question, there isn’t a piece of clothing I can’t live without during tours. This is why I usually carry 10-20 suitcases with me… My dressing looks like a real clothing store. I know it’s a bit extreme, but I absolutely love it!

Q: At every Tokio Hotel show the fans are crazy after you. How does this make you feel?
A: To be honest, I don’t think to much at this. However, there are times when I can’t believe that someone has a poster with us on their wall. I was doing the same thing with my idols when I was younger…

Q: What is the most annoying thing of being Bill Kaulitz?
A: The most biggest problem of people like me is to trust people near them. It’s kind of hard for me too… Maybe this is why I haven’t made a new friend in the last years or I haven’t felt in love with someone. When I meet a new person, I am extremely careful and skeptic. It sucks, but this is a risk of this type of lifestyle.

Q: So, you do not have a girlfriend at this time?
A: No, I am still waiting for that special person I’ve been talking for years. Good luck I am still young (laughs). But time flies by and I need to step up a bit.

Q: But when you succeed in connecting to someone, what kind of relations do you like?
A: Although it may seem surprising, I am an emotional and sentimental person… I like to understand how the other person thinks and feels. This way you avoid the quarrels and confrontations.

Q: Does it surprise you that some people consider you a gay person?
A: Not at all. Some of them think it as a cliché: the make-up and the hair means gay. But this is not the case in all the situations, at least not in my case. Everyone looks the way they want and this has nothing to do with the sexual orientation.

Q: What kind of girlfriend would you like?
A: She needs to be intelligent, so we can talk about everything. I want us to be friends, partners, not only lovers. And I don’t like tough girls, I care about the femininity, delicacy, and common sense!

Q: You’ve moved to the U.S.A., is this a first step in concurring the world?
A: Ha-ha, yes, it’s about that too. We want to enlarge our horizons… To make a new album, much more modern. You will see the result soon, I promise! Anyway, we like it a lot, I go with Tom in amusement parks, we play tennis, we enjoy the overseas’ anonymity. So we take advantage of it, as much as possible. :) Who knows, maybe here I will increase my chances of meeting someone…

Cool Facts

Bill’s motto: “Always remember, believe in today, believe in tomorrow, believe in yourself. Believe in everything you do, every time”, which he repeats at every concert.

Don’t know if you thought about it, but Bill doesn’t dances! “I don’t like to dance, I rather stay in a corner. There are times when I do it, but only after having a few drinks. I think dancing is more a girl thing, I know it’s a cliché…”

Bill is a vegetarian, so is Tom. This way they’ve learned to enjoy pizza and pasta (they’re favorite meals) in no meat version.

Unhappy experiences, as a consequence of celebrity. “Someone broke into our house in Germany, and this really scared me.” Because of this, they’ve moved to Los Angeles, a more secure place for celebrities.

Bill suffered a surgery on his vocal cords, three years ago. Despite of this, the vocalist returned quickly on the stage, for his fans.

A tough thing for him was the divorce of his parents, coincided with the moving to the countryside of the two siblings. Good luck that artists have the opportunity to let go of their feelings into their work, Bill did just that with the song “Gegen Meinen Willen”, on their first album.

Impre.com - Tokio Hotel nominated at the MTV Awards O Will they win again?

Here there are again  the MTV O Awards, where they recognize the successes over the Internet throughout the year and once again Tokio Hotel are nominated in the category "Fan FTW Army," which won last time take the prize.

After having gone through its first contest, The MTV Awards will repeat the experience to reward all the musical innovations of one form or another come into contact or are directly related to cyberspace.

That's why Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, George and Gustav are nominated in the category of "Fans" because they are the group that possesses perhaps the most fans in the world and more followers but even if social networks do not show it right now .

Tokio Hotel fans not only have "aliens" but go beyond, is a very close family that fights for the interests of the band and give better recognition to each of them.

That's why this time we must express the unconditional support he continues to receive Tokio Hotel, despite being a bit out of show business, but this is normal as found in preparation for their new album as some languages named: "Dark Anthem," "Scandal" or "Rock Revolution". Meanwhile we leave the link for all those aliens to vote for Tokio Hotel and re-take the prize for "Fan Army FTW"

Although this time they have it a little bit more difficult since they are competing with  Adam Lambert, Demi Lovato, Insane Clown Posse, Iron Maiden, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne and Taylor Swift. Is this hard truth? Do you think Tokio will take the prize again?


Rheinpfalz.de - Wer ist noch mal Tokio Hotel?

Original Article

Translation by mufasa/thus 

Who is Tokio Hotel again?

Ex Teen band Tokio Hotel prefers to stand on the stage in Asia, than in this country

For over 2 years, Tokio Hotel seems to be swallowed by Earth. Dream-Teen-band at this moment prefers their international career, instead of taking care of fans here - and despite of that, girls are still loyal to them.

East German art was never so good: identical twin Bill (Singer) and Tom Kaulitz (guitarist), bass-player Georg Listing and drummer Gustav Schäfer were 6 years ago with such a hits as 'Durch den Monsun', 'Schrei' or 'An deiner Seite' successfull Popstars, who spreaded their vanity in all kind of media. Sold out Tours, screaming girls and such a prices like Bambi, Echo or various MTV Awards were for now 22 to 24 years old musician, just a every-day reality. After release of the third album, in 2009, they wanted to breathe a worldwide air, not only German, and, according to their Record Company, made a 'media break' for Germany. That means no interviews, no concerts, no Tv apperances, nearly nothing from the scene.

In the beginning of the 'German break' female fans were in tears everyday. Meanwhile, they dried, and in this country you can't hear anything about TH, cause those diehards are fighting for the attention in America and Asia. "Trend shows that international traffic about Tokio Hotel in Internet is still very high" says Andreas Kraus, menaging direct from SUnlab GmbH Company in Aschaffenburg, who has a website: www.mytokiohotel.net. "In Germany, requests are a little bit on lower levels. This topic is for us a little bit out." Despite the last entries on the forum from May 2011, Andreas Kraus won't close the wbesite. "Even though we don't have large number of new registrations, some fans replace others on the website. And only few of them cancelled our Newsletter." says Krays, who has reduced his work on the technical side of the website.

You can't be sure about also about actual location of the official Fanclub, who at first wanted to express their opinion, but then, just like a record company, they had no better information. However, much more opened are old TH fans, who are happy for they steps abroad, despite the fact that they miss them. "We can always say with a proud, that this successfull band comes from Germany" says Sina Hernandez from Essen, who is excited about the band from the very beginning, and met band members on the concerts, in front of the hotels and during Autograph sessions. "First time I was so nervous, but then I saw that they are exttremly nice and whats more, Tom is exactly so sassy and funny as you can see him during interviews."
This 20 years old schoolgirl experienced Tokio Hotel concerts 12 times, and is still impressed: "They stand out from others with their Look and self-written songs and despite the success, they are down to the earth. Sina also thinks, that their few years abscense won't mean that the German fans will forget them. "When they will be somwehere around me again, I will buy a ticket for sure." she says exicted.

Many others fans are sure, that the big hype around Tokio Hotel is in Germany definately gone. "However, they will still be successfull and will establish their name in music industry." thinks 23 years old Sabi K. from Hanhofen. The banker is a fan since 2007, and is linked to all new friendships and exciting experiences, like a trip for a concert to Nancy. "I met so many people, I can't imagine my life without them now. This is except the music, the most beautiful, personal gift, that guys gave to me, even If they don't know it" Sabi explains theit connection to TH. Whats more, in their opinin, popgroup had a big impact on their lives. "Since I'm a fan, I've noticed, who is really my friend. There were people, who didn't want to know me, just because of TH!"

That's why Sabi forgive boys, as they are called by their fans, current abscence. She thinks that distance from the spotlight is good for Bill and Tom, who live in Los Angeles now. "I don't understand when someone is not a fan anymore because of their moving, or when someone says he hates them." say Sabi, and she's close to TH everyday and goes not only with their music under her body. As a dedication to the band, she has their song title: In your shadow I can shine, tatooed on her left arm.


Bravo #20/2011 (Russia)

Scans by ?

Time to be blond!

1) Tom is walking along Hollywood Walk of Fame.
2) Black hair is gone.
3) Beard and “hair” - it’s very sexy (“hair” in this context means some unusual hairstyle. They don’t use Russian word that means “hairstyle” but English one, and it changes the meaning a bit)
4) The twin-brothers rushed to their car.

Wow! We can say “good bye” to his distinctive black hair! Tokio Hotel frontman Bill Kaulitz became blond! And we should note that it unbelievably suits him! The rocker, who changed his image, together with his brother Tom went to eat to the Hollywood restaurant “Katsuya”. When he was walking the street everyone was turning round. It’s impossible not to turn round because he is amazing in such a rock style. His brother Tom, on the contrary, is still true to his style and doesn’t plan any changes of his image. Let’s see!

Translation by Haylie @ TokioHotelNews.Ru


Official USA Fanclub - MTV Europe news about new album = false

The Rumours about Tokio Hotel releasing a new album in spring 2011 are false.

 Official USA Fanclub:

"We have found out that MTV Europe is saying that WE are the source of the official album news. We would just like to go on record as saying THAT IS 100% NOT TRUE.
The article they read on here is this text from OK Magazine from Croatia. Which, as you guys know, most of these magazines are just cobbled together half-facts, old news and stuff they make up.
(post they are claiming that we said TH is releasing an album)

So, to clear this up, and WE ARE LOOKING AT YOU, MTV EUROPE, the news of a new album from Tokio Hotel is NOT TRUE until Tokio Hotel themselves announces it.
Hopefully, they will show some integrity and admit that there information is not correct so fans that are already complaining that “Tokio Hotel better not be late!111!!!11!” when Tokio Hotel has not even said they are making a new album will SIMMER DOWN."


La Fotonoticia [Peru] The vocalist of Tokio Hotel, drastically changed his look

Scan by ?
The vocalist of Tokio Hotel, drastically changed his look
The fans of Tokio Hotel were taken by surprise when they saw Bill Kaulitz, vocalist of the pop rock German band, with a completely different look. Bill who was always characterized for always presenting himself with an androgynous image, he appeared at a restaurant in Los Angeles where he celebrated his 22 birthday together with his twin Tom- with blonde hair, beard, and a septum piercing..

Glamour.de - Bill Kaulitz darf in unsere Top 50 Männer einziehen

Bill Kaulitz darf in unsere Top 50 Männer einziehen

Herzlich Willkommen, Bill!

Vielleicht liegt es an Bill Kaulitz' neuem Styling, vielleicht an der Tatsache, dass er inzwischen auch in den USA ein Promi ist: Sie haben sich gewünscht, dass der Frontmann von Tokio Hotel Einzug in unsere Top 50 Männer hält - und Ihr Wunsch ist uns Befehl. Bill hat es auf Anhieb auf Platz 23 geschafft und ist damit glatt vor Olivia Palermos Boyfriend Johannes Huebl, "Maroon 5"-Frontmann Adam Levine und Emma Watsons Bruder Alex gelandet. Bereits vergangene Woche standen die Sterne für den Kaulitz-Zwilling gut: In unserem Style-Duell haben Sie sich für Bill - und gegen Jared Leto entschieden.


Obwohl Bill und sein Bruder Tom jetzt in Los Angeles leben, ist es um die Jungs kein bisschen leise geworden. Auf ihrer offiziellen Webseite kündigten sie gerade erst an, dass es in Kürze eine Tokio-Hotel-App für das iPhone geben wird, mit der man in den Genuss der "Bill & Tom experience" kommt. Wir sind gespannt.

Top 50 Männer
Ob Bill Kaulitz in unserer Liste der Top 50 Männer ein paar Plätze weiter vorrutschen darf - oder ob er sie womöglich bald wieder verlassen muss, entscheiden Sie: Voten Sie mit und lassen Sie sich überraschen, ob Bill   "Twilight"-Star Robert Pattinson oder "Doctor's Diary" Liebling Florian David Fitz vom Thron stürzen kann.

Google trans:

"Welcome, Bill! 
Maybe it's Bill Kaulitz 'new styling, maybe the fact that he is now in the U.S., a celebrity: You have requested that the lead singer of Tokio Hotel entrance into our top holds 50 men - and your wish is our command. Bill has made ​​it immediately ranked 23, making it smooth before Olivia Palermo's Boyfriend John Huebl, "Maroon 5" frontman Adam Levine and Emma Watson's brother Alex landed. Already last week, were the stars of the Kaulitz twins well: in our style duel you have for Bill - and decided against Jared Leto.

Tokio Hotel app 
Although Bill and his brother Tom, now living in Los Angeles, it's not a bit about the boys became silent. On their official website they announced just beginning, that it will shortly launch a Tokyo hotel app for the iPhone, with which one will benefit from the "Bill & Tom experience". We're curious.

Top 50 Men 

Whether Bill Kaulitz in our list of the top 50 men may continue sliding forward a few places - if he or she may soon need to leave, you decide: leave with votes and be surprised if Bill "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson or "Doctor's Diary "may fall favorite Florian David Fitz from the throne."



2011.09.15 -- PROnovosti -- Bill's new style - English Subtitles

Tom's Blog - Y-3!



Viel Spaß mit Yohji Yamamoto's Y-3 Spring Summer 2012 Kollektion - wir fanden sie auf jeden Fall super ;)



Enjoy Yohji Yamamoto's Y-3 Spring Summer 2012 collection...we certainly did :)

Watch Video & Comment@ Tokiohotel.com;  Tom's blog


Chinese Fans say "I love you" to Tokio Hotel

Really nice video ;)

MTV.com - Tokio Hotel is Back in the Studio [Rumour]


Their Brand New Album Will Be Out in Spring 2012!!!!  

It’s been a while since we’ve seen our favorite German Rockers, Tom and Bill Kaulitz, Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer and I know we’re all on the edge waiting to hear their new material but looks like it’s all heading our way very soon according to Tokio Hotel's official US website!

The boys haven’t really been performing much lately but that’s because they moved to Los Angeles and are spending night and day in the studio to work on their new album which is to release in Spring 2012!

Tokio Hotel are a groundbreaking and unique band and always deliver, that’s what’s got fans across the globe going crazy over them.

Their first album as Tokio Hotel, Schrei, sold more than half a million copies worldwide, their second German album Zimmer 483 and their first English album Scream which have combined album sales of over one million copies worldwide. There’s no doubt this album will follow their successful trend.


 {nothing is confirmed by the BAND. }



BILD- Die wandlung des Bill Kaulitz

Translation by: Icey @ LoveTH-Music.com

The transformation of Bill Kaulitz
Los Angeles – Blond-dyed hair, a wild five-day beard, oversized sunglasses. Really cool! But is that really him?
Yes, only at second glance you can clearly see that this is Bill Kaulitz (22)! The singer of Tokio Hotel radically changed his appearance in the US. Gone are the times of his androgynus, long black hair – the new Bill looks completely different.
Even his loyal fans barely recognized the german Rockstar. He’s just that wonderfully unpredictable…

Tom's Blog - Checkt den neuen Drink von einem unserer Freunde!


Checkt den neuen Drink von einem unserer Freunde!

Wenn er dir gefällt...klick "Gefällt mir"! ;)


Check out our friend's new drink!

If you like it: "Like it" :)


2011.09.15 - Leute heute - Bill's new style - English